❓ Your questions about the mission editor and launching user missions in the game

And they won’t die to the zone either?


they just chill until they came across an enemy.

mostly useful for make players fight a bit other than places than just on points.

to guard places, or stiff resistance on points.

the choice is yours.

but yeah, unfortunately there are quite few issues such as them not retreating, we can’t decide where to move them through a way point system, nor make them able to die or despawn if in gray area.

i’ll probably make a suggestion list when i’ll get more info and tests about it ( about other stuff. because i know for certain that they don’t do what i just said above )
though i need some time.

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It seems success.

For that need to create entity enlisted_bot_player.
And then in properties:

  • Turn off canBeLocal.
  • Maybe also would be good to turn off squads__squadsCanSpawn for avoid any error messages.
  • Also probably good to set name.
  • Set team.

This will happened if you set 4 bots:

Bots were only in my team.
This what will be if set 10 bots in settings:

5 in enemy team. My team without any bots. But yeah… Kinda dirty player list.

Need to test it latter in online game.
Maybe same for player entity. I don’t know.

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they might not do alot, but it’s cool that we can actually use them and dress them up or give them any weapon.

endless possibilities.

heck, i even used my bots as secondary objective in pves.

you can do alot.

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sounds nice,

but on which team did you setted the bots to be?

even though… i fear that even if you can lock team 2, customs will not allow you to start the match because of " team " unbalance ( of where it requires somewhat of an equal number to start in both teams )

hence… :frowning:

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In theory you can to add fake players. I want to try it soon. Maybe they will lock some seats…
But probably not.

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Maybe that would explain the 100 “players” lobbies?

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Can you please check custom matches and find server TEST?

sure, give me 2 min to boot up the game

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TESTA. Does it show 11/20?

no. only 1

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Ah sad. Probably you still can join to team 2.


that’s why we need customs to have the ability to lock teams and allow unbalanced numbers…

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Sad. It’s still possible join to team.
Thanks for help!

unfortunately… yeah

but let’s hope for the customs improvements :crossed_fingers:

anytime :slight_smile:

( if i’ll notice it in time, or not at work xd )

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I made a bot for team_1 which has defined battle areas and nav mesh but he won’t go to the objectives or move at all…

Bots that placed on map will not move to objective. And I still didn’t found any ways how to do it.
If you need bots that go to objective then you need… um… use default enlisted bots. Bot players.

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Oof. I wanted to add extra teammates to each team💀