Add the Me 262 to the game

The HEAT round only acts like heat rounds when shot through Armor as long as it’s hardcover that can’t be penned it’s gonna splash and act like HE

About this I understand but how many German players do fly that thing compare that number to P47 also with Pershing and superpershing German tank supremacy will end with that P47 will have an edge in the sky if we want balanced gameplay give Germany a good plane with rockets the only one is FW 190 F-8 also if you are concerned about JU 188 sure why not suggest something I did suggest in what each nation needs topic YER-2 which is already in-game assets


Naaaaah. Nice plane, but i wouldnt trade…

I dont even use it in my allied deck. Tempest all the way

Well everyone vibes with something I love Japanese last plane also G.55 but meta is P47 especially right now for allies who have to fight KT(H)

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HEAT actually works better than HE for tank shell, Pz III N from Stalingrad is great

I mean devs write that its anti-tank and infantry for heat inside shell explanations ___ Heat(anti tank and infantry)

about the same just that the jug is more noticeable because american armor is easily clicked on and can’t really fight back so most just use the jug as a result

not really, german tank will still be better with only super pershing being able to take on the tiger 2 H though super pershing is more analogies to the is-2 while pershing is more analogies to tiger 1

…if you don’t want to use the ju-188 and want a fighter attacker with good rockets then it’s the bf110g-2 with over 3 times the explosive mass in it’s rockets compared to HVARS with a great Lottier time for those who want to gun run

“BuT tHoSe aRe AiR tO AiR rOcKeTs”
Clearly you cant use them agains ground targets as already established early on in this topic…

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Compare the turn rates and tell me in a dogfight who is most likely gonna win also check their top speed P-47D-28 and G2 have the same turn rate(23 to 24) but the different max speeds you cant compare 700hundered km/h to 500 km/h you cant compare heavy fighter to a fighter while FW 190 f-8 has same turn rate 23 with P-47 but still the speed of P-47 is better 714km/h to 635 km/h still if any good pilot uses it you really can’t do anything you cant turn cause they turn the same as you and you cant run they have more speed than you also the thing is You cant equip rockets with bomb like p47

uh, 21cm started as rocket artillery for the heer then the luftwaffe modified for bomber hunting, as compared to the actual a2a rocket in game, ROS-82, which is dogshit on a dogshit platform

Funny enough I do shoot down muliple bomber wih soviet 82mm rocket in my IL2 1941 pre mege, is always one shot

Did you even read any of what was said? No one said A2A rockets were unusable on the ground, the argument was the the ROS-82s simply didn’t have enough explosives to work in a CAS role, and that the R4Ms with even less explosive mass would be even worse.


since this isn’t common knowledge: all aircraft in this game, outside yak and 109, have reduced engine power so the jug really only goes 450 max while 110g-2 can get to about 420.

oh also that 700 max speed is at 6000 meters up

oops sorry, it’s not at 6000 meters it’s 714 at 7012 meters

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That’s how tanks are balanced for the Soviets, and will be for the Americans post Super Pershing. King Tiger is the best mix of infantry killing and tank fighting potential of any tank in the game, while for the Soviets and Americans you have to have some focus on either one or the other. As such, it makes sense that German aircraft are balanced in such a way as well. The US has the best multirole aircraft and the Russians also have a good one, while the Germans are forced to specialize in one or the other.

That balance doesn’t work, hell even H&G know how isometrical balance work

It does, KT is mostly balanced against the soviets despite a few vocal people screaming like idiots.

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Fw 190 is better than the 109 for dogfighting anyways, regardless of tier.

The Bf 110G-2 does have HVAP, people just suck at aiming it because they don’t know how to top down attack properly especially in a boat of an airframe like the 110, compounded by it being HVAP and needing to direct hit ammo where it can pen before it can do anything.

That was my point. US has the multirole aircraft, Germany has to specialize. Germany has the multirole tank, US will have to specialize. As you point out, Russia also has something similar but to a lesser degree.

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Hey man let’s finish this here they are not going to listen and we are not going to listen either and at the end, devs will decide what to add yeah but it’s not going to stop me from making a topic about German rockets later on also we are far from the main topic so they might actually close the topic

For real? Fw190 can’t turn fight and the D12 slide in the air for moronic reason

No, its maneuvability is worse than BF109, is just dogshite for turn fighting

No is mixed belt, play the soviet IL with 37mm and compare it with the BF110 G2

German shouldn’t specialize in this game, specially in this game that value CAS more than fighter, is incredibly weird the Nation with the most varied plane loadout has to be specialized for arbitrary reason while other can just bybass that crap