Remove TNT Packs

Don’t call me crazy, no no, I want remove them for change for their own country stuff, like in the photos I am going share, they are examples, but with a proper research we can have some fun

adding extra from our beloved reaper: Remove TNT Packs - #2 by guardianreaper0

  1. You need to better clarify. There are “Explosive Packs” and “TNT” in the game. They are two very different things.

  2. I’m ASSUMING you are talking about explosive packs. In which case I agree. Remove them.

  3. If you want to add in an Anti-Tank grenade of each faction, they need to be limited to AT personnel.

  4. Overall, having a grenade with which to kill tanks carried by so many soldiers is the main reason why tanks aren’t pushing up. HLL is a very good example, where the only options for infantry to take out tanks are AT weapons or a satchel charge (which in Enlisted is essentially the TNT MINE). In that game, tanks are able to push up and work alongside their infantry, because they don’t have to worry about getting one tapped by just any soldier.
    Don’t get it confused though, tanks can still be killed in that game by an AT soldier that gets the right angle or a satchel that requires you to get point blank with them.

Tanks are something that should be FEARED by infantry, due to the fact they can’t be killed by ordinary weaponry. But when you can give a weapon that can kill them to every soldier, it becomes an ordinary weapon, therefore making the tank basically worthless.


I 100% agree, anything anti tank should be limited to, and only limited to anti tank personal, its so easy to be overwhelmed on the battlefield when everyone has the ability to destroy a tank.


Tanks are only worthless if you’re bad. Sure, if you push too close or aren’t actively looking for threats, you’ll easily be overwhelmed with detpacks. However, even just staying moving will keep enemies from being able to land good hits and kill you. I just had a match where I was able to dodge multiple detpacks…and then got killed by a TNT charge instead since there’s no indicator for infantry near your tank unlike grenades.

Detpacks being a grenade for any trooper also has a very important balance consideration many of us take for granted: It means giving up precious grenade slot space for something which has limited use in the infantry space.

Detpacks have a long timer and don’t have very good kill radius, unlike frag grenades. They also don’t lock down an area like molotovs. Additionally, they aren’t instant action like the (nerfed but still VERY useful!) impact grenades. It also means less smoke grenades which can be a very useful tactical tool.

Also, HLL is a terrible example to use for anything balance related, because tankers in that game are likely braindead. I’m not sure how they remember to breathe with how they play. Also, because of the abysmal progression system, people aren’t likely to offclass into other classes which means tanks that are in any way intelligent are terrors because not enough people have AT (or god forbid you’re russian and have to wait till AT EIGHT to get a bazooka like lol.)

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It still kills infantry just fine. Its stronger than the impact now that it got nerfed.
Not to mention that it can break cover with ease.

Majority of players I’ve met don’t use anything OTHER than Explosive Packs. They don’t need to, because of their sheer effectiveness and versatility.

I’ve seen quite the opposite!! I see tankers push up with their infantry and absolutely dominate an area.
Additionally, I’ve seen them use their tank to provide mobile COVER from MG fire. That is NOT an easy maneuver to do. It requires coordination. However it can be EXREMELY effective.

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Absolutely agreed. The generic TNT pack looks so lame. I am a person who loves these little details. Take for instance the TNT mine. The actual TNT stick looks different for all the factions in-game. I hope they can do something similar with the TNT pack as well.


Nah, grenades and impacts are still plenty powerful. People bring detpacks because they can kill tanks, not because they’re good against infantry or fortifications. I rarely see kills via explosion packs.

I’m glad you have, because I’m waiting for that one.

Correction: People bring detpacks because they can do ALL of it.

I guarantee you that if they were treated like AT LAUNCHERS and only able kill what they physically hit before exploding (if that), and could only hurt tanks, then people wouldn’t take them hardly at all.

I see it very frequently.

My group does it on occasion in Enlisted, but it always ends up at some point with an explosive pack thrown by a guy that runs out in the open, and doesn’t care if he dies.d

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as you are my defender inspiration, this is what exactly I wish!

Then note it in the post, not just the comments.

lol no, adding those stuff doesn’t mean you need to remove explosive pack.

You pollute so many threads in parallel it’s hopeless.


Want to add my thoughts to this discussion originally started playing unlisted loving the historical accuracy, exiceted for a chance to be up close a personal with the gear of that era. just want you guys to upload equivalent equipment per nation, war is a natural evolution just let it happen here… I believe bending to the whims of a few degrades the dream. Just Remember all is fair in love and war. RPG-40 IMPACT Grenade.

Soviet White Phosphorus Grenade

video of RPG-40 in action on youtube…

I actually wouldn’t mind if they did this. There needs to be more faction-related weaponry than generic things in this game. This merger just made it more so in my eyes.

Dude, get off your high horse.

He was literally describing “Explosive Packs”, not “TNT Mines”. Since those are 2 entirely different things in game, I wished to clarify.

I’m well within my right to discuss this topic.

So lay off.