Defenders suffer (An invasion without balance)

Germany has various advantages and the largest population
Have the most monkeys in the game simultaneously

I dont think that will make dumb teams easier to play withā€¦
Beause if they are too short = enemies will (re)capture them too fast
Because if they are getting slower = enemies can better react to the capture process and you also need more time to capture as well.

Two points are simply too much for now. One point is durable I think for average attacker team.

Thatā€™s why Iā€™ve previously suggested the number of unique squads should influence cap speed, rather than number of unique bodies.
Bigger squads made of more bodies would have still kept their advantage, since you still need wipe whole squad.
But if all your AIs dies by random explosion on the way to objectives, you are effectively useless in the matter of capturing.

I believe, it would reduce capture speed as well. Two players who would run to the objective with full assaulter squads (14 bodies) couldnā€™t take the whole point in just a few seconds.

But whatever, this idea was rejected by the community.


Nobody is asking for it to be simplified to call of duty standards, or at all. There are not a lot of people who play this atm anyway but when the steam release hits there will likely be a large influx of new players, if the new player experience is bad they will not stick around and the game will eventually die. Again iā€™m not asking for it to be simplified at all but only for there to be more matchmaking tiers and less annoying mechanics like the flank grey zones and para dropping directly on the point.

Also the few BR 3 weapons was an example i have squads fully equipped with BR 3 equipment all max level and i can be competitive at BR 5 if both teams suck otherwise iā€™m either at a huge disadvantage or we win before i get much of a chance to do anything. You must of noticed how many games are stomps one way or the other right? This is not healthy for the player base if it is ever to become more than a small community of players like you who only play the specific MM tiers and already have all the equipment and troops maxed.

I would love matches with more players and enough people to have good matchmaking without filling it with bots, which it currently just doesnā€™t seem to have.

If someone comes to the forum to complain that (faction name) needs better/worse equipment/weapons/vehicles etc, itā€™s just unnecessary spamming or grief. Since the game is balanced, there are developers who know much more than the players. Players who only played one faction often complain and want the developers to weaken the faction they are playing against. If a person who just lost a game comes to complain on the forum: I just lost defense, change the whole game mode because I just lost ONE GAME, itā€™s just plain griefing and he should get banned.

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So if people just want a Pershing for US, is it also spam?

You really didnt read the forum.

Because yeah lets trust devs that dont even show the true weapon stats but requires you to look at datasheets made by dataminers.
Or that they dont fix the matchmaker because they think its finr.

Im pretty sure WarFrogs statements and opinion are not based on one statement nor from most people here.

No thatā€™s not the problem, I win 1v3s all the time, itā€™s part of being a bot farmer. The way I win these encounters is to throw engineers at the point, and building as many defenses per life as possible over a period of time, first put vertical barbed wire at every window and door except for the ones facing your spawn, next rotate and place Czech hedgehogs with a sandbag in doorways that might have weak spots, then place a ammo box and your set, they wonā€™t be taking the point.

However if thers a point that can be captured outside of the building itā€™s built on (Chiefs house on Pacific) abandon the point and have the next point memorized, the worst thing you can do to you chance of winning is try and fortify those points.

whoa was it always been ducking or did someone change the title

I changed it since ***** *** little ******* got buthurt over ā€œtheir way of lifeā€ being subjected to fair change.

In other words they flagged me.

ā€œI overestimated my skill despite being outnumbered by my opponents, and need something other than myself to blameā€.

ā€œFortifications seem like an excellent scapegoat.ā€

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in case tank goes through the front door

lucky you.

Iā€™ve done this 1v3 against these specific players multiple times in the past, everytime I fortify the point they are unable to take it. This time I was unable to win because the moment I started to build they were already at the point and I tried by best to throw endless engineers at the point building as much barbed wire, hedgehogs, and sandbags as possible, but kept getting killed.

If defenders are not allowed enough time to set up a point, why even have barbed wire, hedgehogs, and sandbags even in the game? They cannot be used they way they were intended so why even have them?

Also the amount of time it takes to spawn, run back, (while bayonet charging) dig a hole, (With max shovel speed) and build a rally point, (With max building speed) is longer than the time it takes bots to move from the previous point to the next point. So explain how defenders are even remotely balanced when the point can be halfway gone and already flooded with enemies when you finaly get done building the rally point?

Your logic honestly offends me because many people think like you, itā€™s honestly scary since the devs are more likely to listen to ā€œyour kindā€ all because you all hold a similar opinion. (By the way which campaign do you play? I main Pacific Japan and get defenders 99% of the time)

Why should a single player be able to singlehandedly deal with 3?

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20 barbed wire, 15 sandbags, 10 Czech hedgehogs

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This isnā€™t about me, defenders suffer just as much in a 10v10

If you place it just right with a sandbag, players wonā€™t be able to get through. It takes a long ass time to disassemble a hedgehog too.

still waiting for that tank to go through the doorsā€¦

in case you didnt get itā€¦ they should ban building of czech hedgehogs indoors.


Balance wise, one cannot say defenders sufferā€¦ they donā€™t.

They have unlimited tickets. A team with brains use it to their advantage: human waves take a totally real meaning here. Defenders can rush to MEET the attackers without fear of loss, ahead of the cap zone. They let their bodies pile on without fear.

Assholes even suicide bomb without repercussions (hope something will be done vs those).

As for building thingsā€¦ a good builder know when the point WILL be lost, and retreat BEFORE it is. Situational awareness. If the enemy is faster, itā€™s only because the defensive team failed to read the flow of battle.

  • all of this, was taking into account, fair teams. With uneven ones, thereā€™s nothing to do but hope devs will fix things like stacks vs teams without.

Defenders have the high ground/ often have map advantage.
Defenders have unlimited tickets.
Defenders have it far easier to spawn camp (often due to point 1)
Defenders (often) directly spawn at CPs.
Defenders do not have time pressure.