Criticism of explosives/TNT

Criticism of explosives/TNT.

No explosive charge could completely destroy a tank, not even TNT if it is not placed correctly. I ask you to change this because it is very unrealistic if e.g. a Panzer IV or higher is completely destroyed as a result. A loss of crew would be more likely.
Example: T34 firing at Tiger… Projectiles are mostly ineffective, so how can an explosive charge that distributes its detonation force in all directions be more effective? Or a Panzerfaust 60 that releases its power in a concentrated manner sometimes needs several shots at T34. Illogical!

Explosive charges should only, if at all, damage the tracks, rollers or mobility of the tank. Which again leads to the conclusion that the explosive charge has more explosive power than a TM-41 anti-tank mine which is filled with approx. 5.4 kg of explosive material. Same with TNT.



Get good and stop dying.


Another guy who thinks tanks should be nigh-immune to infantry.

Ever considered not driving close enough to enemy infantry that they can lob explosives at your tank?


even if we disagree with bikers, I must agree with this, at least the idea about remove them and make the counter part of every nation it’s more fitting


Ever considered not driving close enough to enemy infantry that they can lob explosives at your tank?

Kinda tough with the current map layout.

The TNT packs should be nerfed and replaced with an interaction that effectively simulates a grenade thrown in the hatch. Yes this means you have to climb on the tank.


they are many tactics

Tanks are situational tools.

They have powerful weapons, but are balanced by their limited LoS.
Better LoS via advancing closer to the frontlines is a tradeoff that comes with risk.

Since the game is infantry-based, use your better judgement to know if a tank is a good idea to spawn in the first place. Maps dictate the usefulness of vehicles.

They aren’t and shouldn’t be treated like killstreaks where hopping into one guarantees kills with minimal risk to the user.


Hear hear!

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First off, the game is mixed combat at its core.

Secondly, many of the heavy tanks were DESIGNED to be front line, spearhead attackers. Meant to be right there with infantry, and even serve in some cases as a shield to block MG fire that might be locking down an alley and such. Treating them solely as “BiG gUn” is part of the reason there is an issue in the first place.

As far as balance of the explosive pack, if it were only able to disable tracks or such, that would be one thing. The fact they can outright oneshot tanks instantly is the issue. Look at molotovs for example: If aimed correctly, they can cause a fire in the engine and kill it over time, but there’s no issues there. Because its not an insta-kill.

That’s not what we are asking for. We simply wish for a tank to have its rightful survivability, and not have to be afraid of EVERY SINGLE INFANTRY.


I’ve said the exact same thing for a while now, and hopefully with more people (new players, steam players, fed up vets) trickling into the forums, we can finally get this heard!


Here we go again.

Someone show me how tanks are struggling, in general, to score boatloads of points and kills. To often control the game.

I’ll wait.

Yes, tanks also can be killed. Deal with it!

Tanks spawn endlessly and can easily kill dozens of soldiers with one HE shell.

The period of time where explosive packs bounced was pretty crappy. Explosive packs are FINE the way they are.

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hehe…tanks dont struggle to get points thats for sure. players might struggle to use them in a way that actually matters…but getting some score isnt really an issue.

…Unless you have got a Veteran on the opposite team that likes to spend his game farming vehicle kills (:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: )

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Sorry, anti-tank weapons are necessary. You seriously can’t believe that tanks should fear a stick of dynamite.


The difference is that tanks exist to protect cannons from small arms. Tanks are supposed to waste infantry, that’s why they were invented.

Thus, anti-tank rifles, mines, etc were invented. If a little TNT could destroy a multi-ton tank then they wouldn’t have developed as they did.


But having an endless stream of high tier tanks rolling into battle, two at a time, with no end in sight, is also fantasy. Several high tier tanks are non-trivial to kill with some of the high tier AT weapons and field guns.

Nerfing or eliminating explosive packs would have a massively detrimental effect on gameplay (except for tank mains) in my opinion.

Low BR? Wouldn’t be so bad but still not a needed or helpful change.

The issue is gaming cheese vs. immersive balance. There were anti-armor weapons:

But they should be only available to certain squads or classes.


Only if we start controlling vehicle spawns somehow. As long as people can chain smoke tanks like KT2 (along with other vehicle issues), this just will not be helpful for the game.

Dynamite spam is worse. Maybe people will actually mark tanks if they need help.

Of course, bigger maps would solve a lot of issues.


Well, let’s agree to disagree. Your thread (not this one) points out that you’re a newcomer. Perhaps you’ll have a different opinion later. I’ve seen tanks be dominant enough in many matches over ~2.5 years to know that they are not really victims.

BTW, I thought most or all of your suggestions in your own thread were good. Unfortunately, you fell into this one so I’m not commenting in yours as it’s lost in the ether and you’re busier with this.

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