Add the Me 262 to the game

adding this to the game would be a nice thing to see as all of the top tier fighters for germany are either BF109s or FWs.this plane and its variants are already in war thunder,so a quick vehicle port isn’t that difficult.there should be a few versions of these planes that have different armaments and be scattered throughout the T4 and 5 line.the first,being fairly balanced loadout plane,has 4 mk 108 cannons and has 2 foldered variants,the first being a version with 2 250 KG bombs and another with 24 R4M rockets(your lucky they likely won’t add the 48).the next variant can be a version that has 2 foldered variants as well,one with only a 50 MM autocannon (and be considerably slower) and a version that gets rid of all anti ground capabilities for 2 more MGs, those being 2 MG 151s.and to counteract this uniqueness and speed that allied mains are gonna complain the forum off about,these MK 108 cannons and the 50mm cannon has a very limited ammunition supply (the 20 mils somewhat help that problem but again no anti ground) and the turn rate while at max throttle is bad.and this would ideally be added during or after they add the pershings,so since the US gets a counterpart to the tiger 2,its time we get something that can function as a fighter bomber so you can feel the rage we felt through the past 2 years or however long its been of P47 spam,and this time you will have the advantage of people who have good fighters that have good speed and a use once they shoot down an enemy plane instead of having just MGs and autocannons but bombs and rockets.and if you complain of a huge OP armament just look at some of the planes you have compared to the planes we have,even at BR4/5 they aren’t that great,including and especially the FW variants,your damn T1 hurricane has 12 MGs and 2 250 pound bombs. post below lists US planes and their armaments that are better or on par even many teirs down from high teir german planes,not to mention the japnese at all,then every plane is going to be on that list


How about do 335 and ta 152?
Id like these before me 262
(Those AT birds would be nice as well)



those would be nice additions as well,something to stop the P47 and other broken plane cycling idiocy that is the western allies faction


Ill take any and every plane


Not against it, but with current size of the maps it would be kinda mid with how sluggish it is.
Also, would be funny if you could set your own engines on fire if you change throttle too often.


Only if they give western allies their own jets, Gloster Meteor and maybe even P-80 and vampire. But this will probably upset german mains.

Also maybe you forgot that the soviet exists, I wish good luck to all of those player trying to fight Me 262 in their La-7 and IL-10.

Maybe if german players stopped cycling tanks and took the time to include some fighter in their line up they would understand that it is possible to shoot down US planes (Yeah I know this sound incredible right?). But this will never happen because all the german mains want is to do big boom with their 88mm gun.


335 would almost be useless in this game.

TA152 is pure fighter, Germany already got K4 and that’s useless.

This game is so crazy that if your plane cannot be a fighter + CAS at same time it’s not worth bringing.

Pure Fighter is bad because once you kill enemy you can do nothing but suicide, and if on attack that is 12 ticket. It’s kinda annoying how it works out.


When I play germany top BR, I don’t bother taking a tank, I only take Bf-109 G-14 (Which is not even the best german fighter). Whenever I play vs the US and I use my Bf, there are so many US planes that I don’t feel the need to use Air-to-ground weaponry anyway.

All I see is german player complaining all the time because one other faction has good stuff. Guess that german main don’t want to put up a fight with others if they don’t have at least better equipment in every possible department…

You have the tools, you just don’t want to use them because they have downsides. This is the same for every faction but for some reason the one complaining the most are always the same.


the thing is german fighers are indeed fighters.
Once you shoot out the planes theres absolutely nothing else to do.

And ofc, if you just have enough slots as murrican you can rather easily bypass this by doing just suicide attacks.

Got to agree, I rarely see moaning about kt2 / fg42 but daily I see topics about germut air.
Nice attempt champ


K4 being uselles damn okay :moyai:,nah man 3x ap 30mm cannons and 2x 250kg bombs sounds good to me


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FG is fine, but KT is not. The only thing that can kill KT in grey zone (for the US) is a plane because try doing that with paper tank with 150mm of pen.

“Just flank it bro”

Then just use your fighter bro.

I love the german main being like “having the absolute best tank in the game? Nah this is fine. US however are not allowed to have something good.” I guess german mains don’t have the same definition of balance. But hey go ahead put your wonder weapon into the game and see what happen.


Irony is this was the suggestion when it was jumbo vs pz4.

Except pershings are confirmed since apparently best cas of the game simply aint enough.

I believe its you who are bitching and moaning here how germans dont need anything


The first problem with jets, that only Germany and Britain had them.
British Meteor didn’t even see real combat, just used to shoot down V1 and V2 rockets.
Prototype spam is already bad enough in this game.
The second problem comes from the nature of this game, planes fly low, under 1000m which is suicide altitude for fighter jets not to mention that maps are too small.

A 10 rocket P-47 is already bad enough, imagine what a 24 rocket circle jerking jet could do.

No, save the ME-262 for a flight simulator like IL-2.


Except pershings will probably sucks just like IS-2.

I am not against new german planes, I would be fine with things like Ta-152 and Do-335, but giving the german a plane with 4 30mm gun, a speed of 900 km/h bombs and rockets ? No thanks.

People are saying the US plane cycling is cancerous, yeah it is so why not advocate for a reduction in the plane cycling instead of providing the same cancerous stuff with even better planes (jets) compare to anyone else ?

Perhaps you should ask for abrams instead ?

Doesnt exactly fix the issue of germuts not having a fighter with cas does it ?


Do you want me to write this in capital letter?

Why not at this point, german mains are likely to ask for leopard 2 in no time.


But why stop there ? Im sure the abrams would suck too according to your not at all main biased views.
Perhaps deathstar or baneblade from 40k would cut it ?


Probably as biased as yours anyway.

sure, after all this is topic against adding pershing to compete with KT.
Oh wait.