Add the Me 262 to the game

That would be awesome those are Panzerschrecks rockets used on planes

The same can be applied to a lot, including a wood tank that iirc wasnt even built by Japan.

And its ground attack variant the R4HL.

Those are Panzerschreck rockets on drugs.
Filled with extremely potent explosives.
One near hit would annihilate everything in 5-10 m radius.


No not really, they suffer from the low explosive mass problem as well.

They most definitely would not. That’s the radius of an M8 rocket. Try using the ROS-82s on the Russian Hurricane, that’s what using R4Ms would be like.

Wrong, R4M was air to air, I was talking about R4HL which is air to ground HEAT rocket.

well only skillfull players would be able to control it well :sunglasses::sunglasses:

these would be cool

sure, but make 262 premium to profit more
also add a 4-engine plane to allies.
if you need it to be nerfed, give them b-24 armed with rockets.
give it a 9-man squad too lol.

A. That’s not in War Thunder so devs don’t have a model for it except for maybe 1 plane, if you can even call what is on the Fw 190F-8 a panzerblitz.
B. That still has less than 1kg of explosive mass so it would still be useless

I mean why bother, just give A-26.

Not really since instead of the usual TNT it has HTA 41 which is much more powerful, plus FW-190 A8/F8 can carry up to 14 of these.
And I didn’t even mention its high armour penetration capability.


but that is even more op, which is why i suggested only rocket-armed heavy bomber.

The number of rockets won’t make a difference if the rockets don’t have more than 1kg of explosive mass because those rockets simply don’t have any blast radius. Furthermore, the penetration of the rocket doesn’t matter because it’s a HEAT rocket, and thus looses post pen. Therefore, you have to hit ammo directly to kill tanks, and good luck doing that in an aircraft.

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What? No… It’s totally not OP…

What do you mean 14x .50 cals on one of the fastest accelerating airframes that also has a turret with 360 degrees of traverse would be busted, I don’t know what you mean.

What do you mean I haven’t even gotten to the payload options…

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And US already gets the pershings…
If they are allowed to deminish the tank advantage why should germany not be allowed to do that in the air?


I does not matter if it is a air to air missile or not since an air to air missile already exist for axis…
But nobody uses it for air to air engagements…

Pershing is on par with a Tiger 1, and Super Pershing is closer to a IS-2 than a Tiger II. Germany will still have the tank advantage even when the Pershings come. Furthermore, Germany has good CAS aircraft in the Ju 188 and Fw 190D-12. Sure they exactly arn’t on par with the P-47, but we have already established the Super Pershing won’t be exactly on par with the Tiger II H, so what is wrong with that.

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Both kinda die the moment a more agile US fighter is there… which is kinda always the case
Germany does not need another bomber with payload but a fighter.


well who said it needs to carry those as said ME-262 could also carry R4HL(PB-3) with 21 cm of warhead so we could just add that

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