🇫🇷 A game about the Second World War without the French?

Did you forget something? Or miss history lessons? So that the French just aren’t there? This is the case on other games of the genre, it’s true. But the question is still there, why?


Well, Pavlov’s house in Stalingrad stood against the Germans longer than France :man_shrugging:

But yeah Frenchies could be cool if they were limited to only BR1, though knowing Darkflow they’ll get all 5 BRs of fantasy paper bs.


Maybe a squad ? Not a full nation.


were they actually important for ww2? :rofl: they lasted as long as poland, so they should have same priority :stuck_out_tongue:


I mean, EA made a battlefield set in WW1 without the french troops (until the DLC). So I think our devs can be forgiven.


For now the Allies should receive maybe a Premium/ event squad like the French SAS or Marines.

The majority of French weapons and vehicles should be given to Germany

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I remember that in the files there is a French dubbing for a squad not yet released

and also we technically have French in game in the SS Charlemagne units


I want some proper French speaking event SS squad.


Military history of France during World War II - Wikipedia.
The trouble s less French fighting than that most French gear would have been used by the Germans and not the French


Not really, since Poland was fighting both USSR and third Reich combined.

So in fact, Poland should have a much higher priority.

France is just failure.


as much as I would like to see both I would prefer to see Poland first not only would it be a completely unexplored faction in the WW2 FPS environment but it is literally the beginning of WW2 and no one ever represents that conflict


You have portez, and mas rifles in german tree

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adding france into the game makes zero sense
1- they surrendered withing 6 weeks
2- majority of french males and pows sent to german camps or factories and used as cheap workforce
3- free french were nothing but motley collection of underequipped colonial forces who moslty used british arms anyway
4- even in late 1944, france couldnt rise an army altough they were liberated. all their eligible male were in germany working as salveworkforce
5- their industry was dimantled by germans, they couldnt produce weapons after the liberation


I think China has more to say on the question than France.


Then who made famas, and Lecrec tanks??

China mostly used Soviet vehicles and arms mixed with stolen Japanese ones. Some made any on their own

are you acting like a cerebraly camaged patient just to be funny or are you serious ?

Get a lobotomy to replace your damaged temporal lobes lmfao

By late 1944 there were over 300,000 Free French troops fighting in Europe. Sure, they were using predominantly US equipment, but to say they couldn’t muster an army is simply wrong.


I just wanna drive my Char B1 in low br.

If only the nation would get capped at br 2… (2, because lmgs are minimum br2)

Then some maginot line maps.

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