Add the Me 262 to the game

The Fw 190Ds are about as agile as a P-38, just it has a higher acceleration so it gets stuck in it’s compressed state more often. The Ju 188 may not have agility, but the gunners work fine so long as the allied fighter doesn’t know how to approach it, which most do not. Furthermore, it’s got the most overturned flight model of any 2 engine bomber in the game, meaning you can pull turns that should would completely obliterate any other 2 engine bomber.

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We have already discussed those.
A. those are only on the Fw 190F-8 in WT meaning devs can’t steal models like they typically do.
B. Those would be useless in this game due to lack of explosive mass

They use a heat warhead so a direct hit would still kill half the crew of a tank if not blowing something else up…
If you really need more HE then just use G-2


You would have to directly impact the tank where the crew members are, or where the ammo is if you want a one hit kill. Both are easier said than done. People already have trouble top attacking tanks, with rockets, now imagine asking them to top attack a tank with pinpoint accuracy for a specific module

Doese it matter we have AP rockets as well as air to air rockets and I see nobody complaining about them RBS are AP rockets while ROS is air to air

Really and why is that they can copy tanks and they even copy planes but when it comes to a German plane they cant really


And they could steal models for the flame tanks?
They have some guys capable of creating new stuff aswell even if just copying would be easier.


And no one uses the ROS for anything other than Air to Air because of the lack of explosive mass.

Dunno, but devs seem to only be able to directly copy models from WT. Hence why the AP-4 has 8 HVARs.

I raise you AP-4 with 8 HVARs. If devs were truly able to make unique models from the WT stuff, they would have at least brought it down to 6.

And how is that related?
Just because they can be lazy does not mean they cant do something else too.
Maybe somebody really liked the idea of 8 HVAR.
And given the shitstorm when the devs tried to reduce the payload of planes they just cant correct mistakes even if they recognise something as such.


Every time the devs want to add something new to an aircraft, it has to come to WT before they can add it. The A6M3 had to get a drop tank WT before the devs would consider adding that, and the FP-4 (F6F) got custom payloads in addition to its drop tank prior to its addition here, allowing it to finally not take all 6 HVARs.

Then where is the panzer 2 F in WT?

I am talking specifically about planes. Tanks and other ground vehicles seem to be a bit different, but planes have always followed this rule. Another case in point, the reduction in payloads was only even considered once WT added custom payloads to a large number of prop planes.

Well you assume, planes and tanks have different playstyle in Enlisted so they might change them a little bit simple as that even if they copy models it doesn’t mean that they cannot add specific things to models

Except in every case where they do change something about aircraft models, it come to WT first. If you see this enough, eventually, you start to see that yeah, the devs are only really willing and/or capable of copying aircraft models from WT.

Different scenario. They brand it as unique stuff and sell it in the Stalingrad pack, this gives them incentive to make new model.

Second, those tank are very unlikely to be added in War Thunder because flame are ineffective in War Thunder. So if dev want it they will need to do it themselves.

Third, there was no flame tank in War Thunder at that time to steal. While War Thunder has plenty of other rocket firing plane to steal.

I don’t think dev lacking the ability to add it, they just don’t bother to create stuff that is possible to be added in War Thunder.

i posted in the spirit of adding cool stuff for premium.
the heavy bomber i suggested is cool imo but kind of bad for enlisted, only 8x british rockets and maybe some hispanos. even the german jet would be more useful (depending on armaments). only good thing about it is range, useless in most games, and gunners, which are not great nowadays.

OK NP FW 190 F8 in WT can get 14 Panzerblitz 2 so they can just give them that simple just import the stuff from WT

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Even if the devs add the Fw 190F-8 with panzerblitzes, it won’t change the fact panzerblitzes suck.

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Bruh the R4M(55mm) rockets has more explosive filler than a 75mm HE shell(520g vs 454g)… I think is alright for ground support

Also Panzerblitz has different variant and size:

Panzerblitz 1: 8cm(Panzerscherk warhead)

Panzerblitz 2: R4 13cm

Panzerblitz 3: R4 HL 21cm

Panzerblitz 4: R4 10cm


Oh lord… Like these Sturmtiger and Jagdtiger people… No.