Add the Me 262 to the game

Turnfighting is worthless in this game, air to air engagements are decided by who sees who first. The Fw 190 has the better cockpit, so it is better in this sense.

Mixed belts still means it has HVAP

Uh what? Germany basically relied on their standard 50, 250 and 500kg bombs for all of their CAS throughout the entire war, with only a minor amount of experimentation throughout the war such as the aforementioned Panzerblitz, while the US was constantly playing with their CAS armaments seeing what they could get away with, which is why their CAS aircraft were almost always consistently better. Hell, even the Japanese did a better job at playing around with CAS than the Germans, with them coming up with a whole host of different rockets and bombs for striking ships, tanks, or soft targets.

Every nation specializes in some way shape or form, partially due to how that nation’s military equipment was designed, as well as for balancing the game as a whole. As stated earlier, Germany really wasn’t that good at doing CAS with their payloads staying mostly the same throughout the war, but also how their aircraft for the role were mostly bad. The Stuka was their only proper CAS aircraft and it was years out of date by 1942 while things like the Bf 110 and Me 410 were dumpster fires to begin with. Their fighters never really were armed with proper CAS munitions like the Americans armed theirs, with the exception of a few select variants of the Fw 190 at the tail end of the war.

To get back to the point, no faction should have an all-purpose tool in every category, otherwise, you might as well not have the faction system to begin with. Each faction in game should represent how that country specialized and generalized in their deployment of such equipment. In the case of the Americans, they have more generalist aircraft because they built up more and better aircraft and armament to fulfill a multipurpose role whereas Germany used their aircraft primarily in very compartmentalized roles with a few minor exceptions. For the Germans, they should have more generalist tanks because they built such tanks where other countries tried to specialize their tanks.

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With what I’m seeing here I swear we can find any excuse underneath the sun not to let the Germans have anything but when it comes to the allies or Soviets no one questions when the Soviets or the allies get something.


Why would I waste time turn fighting when I can simply see the guy and then shoot the guy down. Wasting any more time than that means I suddenly stop contributing to the game for a single kill.

Then why does the P-63 with solid AT belts still suck

No, the 109s were never multi-role, Stukas were Stukas, the medium bombers were medium bombers, the Fw 190 only really got bombs later in the war and the only things that can even remotely be considered multirole are the Bf 110 and the Me 410, both aircraft that were notorious for being bad.


Only true if the attacking pilot is a decent shot - and even with the lead indicator there are heaps who are absolute rubbish, at which point turn fighting is very important.

And often combat is joined in a more-or-less head on, in which avoiding the incoming and then getting onto enemy tail is also extremely important.

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If you fly long enough, you learn to ignore the lead indicator, or to simply work around it. After that, it’s just a matter of hitting your shots.

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Fw-190F and 190G were specialized ground attack aircraft that replaced Ju-87 in many Stukageschwader as well as other a/c in Schlachtgeschwader.

190F started being delivered in May 1942, and many of the G variants were renamed 190A

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which many people don’t do.

You have your timeline wrong, the F variants were tested in 1942, but only really started to be issued by around 1943 and only saw any large-scale issuing in 1944.

That doesn’t matter, what matters is which aircraft can kill other aircraft faster if used correctly. That’s how you determine what aircraft is good and which one is not.

Germany already has the most gear in the game along with the Tiger 2 terrorizing the American faction.

Because when you are the one getting tailed when the same moron you killed can spawn behind you, having better turn rate means you have better chance send him back to spawn again, that’s why maybe you suck doesn’t mean other people can’t do it

And why the IL with 37mm doesn’t suck at it, are you proving you have skill issue then yes lay it out

Stuka can be asigned for recon role, they can carry autocannons/gunpod for strafing, bombs loads from light to medium bomber, scattered mines for Areal denial, anti tank autocannons for AT role, same for BF109, which can do recon, dogfight, carry light load of bomb, gunpods for Interceptor, rockets for AT and area saturation, Fw190 has even more roles and so on… at some extend the german even use medium bombers for recon…

Even the BF109 K4 in this very game can carry bombs in WT, you know why people ask for custom loadout? Because specialized fighter suck 4ss in this game, so stop your delusion

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“terrorizing” like your faction to the japanese, like the jumbo is terrorizing? Even the tiger 2 can’t get that things front plate when it should, and besides the suicing bombing P47s and P51s with their 500 pound bombs don’t care. And the most gear of any faction isn’t a benefit, yes it has a lot of unique stuff, but a lot of it underperformes or is very similar to other equipment, in particular the veichles.

As someone who mains Japan and Germany, I have no issue destroying Jumbos with the Type 4 rocket launcher. Regardless, two wrongs doesn’t equal a right.

It is a benefit because it allows for more flexibility whereas other factions are stuck with what little they have. I don’t see how German vehicles ‘underperform’ when the devs stated they’re adding the Pershing and Super Pershing for the very reason of German vehicles being a menace.

Just don’t be the moron with someone on his tail, it’s that simple. If you see the other guy first, you don’t need to waste your time getting position because you already had position to begin with.

The presence of bombs on a fighter or extra forward facing guns on a bomber does not a multirole aircraft make. The P-38 can carry nearly as many bombs as a B-17 but it is not considered a bomber or CAS aircraft. A multirole aircraft has to not only do both all of these roles well, but do them well enough for the people in charge to consistently assign them to such fly dedicated missions for such. Otherwise, the Zero is a multirole aircraft because it was supposed to drop bombs on the soft targets while the bombers hit the hard targets on escort missions. The only German aircraft that begin to approach this are the Bf 110, the Me 410 and the late war Fw 190s.

All the factions have a good amount of stuff, only exception Japan, And now they are adding the pershings the aysemetrical balance that was already skewed to the US is going out the window because the P-47 and the other fighter bombers they are arguably better than German tanks because they can get the same if not more kills while not getting much attention while tanks get the most attention, and Germany doesn’t have anything even comparable to those stupid planes.

The Super Pershing is still going to be weaker than the Tiger II H. It will have weaker armour, only be able to pen the Tiger IIs in the cheeks, and have almost double the time for reload. It will be comparable to the Tiger II H in the same way the Fw 190D-12 is comparable to the P-47.

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It started as 190 A-0/U4 - but you are right - my mistake - that was tested starting May 42, and was redesignated as Fw-190 F. F-1’s began delivery in December 1942.

Stuka Gruppen started getting 190A variants in significant numbers from May 1943 - eg see FW 190 Orders of Battle for some examples, or for individual unit histories

Only if you think the PAPER performance is more important than ACTUAL performance.

The interface between the seat and the controls is what actually makes the aircraft perform, and ignoring it is deliberate bias.

Really? The Armour of the Pershings is likely going to be more than the jumbos and your going to have to aim for even smaller pixels, and 10 seconds isn’t bad considering your getting a slightly better IS2 with a slightly worse cannon. And this isn’t set in stone, stats in WT are different than in enlisted.

I am done here, just add the fricking Panzerblitz 1, 2, 3 and 4, I don’t care if is a Me 262, Fw190 or a BF109, I will take those over the Fw190 A8 with 1 pair of 21cm

Lot better than IS2 cuz the gun is actually practical, which I don’t understand wtf they whine about, they seriously want a post war tank fighting Tiger II H like in WT, come on, having air superiority is not enough?

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You do realize we aren’t dealing with speculation, but we already know how the KT and Pershing fight will play out right? Normal pershing has less armour than Jumbo and gets penned by Panther, Super Pershing has has the outside cheeks that can be penned by Panther, and the lower glacis that can be penned by by the KT. It’s nowhere near as invulnerable as you think.