❓ Your questions about the mission editor and launching user missions in the game

i am using the rally points. but the annoying things aint being quiet. even when i mark sound as disabled xD

Can you make a bot which attacks both teams?

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you’ll have to set the team either to 3 or 4.

for more info,
check this:

though they don’t move.

so, if you want bots that actually plays the objective and assault / defende against players, you’ll have to create a new army team, and assign team 3 / 4.

theorically, the game will allow players to join the normal teams ( 1 / 2 ) and all the additional bots will be splitted equally in all teams ( depending on the number of players and faction you have ).


ah, since while i’m at it,

and we are speaking of npcs,

@Devenddar do you know why the placed bots do not have a kill log?
like, assign them custom names that show up.

is there some way to add it?

also, for some reason, if you kill them, they don’t count as a kill.

( if not, that’s alright. it’s not the end of the day, i just was wondering if we could improve them )

Yes you can.
But my old messages a bit outdated and less informative.

Now for create and equip bot you need to do:

  1. Write postfix ger_base_soldier for example:

    It may be ussr, usa, uk, it, jap and moroc instead ger.
    You can also remove base_ and as result use ger_soldier.

They’re probably a bit more weaker AI soldiers (have less accurate aim and more passive behaviors).

  1. Find and create dummy_enlisted_base_soldier with this postfix.

    Well… And then we need to equip this soldier.

3.1. - human_weap__weapTemplates contains all weapons.

3.2. - human_weap__weapInfo and human_weap__weapInitialComponents contains weapon stats and ammo.

(Not need to edit itemID).

3.3. - human_equipment__initialEquip allows add equipment/clothes to soldier.

You need write there equipment name. You can use it from create entity - equipment.
Keep in mind that equipment should be without +item_in_world!

Add value. After that you need to write slot where equipment should be.

And then clone entity or restart map.

How you can note… Property is clean after restart/clone. As result if you change it again… It will happened:

Yep. You need to full equip soldier. Or use clone if want check clothes. First entity still contains all code:

I recommend check this post. It contains many clothes names with pictures, but not all (outdated).

How to know real equipment slot?

You can find it in equipment entity.
Create it from equipment and then check property item__equipToSlots.

How to find weapon real ammo?

You can find info about it if spawn gun version of weapon instead gun_item.

After that use find entity and write weapon name. And in properties filter write ammo.
gun__ammoHolders contains all info about ammo.

Better to delete this entity after check ammo names. Just for make code cleaner.

How to change bot soldier team?

You just need to change team property.
Set it to 3 or higher you will make it as enemy for 1 and 2 teams and others, but not for 3.

For that you just need to add postfix no_report_kill.

Or create soldier with these postfixs.


and, if someone would like to tweaks their efficency, detection, accuracy etc?
( more like, basic ones instead of foundamentally change the AI as a whole )

as, before we had a wear unit, and a stronger one.
( with the human base charge and what not )

( too many parameters :upside_down_face: )

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Oh. They still works. I’ll later update post. Need to be sure that ger_soldier is really different then ger_base_soldier. About properties I don’t know much. Need to do many tests and I don’t have enough free time.

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yeah, i was about to say, what are the differences?

as i have the older bots in my mods, and somewhat works fine.

i guess it’s cool that they made a new easier to access node for a soldier.

though, i’d like to know what differences there are and how we could tweak them

( one thing that i noticed is, the " older " bots, on the harder ai, changing parameters didn’t appear doing much. in terms of readyness and what not )

gotta test if the new dummy is better / worse.

then we could create different difficulties of bots :+1:

i completely understand. no worries. i’ll try something and post results :slight_smile:

for now, thanks to the updated dummy entity.

i didn’t even know it existed

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Nice. My TLOU mod may have just got spicier…

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But if i want extra bots(not spawned by postfix) to only go to team 1 and team 2, do I have to adjust team 3 bot count?

that’s a good question.

but it seems despite us tweaking those numbers.

nothing changes

( as i previously wanted to move all my bots to team 3 and 4 while making players team (1 and 2 ) with 0 bots.
with no avail unfortunately.
so, to answer to your question, no.

you don’t have to adjust your bots.
we don’t have controll over these.

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So it will always keep extra bots on teams 1 and 2 only?

Currently time you probably can’t edit or limit bot amount in teams. They’re will be always depends on custom match settings. For example you set 20 bots then all teams will contains only 10 bots.

the way it work, is that will fill ALL teams with bots. to reach a certain number. ( depending the one you insert ) unless, there are players inside. in that case, it will move them somewhere else.

if there aren’t enough players, they might get some bots. and the rest still sent to other teams

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I guess i’ll not make my “infected” attack the points and instead just guard their areas.


bots with melee weapon are somewhat more dynamic and smarter than other AIs.
( the ones placed manually. the one that i sticked to your initial answer. i didn’t tested the dummy one so i cant say about those )

they will chase whoever they see, and from a discrete distance.

i tested some ostruppen with shovels and axes, and they show no mercy.

gotta see how it will go with ww1, will be epic.

PS, note one thing, those bots do not need boundaries, and they will chase players inside / outside gray areas

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if a bot is on team_3 but a team with team_id 3 doesn’t exist will the bot still be beholden to battle areas?

Oh. I just got one idea. Need to try it soon. It’s about to add fake bot players.
Maybe with this we will be able close all slots for X team.

It doesn’t matter. Bots that you placed will fine works even team 3 is unknown.
Ah. I read your message wrong. I think they will able to walk in gray zone if you didn’t add battle area for them.


even if team 3 doesn’t exist, or exists, those bots placed by modders will don’t care about gray areas.

which it can be somewhat of a problem as for example, in some of my missions, players respawn with bots shooting them from behind…

a bit unpleasant. but they are not that deadly from the distance unless lucky shots.

gray areas are only needed for bots and players that spawns with respawnteam and spawnpoints. ( anything inside that category )

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