šŸ‡«šŸ‡· A game about the Second World War without the French?

Itā€™s alright, Iā€™ve been to Indonesia and Fort Rotterdam specifically at Makassar. The locals told me how Dutch, Japanese, it is all the same. If the Japanese had occupied Indonesia for as long as the Dutch did, they would hate them just as much as the Dutch.

My country Australia was one of the first Western countries to recognise independent Indonesia (one of the many reasons was we were not impressed with the Dutch government or their behaviour both towards the Indonesians and us Aussies).

However I donā€™t think any of that should affect whether Netherlands is added to Enlisted or not.

My main reason in mentioning Netherlands was to allow for more tech to the French tree and also because there were Dutch colonial forces fighting the Japanese (including a navy) so might as well use that as a way to allow this hypothetical faction to fight in Pacific maps.

Some Dutch East Indies or Timor maps would be good, along with New Guinea to add some much needed variety to the Pacific (both for maps and nations involved because it sure wasnt just the Yanks fighting in the Pacific)

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I have also been in Indonesia several times.
These people were always kind to me.
While we were so bad to them for centuries.
Yet in my country we still dislike our German neighbours for what they did to us for only 5 years.

The ironyā€¦

(my apologies, you can tell I am ashamed for my countries historical actions in Asia, hence my veto, but of course historically your suggestion makes good sense)

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If those two cowardly nations hadnā€™t sold us out to the Germans during the Munich Agreement, itā€™s quite likely there would have been no WWII. And Germany would have been slapped right back.

Literally the worst allies ever. Never trust the British and French.


Well, germans, japs and other funny countries are already in the game :upside_down_face:


I will put on my wooden shoes and throw cheese at the german invaders :laughing:


Thatā€™s the fighter spirit!


Are you Czech or Slovak?

If so I agree. Thereā€™s a number of academic papers that have studied and proven how Czechoslovakia couldā€™ve beaten the Germans in 1938 for a variety of reasons. A win wouldā€™ve been even more likely with French and/or British help.

As an Australian I can agree on the British part, we were lied to for over 10 years about what Imperial Japan was up to. The ā€˜defence planā€™ for Singapore was basically non existent and when it all went wrong the English blamed the Australians. (which is a lie)

To return this to Enlisted I would like to see Free Polish and Free Czech soldiers added to British-Commonwealth squads. At minimum DF could give some soldiers Polish or Czech names.

Poland would be another potential sub tree for a French faction. Free Polish fought at Tobruk where they relieved the Aussies and New Zealanders, at Monte Cassino and various other battles. (maps of early war Poland like Battle of Westerplatte and Danzig Post Office would be good too)


Theres no good guysā€¦

Yes add french stuff BR 1 and 2 :slight_smile:

Could be on both sides lol

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The Soviet Union at that time also promised to support Czechoslovakia if Germany would attack. Before the Munich.

But Munich agreement wasnā€™t the only failure of France, UK and so.
Then there is the infamous Ɖvian Conference. And there is absolutely no talk of that nowadays. Even though the countries involved had the opportunity to save the lives of countless Jews.

The whole documentary is Here


Yeah the Char B1 Bis and S35 would be great.

Ive been asking for the M24/29 but they made it a Gold Order weapon for USA???

French uniforms are cool too.

The AMD 35 would also be great in game, we need more armoured cars and it is unable to be appreciated in War Thunder.

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By Cold War France, not by WW2 or post-WW2 France.

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In theory, adding France would be an interesting idea. But there will be little content on it. A maximum of 1-2 maps, and 1-3 combat ratings. Therefore, the study of the branch of the French will be short, but nevertheless this idea has the right to live

I highly doubt so. Since we already have Ho-Ri. Which means thereā€™s endless opportunity to add basically only blueprint/wooden prototype stuff.

So this really isnā€™t an issue.

What would be problematic is stuff like invasion of France. Thatā€™s something which could potentially ruin MM. France would have to be a filler faction that would either side with the western Allies or european axis teams in already present MM.

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Forgive me but did you read my first comment where I outlined all the maps and content that could be featured?

Who needs the stepping stone?

It is/was available ā€“ itā€™s the Moroccan Auxiliaries squad (the boys who wear bedouin robes at Normandy :smiling_face_with_tear:)


New Faction British Commonwealth and The Free French - Suggestions - Enlisted

Long time ago I made a topic how to make British - French tech tree now I made a better one when I have time I will post it. But its gonna be amazing faction.

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Well they should have asked that the French in ww2.

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Is going to much political topic closed