Add upgraded versions of structures specifically to the ENGINEER 2 squads, and add basic MG Nest to ENGINEER 1 squad

With the addition of the “High Caliber” update, HMG nests made the appearance on the MG squads. Unfortunately, this made the engineer squads, especially engineer 2, almost obsolete. The exception is for the ability to build AA guns and occasionally AT field guns.

Currently, Engineers are capable of building the primary structures from any squad. These include:

  • Sandbag walls
  • Barbwire Coils
  • Czech Hedgehogs
  • Ammo Boxes
  • Rally points

While the Engineer specific squads get access to AA guns, field guns, and basic MG nest (only on Engineer 2).


  1. Engineer 1 Squad
    1.1. Give them the ability to build the Basic MG nest.

  2. Engineer 2 Squad
    2.1 Many of their structures act separately from the standard versions that can be put up by other engineers.
    2.2. Their Sandbag walls, instead of being the standard flimsy sandbag walls, be a variant that is filled with concrete rather than sand, which was actually a fairly common practice at that time.

    These would be grey in color rather than the current tan to be able to differentiate between the two. These would be immune to explosives and HMG fire, while the standard type would not be. Limit is 10 per player.
    2.3. Barbwire Fences rather than Barbwire Coils.
    WWII fences
    These are already seen as static terrain in some of the campaigns such as Moscow. Basically rather than a coil along the ground, these would be upright fences that could not be jumped over. However, in addition, AI will do what they can to NOT go through these. Pushing up against them will give the same effect that walking through barbwire currently does. Limit 10 per player
    2.3. Czech Hedgehogs
    Hedgehog with wire
    Again, similar to terrain that we see in existing campaigns such as Normandy and Berlin. Its a standard hedgehog, but wrapped in barbwire. CAN ONLY BE PLACED OUTDOORS. If infantry get too close, they take some damage. Limit 4 per player.
    2.4. Upgraded ammo piles. Holds about 2.5x as much ammo resources as a standard ammo box. Limit is 2 per player.
    2.5. “Blitz” Rally points. Allows PLAYERS to spawn on them, even if there is a nearby fight. It will pop up a warning that there is a nearby fight, but allows players to spawn if they so choose. These overlap with standard fortifications for restrictions. Only 1 rally point, either Blitz or standard per player.
    2.6. AA guns come with standard sandbags surrounding them. These can be broken with the standard means, but it provides a little more initial cover. These overlap with standard fortifications for restrictions. Only 2 AA guns, either standard or fortified per player.
    2.7. Field guns stay the same. Still is limit of 1 per player.
    2.8. For the MG Nest, an upper portion of sandbags would be added, creating a window for the MG to sit in. Limit 1 per player.

These suggestions are based largely on terrain that we see existing already within the game. Engineer specific squads have really fallen by the wayside, and could really use a buff. These could add a good dynamic shift to the game.


I love every single suggestion you make, definitely something devs should test out.
your effort in making these so detailed needs appreciation.


I’m glad its being appreciated.

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Always a good read.

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Would be also great if defenders could spawn earlier so they could prepare some defenses. I don´t know if you´ve mentioned it before. Just a random thought.

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Oh I have, but its usually met with a lot of resistance from the players that are only focused on constantly rushing the objective.

At the very least, “Invasion” mode should have some time given between objectives. Though ALL modes should show where the next objective(s) are going to be for the DEFENSE side, and not make them GUESS where it is going to go.

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It definitely takes the engineer 2 squad out of being a bonus when the top and sub-top infantry weapons are unlocked.

Just one more idea I had, they should replace the flak cannons in the engineer 1 squads with flak machine guns and give each nation’s unique flak cannon to the engineering 2 squads, while remaking the flak cannon overheating mechanics

No, It will make destroying that rally point become very difficult. It will keep spawning soldier even you are fighting near it, so you will not have chance to get close.


What I find odd, is that sometimes I have the ability to stack sandbacks on top of one another…
While other times, no matter how much I reposition myself to get a better angle… I’m not allowed to stack the bags.

For example; in these two pictures, I am able to stack 3 of them together, while the other side I was not allowed to stack a second.

It’s really nice being able to stack them head-height, which provides soooo much more protection.

Just wish they were more durable… like what you have been suggesting

yes, this is the only thing i don’t agree with from the post, perhaps it could be so this rally wouldn’t have queue time and you could just spawn like at default one

OR to actually put a default one, but somewhere closer and different angle, garrison kind of thing, that would be great!

it works only in one direction

That doesn’t even make sense :face_with_monocle: :thinking:

Can you elaborate? How does it only work in one direction? If you can build on top of one sandbag, why can’t you build on top of another that’s identical?

dude it’s a bug, why does it have to make sense

build sandbags in 4 directions, one of them will work and sandbags will always stack if placed in that orientation

this is new information

The actual reasons for this are:

  1. It must be a mostly or completely flat surface to start with.
  2. You are not allowed to fully block the AI from getting into the objectives.

Some areas I can block up no problem (not that it lasts very long since every explosive obliterates sandbags), others not. My best luck stacking sandbags is when i build up an area that is NOT on objective, Such as a MG nest from a flank. The other is in a corner of the objective. The farm map in Normandy for example, the red barn is one of my favorite objectives in the entire game because you can build almost everywhere inside of it. Anyways, I can stack sandbags in a corner up and around the sides of a standard MG nest. It makes for a fairly safe area from which to shoot, but it requires about 5-8 sandbag walls and doesn’t leave many for other areas.

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in fact I would add ideas for squads who can have an engenier,for example LMG guns,I can give the Japan Example who can have shields,example


for Snippers a small shield who can be build for te engenier who is in the squad like the ones who they where used a few in WW 2 but mostly in WW 1 used for the snippers or any infantry who wish use it