"Core" Content needs Priority: Starting with better AI ($10 game does it better)

This is a Big one and Perhaps the biggest Improvement Needed in Enlisted

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The Discussion on Enlisted AI is not a new one, but has been on the forefront of my Mind after Spending $10 on an Indie Game which i believe to be created by a “single” developer (fact check). This Indie game has AI that operates on a simple yet productive/immersive level that Enlisted should have strived for in the last 4 years. Its not even ground breaking AI…“it just actually does something”

This reminder has caused me a little frustration. I have been here since the beginning, supporting Enlisted with Premium and squads because I can see the massive “Promise and Potential” that has been there waiting to be realized.

It reminded me that after 4 years (Or 1 year post merge) one of the “Core” most features of Enlisted has been neutered more than empowered. :frowning:

It has been “Unsatisfactory” for far too long.

“Games in the Mid 2000s had superior AI”

Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy Enlisted, and it is still a good game, but it should be “Great

I think its high time, Half-finished content becomes Priority. Starting with the Core Identity (There are other core features that are in a terrible way such as customisation, but this topic is about AI)

Adding half done new content needs to take a back seat

“TL:DR: “CORE” features such as AI remain unfinished, shoddy or severely lacking in immersion and ability after 4 years. Finishing all the Half finished content and Core Features need absolute Priority. Drop a like or a comment. Make some noise if you feel its importance. See Demonstration video for immersive AI”

For those of you that find this Too Much Reading, I have prepared a Demonstration video showing how "simple AI in “Easy Red 2” creates immersion that Enlisted sorely needs. For the amount Enlisted Charges for premiums, it is put to shame.

Simple, Functional AI pays back in Immersion:

The “Core” Most feature of Enlisted is arguably**AI squads**. Enlisted has defined itself around the idea of a player having AI squad members to command in battle. The Developers doubled down on this as its identity as its main feature when it removed Lone Fighters as an Official game mode several years ago.

“AI controlled Soldiers account for as many as 80% of combatants in any standard match at any one time. For every Player there is anywhere between 5-8 AI roaming the battlefield doing a whole lot of…Nothing much

The most common complaint, and the biggest issue I have getting my Friends into this game, Is frustrating AI. Its barely immersive (beyond a body on the field), its blind, it’s always getting in the way and on the odd occasion it 360 no scopes out of nowhere.

It is also my Opinion, that because up to 80% of combatants on the field are for the most part, “non-threatening AI”, it is one of the reasons one sided matches are so rampant. It creates a void that certain players (Veterans) can easily exploit.

What is wrong with Enlisteds AI?

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Firstly, it should be noted that nearly All AI improvements added have been for Pure AI squads. Player squad AI don’t benefit at all.

Currently, Enlisteds AI are so dumbed down they are little more than a way for players to pad their stats. While this might be satisfying in some capacity, that satisfaction is quickly lost as it is “equally if not more frustrating” to players when their AI is “stupid”. The AI barely even satisfy immersion on an ambience level (and this should be at minimum).

The feeling is, I spend all this time buying, Equipping, leveling up my entire squad, just to watch them ignore guys shooting/ stabbing them meters away. They are a Glorified walking respawn.

The AI’s “dumbness” also accommodates lone players (veterans) to carry games single handedly, because they are little more than free kills/ticket bleed. This amplifies the effect of one side MM as a Veteran Player Empties the other teams’ bodies on the field. (it doesn’t help anyway)

Enlisted AI:

  • They act blind
  • The start, stop and stutter around…having no idea what they want to do.
  • They rarely fire their weapons
  • They constantly clump up and get in the way
  • They look the wrong way when someone is standing 2 meters away shooting their squamates
  • They don’t react in basic situations
  • They throw away tickets by funneling in a straight line towards the objective
  • They no longer interact with many windows, doors, vaulting fences.
  • They don’t use special weapons or emplacements. (unless they are pure AI squad)
  • They don’t independently use other Vehicle stations Like coaxial MGs
  • They are Tethered to the player which they prioritize over everything else.

Why are they like this? Was it always the case?

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Currently the Developers have the AI set on the “Super Easy” difficulty.

Don’t quote me on this, it is secondhand information. However, I have been around long enough to see better AI than we currently have, and see them receive new features one patch, only for it to stop working and be forgotten the next. As I also look at modders work I have seen better/active AI in their custom missions.

So why is Enlisted stuck on Super Easy? This is most likely because Players don’t like being “Aimbotted and 360 no scoped” by AI…And that player opinion is Fair enough! and shared by all

HOWEVER AI doesn’t have to be a lethal Aimbot to be immersive or useful

AI doesn’t have to be an Aimbot to be Immersive or Useful!

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Having “Good contributing/immersive AI” doesn’t mean they have to aimbot. . The very fact that cheats can be created to aimbot headshots mean you can have AI target anything in particular, like aiming at legs, which would make cover useful. It doesn’t even have to be that complicated.

AI should be good enough to “Keep players Honest” (More likely to take down players based on distance, not using cover, peaking or charging alone into a room full of AI) But Most Importantly they need to be actively engaged in everything that’s going on “All the time”, even if it’s just for immersions. It doesn’t matter if they can’t hit anything at long range, if there is a gun fight going on the need to be continuously sending fire that way and playing the part for immersions sake and maybe they get lucky and hit something.

They also need to be able to carry out all duties to some extent when players are unwilling or incapable. If there are nearby Gun empty emplacements, they need make use of it, they need to repair nearby vehicles if they are able, they need to heal, revive and build anything in their immediate proximity automatically if they have the required kit.

Does inactive AI potentially Effect MM experience and one-sided Games?

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This is pure speculation, but when as much as 80% of the game’s combatants are lobotomized AI and completely at the mercy of players, I would say yeah it has an effect. It creates a vacuum for lone players to exploit (like veterans and skilled gamers). Matches/Snowballs are Often Determined by 1 or 2 players going “Rambo” and which team has them

What Enlisted AI Needs!

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These areas all need to be improved Greatly. The serious short coming of Enlisted AI is fresh in my mind after spending an hour in Easy Red 2…

A single Indie Developer has all of this in a $10 game so these expectations are NOT unrealistic

  • They need to “Actively engage at all ranges” and “lay down Suppressing fire” at last known locations without Line of sight
  • They need to be able to “Fire and Advance” continuously
  • They need to be able to spot and react to each other’s spotting
  • They need to massively increase their “Volume of fire” (it doesn’t have to be accurate fire)
  • They need to maintain Dispersed formations, making a lot more use of Crouch and prone
  • They need to have dispersion so they can suppress without aimbotting (AI aren’t affected by weapon dispersion, hence the aimbot)
  • They need to "Home" in on targets gradually, Especially on targets that aren’t making use of cover or peaking corners. The closer target, the quicker they home in. (keeps players honest and rewards using cover and peaking)
  • They need to “Use grenades and smoke” at every opportunity
  • They need to “Use Special weapons” like AT weapons and Flamers
  • They need to automatically “Use any vacant weapon emplacement” in their proximity.
  • They need to be able to autonomously operate vehicle positions independently if not occupied by the player. (MG coaxial, guns)
  • They need to be able to build on a players orders (without the player having to be an engineer or placing it) Click on map build this here.

Tether Is Holding AI (Literally) and the Game Back!! (Additional)

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AI Tethering is a massive proponent of Holding the AI back. It is understandable why it has been justified in the current iteration of the game. Mainly Because players would hide them all in a room at the back and use them 1 by 1 as respawns while they Rambo hordes of “Dumb” AI.

However, this would mainly happen Exactly because AI is so “dumb”. If players are trying to assault a positions alone, absent their squad or support, they would become the “sole target” of All AI in the area. The AI wouldn’t even have to be accurate, Just through continuously sending rounds down range, The sheer volume of fire would likely hit a solo player or the closest target in not much time at all.

The Idea is to Make AI capable enough, that its preferable to commit your entire squad or attack in numbers opposed to going Rambo. This Way the target Aquisition is spread out.

As an Extension of all the other needed improvements, I think this should be “highly” considered Aswell.

In Conclusion, its well past time Enlisted sorts out “CORE” features that remain half done or in a Sorry state. FOMO, halloween events, Graphics, classes, half finished premiums need to take a back seat. Merge has been completed. Time to get your house in order!

As an added note, If you enjoy the PVE nature of Enlisted, I highly recommend giving Easy Red 2 a go (especially if you grew up on the orignal Battlefield 1942 and CoD). It does have PVE/PVP but the populations is so small.


#reserved 1

Ill just put this here for the guys that grew up on BF1942, COD, Brothers in Arms and Medal of Honour


I get #2


Notice how the AI in Easy Red 2 breaks off into a skirmish line when they start firing, not just staying in a single file line.


indeed! Certainly goes for “details matter”

There is even supressing behaviour (bots will duck for cover)…I missed putting it in the video


I couldn’t agree more in all points you mentioned, and these observations are actual constructive criticism for the devs and higher ups. And I’m usually the first one to jump out to defend Enlisted when I read bad comments about it online, all because I deep down believe Enlisted still has a lot of unexplored potential as a combined arms game. But it seems like the higher ups don’t know they’re sitting on an actual gold mine, or they just don’t care. I just sometimes get the impression that devs are overworked, poorly organized, and they have a huge backlog of stuff that needs fixing that has accumulated over the years, and don’t know where to start.

I sometimes look back on old games like the original two Brothers in Arms games, which I recently replayed again. And I’m amazed by what they achieved back then in terms of controlling a group of soldiers in real time and feeling like a squad leader. I wish Enlisted had something like BiA too. The ability to have surpressing fire, assaulting a position, firing while running, etc. The enemy AI in that game could be devastating if you tried going in all rambo, and the friendly AI wasn’t braindead and it actually contributed big time. How is it that we’re approaching 2025 and a game from 2005 has better AI than Enlisted?

/End of rant :pensive:


Ai improvements should always be prioritized


Isnt it amazing how Open AI has become big in the last few years. It can Create Art, Songs, music, research papers, voice overs/translations for games/movies…Heck it can even code apps and games from scratch. And the rest

and yet as you say:

I wonder if Open AI can fix the AI??? :thinking:


They wouldn’t have as big of a back log with stuff that needs to be fixed if they would stop throwing resources at graphics and stuff that should be second in line to the core of the game.

The higher ups don’t care about what the game actually is they just care about one thing and thats :moneybag: :moneybag: :moneybag: :moneybag:
To them making silly seasonal events and having the devs create more squads to create overhead is all they care about :moneybag:
Which is why the game is the way that it is. I’m not telling you stop the :moneybag: train for them y’all do what you please. But I’m just explaining from a corporate standpoint.

On another note, I do agree that better AI would be the start of a good change for this game, it’s pretty sad that I can go back and play games from the PS2 and PS1 era and have better AI interaction than what I get with this game. What I’m saying is there’s really no excuse as to why they are so bad, and I mean bad like they can come run around a corner look and aim so you can tell they are working it out that “Hey there is a target there” but not shoot at you because they are programmed to not kill you. They will turn around and let you shoot them in the back as they run away from you. Of course, they have no problem shooting at each other because that’s not the player it’s just other AI like them.


if this topic gets less than 50 hearts. Shame on your forum.


Half way! Go go go


I can’t get my AI soldiers to stay in a room, or even stay in a trench as the first thing they do is run outside looking to get shot. If I don’t order them to stay put, they constantly run or crawl in front of me and are always moving like they are meth heads needing their next fix. I have Easy Red, but don’t play it much, however the AI is much better, hell, there aren’t many games I have played where the AI is worse then Enlisted.


Haha yup.



i wouldnt even bother with this. AI coding is good for small snippets of code or already solved solutions that have open source code(with questionable quality of code). more abstract you go into defining the code, more chances are there it will code wrongly and you will spend more time debugging the code. i have seen programmer surveys that say that whatever time they save by AI writing their code, they lose it by debugging the same code.

different teams work on different stuff. you cant have 3d artists that model and work on textures really improve AI code. looking at core changes to the game, to me it seems like there are only couple of programmers that actually work in DF. e.g. merge took 10 months to do and considering work that went into it i would probably need a week or two (max month) to do everything solo.


i dont care about the bots in my squad
i assume they all be dead in seconds after spawn :sweat_smile:

i run on the flanks
and they stay far behind
cause they dont run with me, or get stuck. :neutral_face:
til i find a spot where i can “store” them
for respawn

and thats all what i do with bots.


Haha me too…but doesnt it make you sad you have to lol?


i would like them to be removed honestly. :neutral_face:
they only give away my position.


if you break the distance limit with them they will follow you
imagine you are attacking the point
and suddenly they start to follow you cause of distance limit

and the confussion and disorientation after respawning in one of them

is what frustrate me the most.

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Yeah. Exactly why i dedicated a section to the squad tether…

I reckon the developers are fans of viva la dirt league :stuck_out_tongue:


I believe you.

The only interaction ive had with Open AI, is blocking it for staff and student’s or doing AI checks lol

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