Defenders suffer (An invasion without balance)

Because they are the most numerous sandbags in this game
A good game will ensure that players always have sandbags to punch.


Knows a lot for his first post.


Just because I didnā€™t write doesnā€™t mean I didnā€™t read it. This forum is toxic and posts like: the defenders are suffering, Germany is suffering, the Germans donā€™t have a 100-round machine gun appear here regularly.

The forums are here for people to vent lol. As for hanging around on old caps that happens for every faction when you have a braindead team (which is most of the time) But the issue is when you cannot even run back to the cap before the enemy start capping. This is not the case for every map or objective but there are some that have very little distance between caps with long distance from defenders spawn point.

The game is supposed to be fun, when you feel like the game is actively fighting you it becomes frustrating which iā€™d like to think the devs donā€™t want to happen. my biggest gripe is the location of some of the grey zones for defenders. If is to prevent spawn camping why are there grey zones on the flanks that the attackers can use but not the defenders?


Nice, and you sound like a classic fan of certain youtubers.

And just reading a forum for the sake of complain is cleary not toxic or weird at all.
So is writing first comment that everyone but you sucks I guess.

So PsychoParrot is representing 70-80% of the community?
Cool. Weird math, but cool.


You can go back on every map. attackers are not any faster than defenders. If youā€™re slow, thatā€™s your problem, learn to play better. Fun means something different to everyone, what I and other people enjoy about this game is that the game is not just an f2p clone of call of duty, but that the game gives you a reward in the form of experience that makes you a better player.

How about we switch roles where the Soviets and allies play nothing but defender most of the time and the Japanese and Germans played nothing but attacker and then weā€™ll see how you feel afterwards


Long live belt fed MG for Germany just like bipods will happen one of these days

I played for the Americans yesterday and the day before yesterday I played defense 80 percent of the games. Itā€™s been half and half for the last few weeks. Seeing that you spam the forum more than you play the game.

Which BR do you play at ?

and this is my second account so Iā€™ve played this game plenty already on Xbox

I play everything except Japanese and Russians. Americans 2.0, 5.0. Germans (I prefer Italian weapons) 5.0 and 2.0. Itā€™s half and half defense/attack everywhere.

Who flagged this one ?

my guess is xbisquitsx. I think that he is against the moderation of the forum, since he considers the forum to be a place where people should ā€œventā€

playing at BR 2 and 5 is the way to play if you can since it negates a lot of the problems with matchmaking. Problem is only the people who have been playing a long time have the luxury to have enough equipment unlocked to do that. Iā€™m currently at BR 3 while still working my way up the tech tree and i donā€™t want to not use all the equipment iā€™ve unlocked in order to stay at BR 2.

The current system is not very good for new players grinding down the tree since it can be pretty brutal if you only have a few BR 3 rated equipment facing full BR 5 squads. Itā€™s noticeable when your M1 Garand starts requiring 2 shots to knockdown and a third to finish them off and their all carrying assault rifles.

Although we are a bit off topic now. Also iā€™ve not flagged anything and was only half joking about the venting comment. Since that seems to be what you are doing now lol

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wouldnt mind

its one of the reasons why 2 point assaults are horrible, way too easy to recap another point.
Ofc idk how it would work out with single point.

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Why donā€™t you get a 2.0 build? If you only have 3-4 3.0 br weapons and the rest 2.0 itā€™s your fault. Many people play this game precisely because it is not simple but complicated and can be played in different ways. If this game is simplified to a call of duty style, a lot of people will leave.

I donā€™t know who reported it, sarcasm cannot be expressed in writing.

You can be a deserter
Or disable level 3 equipment

In my opinion, speed of capturing/recapturing is overall way too fast.

If your team sucks, sometimes you donā€™t have time to even build rally pointsā€¦

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You mean deleting 70ā€“80% of what ONE person considers to be not of his own standard, and who is too dumb to not get baited by the mentally disabled German mains?
Yeah, sure. I donā€™t know why that is just dumb and atrocious.