Any solution for grey zone campers? Aka tanks

Staying in grey zone can be seen as a way to not engage in combat or exploiting maps to be out of reach of the enemy defence mechanic. Stay in grey zone and only shoot inside the point. If some where saying impact nades dont require skill then that requires even less.
Campers dont need to be penalized much so maybe reducing their xp earning by staying in grey zone? Blur the vision?


There have been many good suggestions,

Basically, highly incentivizing players to work together as armor and infantry to push forward, would solve a very large part of it.

Changing up the way the greyzone works a bit would help too.

Lastly, if the lines were able to be properly fortified, you would see a need for tanks to push forward to actually help infantry push through. They would need to for their own sake as well, because proper fortifications should render an artillery tank borderline useless, unless the front forces helped punch a hole.

If you wanna thank anyone for the Gray zone camping tanks you can thank some of the fools in this suggestion who want to make sure they live in the Gray zone forever.

Criticism of explosives/TNT - Suggestions - Enlisted

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I see its already being taken care of. No need to prolong the discussion. Thanks for the info

Grey zone tanks have limited LoS.

Plant rallies that would allow your team to spawn outside of view.

tanks camping outside the map bounds is fine, just dont spawn on spawns

do you even listen to yourself or are you just that much of a professional contrarian?

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Well, your best option is:

250kg of love from above.


Japan Br2…… airplane carrier that is horrible mechanic and most have its takes forever. If the plane is hogged by “bots” you are SOL. There is no way. You have the type97 at gun but aiming for the ammo from 200/300m away. Only a few can do that and it takes several tries. The grey zone camping is not the right atitude. Its like spamming…

They’re only living there because there’s no reason to push forward if every soldier they could bump into has an explosive pack


I believe its more because its easy and relaxing not to be threatened. Shot from a metal box far way….

“Dont be ScArEd… cum here little tankie”

It would be nice if tanks could spearhead some charges but considering almost every soldier has an explosive pack it’s much more Profitable to live in the Gray zone


I think the biggest problem is mapdesign.

I like to remember how CBT moscow worked, basically the maps were build in the way that a vehicle was always surrounded by allied infantry - so that a tank would be a force multiplier- but still part of the actual frontline, tanks would play this game of being in the exact right distance to the enemy where they could not take them out with TNT (which basically was almost always a one hit kill), but while also still being protected by your allied infantry - which back in the day had much much stronger AI soldiers, flanking or simply walking past AI soldiers was almost impossible to do, being without cover was a death sentence.

So vehiclies did get punished with a very fast death for overextending, while there was no reason to stay super far back behind your lines because there were no reliable hand held anti tank weapons.

Nowadays distance is often the only thing that can keep you alive, one single soldier can simply walk pass numerous AI squads without getting hit and move over a hundred of meters behind the frontline and take out tanks at their spawn point, on some maps this is extremely crazy, or the train gamemode not even having any greyzone what so ever.

So the key to removing greyzone caming is that flanking must be much harder to achieve - while the map design should force tanks to move together with their allied infantry, instead of allowing them to shoot from within their spawn into the objective - or even worse into the enemy spawn points.



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This is basically how I play vehicles. I’m almost always directly supporting the infantry. Force multiplayer is my philosophy


What text are you even highlighting?

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I have suggested Flak Cannons that can act as high velocity AT guns, perfect for fighting targets at long range.

And your planes and tanks (when possible) can deal with them

Also I’m just saying is “gray zone camping” really that rampant of an issue. I know everyone has their own experiences but I always see complaining here but in my experience it’s not common. Yesterday there were literally two Stuarts charging into the objective and they won. And funny literally just as I was about to pull the Panzerfaust trigger I got shot

Not to mention I always say tanks are not the end all be all of the match. They are just a piece of the team. I’ve had matches where my team has King Tigers and yet we’ve still lost, almost like they aren’t some automatic win guarantee. It’s all about the dynamics of the battle

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Yes - plane or mortar :sleeping:

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Unfortunately this is my experience as well.

I’ve played the Spitfire for the longest time now, with no ground ordnance. But I’ve switched to the FP-3 now (100lb bomb) and even this smallest bomb tier makes the world of a difference.

Tanks are simply the most impactful component of any team. And the safety of the greyzone amplifies this to the point where the biggest impact on the match that you can have with an airplane is to remove the enemy tank.

The FP-3’s 12mm MGs are an ineffective middle ground between the 7mm and 20mm which I both prefer, so my A2A and anti-infantry efficiency has gone down by a bit.

But my winrate has skyrocketed. Being able to engage tanks with my plane made one of the biggest differences next to upgrading my infantry to Vickers, and that’s very telling about the spot that tanks are in at the moment.

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every Teammate can build a AT Gun with Engineers.
But jeah lower XP would be a nice Solution. Same with Grey Zone Artillerie spammer.