You need to add the compensation WT has in air battles where far away planes have more pixels to compensate for screen resolution. I understand why you dont render ground troops and thats fine, but when I can hear a plane before it even renders for me and im flying around like a bat trying to hopefully head in the right direction to get the plane to render for me its a problem.
And it of course incentivizes turn fighters even more than the small maps already do, trying to play BnZ fighters when you need to climb and have energy advantage, but in turn cant see any fucking planes is just garbage (Germany suffers).
In regards to ground troops, it makes sense, as troops are wearing camo, and you are supposed to be working with teammates to spot for you. I don’t think the issue here is quite so bad.
In regards to aircraft on aircraft though, I think a slightly different approach should be taken.
If they are at medium altitude, they distance which they are marked by the indicator should be visible from further away.
If they are at high altitude, its about the same as it is now.
If they are at low altitude, like just over the tree tops, you should need to be much closer to see it.
Audio should be your first cue, but flying at various altitudes should give a bit of variance in spotted distance.
Main issue I’ve had is buildings popping in - I’ll see a tank mark, be closing in, then a building will pop in in front of it so I have to pull up and find a new angle last minute. And this is with literally all settings on max.
With your issue though, have you tried the detection range perks? And headphones? With headphones and the right perks it’s not been too bad to hear then spot them.
render distance isn’t great overall
you should be able to clearly see infantry in some areas, like dark camo on flat patch of snow or sand, but they just pop in at like 400 m
also there are issues with flickering and scuff for more static stuff