Ways to solve the grey zone problem

First method: Tanks are now unable to fire from the grey zone
A tank shouldn’t be able to rake up kills and kills and not be able to be destroyed by infantry. By making them unable to fire in the grey zone it forces them to be attentive and contribute to the fight more

Second method: XP multiplier the closer the tank is to the point
An example of this
In the grey zone: .6x XP multiplier
300 meters away from the point: .8x XP multiplier
200 meters away from the point:1x XP multiplier
100 meters away from the point:1.3x XP multiplier
<100 meters away from the point:1.6 XP multiplier
This gives tankers an incentive to support the infantry and help capture points



Too complicated. Just simply make map and objecive bigger so people can actually do straegic move instead of current run&gun + brainless objective rush.


Or just remove the grey zone


Maybe we should get rid of traditional caps to begin with, check Manuver mode from Tannenberg


I think they should just fix it bia terrain editing, making impossible for tanks to shoot at the objective without risking going in, also they should nerf explosive packs before anything lol, they also could increase the timmer for tanks to join the battle, like the planes, they could even make it progressive in invation modes, like first objective, only infantry allowed, second objective 1 tank and 1 plane for each team, then the third one 2 and 2 so it just doesnt become a fiesta of who can shoot more AP rounds at the objective in addition to the artillery spam over and the planes just crashing into the objective they could do that or just like the guy said above, just making them unable to fire from the grey zone, but that wouldnt be so cool, I also like the cap zone getting extended, like an entire zone with more cover so you just dont give away 8 kills to one guy that just started shooting ap rounds at the objective or the guy that just launched artillery instantly at the objective zone

i agree with the multiplier i would also add if the tank is close enough to the strategic point and infantry just took it it counts aswell, just cant capture by himself.

but regarding grey zone there are still plenty of ways to take out tanks so i wouldnt bother, but at least with the multiplier you are encouraging less players to camp

Well, it sounds good on paper but in reality tank in the grey zone will gain much more exp from sitting safely in the back and farming infantry than from rushing in the point and getting detpacked almost right away.

I’m definetely more in favour of completely rearranging the battle area. If possible there shouldn’t be any sweet spots available for the tanks to sit there and just shoot into enemy spawn. The whole area should be bigger, we should have even more potential spawn points to choose from to avoid large swarms of infantry getting out of one building for example (rally points partially solve that problem). And capture zones should be much bigger to reduce the meatgrinder effect.

One must first ask, why is there a grey zone? The first thought that should come to mind is spawn camping. The next thought, oh the devs gave a spawn shield for that. I get the annoyance of tanks or snipers in the grey area but you really don’t want to feel the wrath of pushing it back and being spawn camped. The grey area and means to neutralize the campers already exist in the game. (Planes, tanks, AT rifles, dynamite sprints into grey zone). If anyone has played long enough, you should notice some maps had the grey area expanded to balance the attacking position

I think punishing players for a flawed game mechanic is a pretty lazy fix. A better option would be to incentivise moving forward, or to give viable means to counter.

Tanks can’t fire in grey zone?

So I spawn in my tank, and I can’t fire from grey zone while enemy tank is shooting me seconds after I spawn? I’ve had my tank destroyed feet from where I’ve spawned by a spawn camping enemy tank or AT gun. I’ve had this happen on several occasions.

This is NOT a viable solution.

A tank spawning player should have ample time to check map and prepare strategy/approach to objective before driving off to their doom. If that player gets ambush upon spawn in you’re saying they shouldn’t be able to shoot back.


I dont even see tank “greyzone” camping as a “big” problem, since tanks are support units and are supposed to stay behind the fighting infantry.