Blind pilots, aka too low render distance

Alright, I saw a quite a few comments on this issue already, but I missed the actual topic dedicated to this issue.

Right now, it is almost impossible to play as pilot, as render distance of units/vehicles/anything on the ground is simply too short to be any effective. In fact, pilots are completely blind towards anything on the ground.

Increase render distance of ground targets for pilots… and rather dramaticaly, as pilots need to actually see their targets before it is too late (while render distance of tank units should be slightly higher than infantry = bigger targets = easier to spot). This change is indeed needed, because this severely limits the options for pilots into guessing where enemy might be and marking targets by teammates doesnt really help if target moves even a little bit. (out of all bomb drops I managed to somehow kill 4 units as total in a 3 or 4 games, no kidding) This guessing pretty much limits pilots to bomb/shoot on empty (from ground view) points, which is rather awkward for a support role.

P.S. If this topic was already created and I somehow missed it, I´m sincerely sorry for spamming the forum.


Reviving suggestion on update after Normandy release

While Rockets are definitely easier to aim than bombs, pilots are still completely blind and have to guess where to shoot. Situation for pilots not seeing their targets until it is too late to pull away is still present, and severely limits not only CAS, but also fighter planes who cannot even strafe because of it.


I agree, render distance has to be brought up


that and you still get fuck-all for shooting down other planes


And rather sooner than later.

Some may argue, that it would make planes OP, however it would make 1. bombers being able to actually see their targets/decide where is CAS needed 2. because of them being somewhat dangerous, taking fighter plane in lineup wouldn´t be pointless as fighter will finaly be given an effective role (if no plane is spawned it can still strafe). 3. AA guns actually needed to fulfill their role as AA gun (thus giving engineers another meaningful job).

Of course, there are issues with certain weapons being too strong (such as BF110), but I believe, that it is only a matter of time until it ends up nerfed and as obsolete or noninfluential in the match, as every other we have so far. So, nerfing non-obsolete planes to fit state of the rest is a bandage solution that does not actually solve a thing and it only kills variety of options in the game further.



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But I think that is just for increasing the distance the indicator arrow is shown


Yep. Also it works only against other planes. Not against the ground.
@8383908 as much as I would like to say this is solution to our problems, this aint it either chief.


Lose sight, lose fight.

If devs increase render distance, we may not even need indicators for anything else than convenience thing (still useful to easier spot enemy planes nearby, but you can also rely on your own eyes).
While I created this thread with having specificaly render distance of ground targets on my mind, it can be easily applied also for aircraft spotting as well.


Planes now render as blobs at long range

Long range:

Slightly closer range:


I swear the top one is way more obvious-looking in-game, should’ve taken a video instead. It just popped from the top to the bottom in a matter of seconds.

This is with a perkless level 1 pilot.


Agreed it takes way to long for stuff to render in by the time it does usually you cant readjust your angle much. Also the fog effect that is on the Normandy maps sometimes makes this issue 100% worse.

Not so bad if you are a German BF110 who just has to shoot the same postal code to rack up a 10 kill strafing run but sucks pretty bad for the P-38


Imo it makes the P-38 unplayable. Much more value to hop in a tank because of how bad it is.

I keep mine in rotation purely to hunt down BF110s and if I see the enemy had 2 tanks up.

Swear you have to beg your team over and over to mark tanks though.

Render distance is to low, pls fix.