well asking 10000 times and crying all over the forum for ages makes you one
Now GE knows how it feels when other faction talk about new equipment like planes and tank balance … its just a good lesson GE faction needs to learn before they get their MG 42 …
The CM Major tells us to make forum posts for the devs to see, no need to call ppl crybabies for asking for stuff on forums
I’m a simple man. I want my T26E1-1, M26 T99, the Condors out of the shop, can’t forget about the M3 Halftrack, and maybe a couple other odds n ends
And outside the M3 Halftrack which is just beyond human comprehension of why DF did what they did, I’m not overbearingly constantly begging and demanding these things
Except that MG-42 with 100rnd belt is something that should’ve been added a long time ago. It’s a crime how everyone gets their 100rnd MGs before Germany, especially since Wehrmacht was famous for their machineguns and their squad tactics were centered around them.
M26 T99? Why?
Well im not against it but after all their trolling and mockery in the forum they deserve it! EVERY YEAR THAT THERE IS NO MG 42 with 100 rounds will make them more desperate and finally they gonna sell them one for 50 Euro
It’s a rocket Pershing. What’s not to love? Lol
Careful that’ll “kill the German faction and make you fight nothing but bots” or some bull like that
This drug addict will never quite
its not in their doomer nature they will pay and ask for more
really just look at this :
A game about the Second World War without the French? - Suggestions - Enlisted
Its every day with their toxic BS and now the devs given them the middle finger that’s gold when GE improves its behavior they can have MG 42 with 100 rounds
Don’t forget the M20 super!
M20 and M18 would also be super cool
Real I wanna see them cry, mald and cope harder
The way they ask, argue, and complain makes them one. These type of people are so over sensitive with stats that 0.1 difference will make them cry so hard here instead of how they use their own weapons.
Then easy grind please we should do that
Foldering could be done better
25% / 50% but close enough to 0.1 differency.
And got to agree, like how dare someone base theyr arguments on stats when everyone and theyr mom in enlisted knows all you got to do is some scientifically proven sideways crabwalking.
Ls 26 with drum mag
Not a suggestion and deliberately made for flame