Add the Me 262 to the game

You search for that thing you get a page that tells the user to fill it

Again the Caliope has the same rocket size the M8 has, and the only thing stopping from Caliope being good is the user who bought that shite

You are looking in the wiki, the wiki is incomplete. The game itself has all of it’s stats shown.

As for the Caliope, those rockets are tweaked as well, but less so than the ones on aircraft. There is a reason that they specify it’s a 114mm rocket when fired from a Caliope and not a P-38 or P-47.

it’s in WT

Post the stat, I don’t play WT

keep in mind this is a High explosive anti tank projectile so it will send most of it’s energy to into the enemy armor (with poor results)

Man Nelson lets stop it its sad I feel like it’s just I don’t understand him at this point arguing is a waste of time the fact is I want those PB-2s to make them mad inside their tanks like I said 14 PB-2 is enough for killing more than 2 tanks also if I wanted HE rockets there are 1 other German rocket that is copy of M8 rocket(soviet M8 which B-8-24 in game uses it) also warthunder considers R4Ms as HE even though its meant for air to air combat (same as 21 cm which is in the game its in reality a air to air missle which we use for ground ponding) with 600 grams of TNT 24 of those and you have 14400 kilo of TNT also Heat rounds in game act like HE, if you shoot a HEAT round at the ground its gonna have splash damage , try it with any heat launcher or M8( tank) see results.

Panzeblitz 1is german copy of RBS-82 and 8cm rocket is copy of M8 (soviet rocket)

If anyone wants HE rockets sure here is 8 cm rocket (German ) or panzeblitz 1 if that’s not enough
Ruhrstahl/Kramer X4

what about this beauty with 20 kilograms of payload (under the wings ) (it’s remote controlled )
(Air-to-air missile but doesn’t matter 20 KG of TNT don’t care)(Image FW could carry up to 4 but due to performance issues was limited to only 2)

or this
Henschel Hs 298
(JU-88 , Ju 388 and Do 217 could carry them) (air-to-air guided rocket but 45 KG tnt don’t care)(proximity fuse so actually the only good air-to-air missile if ever added )

Nelson my man how you wondered what it would feel like to blow everyone with remote controlled drone carrying 550 KG of TNT
Henschel Hs 293
(2 under the wings)

Hs 294
Hs 295

(He 111, Do 217, Fw 200, He 177, Ju 290 can carry them)

Or what about a guided drone(The drone itself is BOMB) on fighter that can carry 435 KG tnt

Or what about 1400 kg of guided bomb which is IN WT Fritz X


Seems pretty good for me, cuz they have more than double the explosive filler of a Ofernor, so killing a tank is easier, and blasting Infantry seems viable

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Yep, I dunno why people think is bad when germany literally has nothing close to P38 or P47D, or even IL2 with RBS 132


panzerschrek has more raw pen, though HEAT is screwed in WT so who knows :person_shrugging:

unlikely, it has less tnt as compared to m8 from p-38 (1.95 kilo of tnt ) and RBS-132 (1.32 kilos of tnt)

US and russia has nothing close to the JU-188

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Would you trade P47D for Ju 188?

Personally prefer P47D 1000%


Hell I would even trade my Ju 188 for A20 with 12 M8s, lets do that


i would use both, though personally i never left the 110g-2

The HEAT round only acts like heat rounds when shot through Armor as long as it’s hardcover that can’t be penned it’s gonna splash and act like HE

About this I understand but how many German players do fly that thing compare that number to P47 also with Pershing and superpershing German tank supremacy will end with that P47 will have an edge in the sky if we want balanced gameplay give Germany a good plane with rockets the only one is FW 190 F-8 also if you are concerned about JU 188 sure why not suggest something I did suggest in what each nation needs topic YER-2 which is already in-game assets


Naaaaah. Nice plane, but i wouldnt trade…

I dont even use it in my allied deck. Tempest all the way

Well everyone vibes with something I love Japanese last plane also G.55 but meta is P47 especially right now for allies who have to fight KT(H)

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HEAT actually works better than HE for tank shell, Pz III N from Stalingrad is great

I mean devs write that its anti-tank and infantry for heat inside shell explanations ___ Heat(anti tank and infantry)

about the same just that the jug is more noticeable because american armor is easily clicked on and can’t really fight back so most just use the jug as a result

not really, german tank will still be better with only super pershing being able to take on the tiger 2 H though super pershing is more analogies to the is-2 while pershing is more analogies to tiger 1

…if you don’t want to use the ju-188 and want a fighter attacker with good rockets then it’s the bf110g-2 with over 3 times the explosive mass in it’s rockets compared to HVARS with a great Lottier time for those who want to gun run

“BuT tHoSe aRe AiR tO AiR rOcKeTs”
Clearly you cant use them agains ground targets as already established early on in this topic…

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