❓ Your questions about the mission editor and launching user missions in the game

testing both… will see soon
EDIT - nope sir, still same result. Probably this item is missing someth, that cannot be overrun by edit in our level.

But - why your “generated” item reflects changes to HUD and I got other result?
Generated - what does it mean?

MAP text labels - can we place some information (like “Someth useful HERE”) that can be visible to one side (axis/allies)? Or some icon, like ammo resuply post.

I can use “red arrows” (but people will be confused) or “vehicle supply point” - but this is visible only when “in vehicle”. Any other options, visble for “foot soldier class” ?


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Can we modify range for especially mortars? 200m for light ones, 500m for 80mm… I was experimenting with modification of this value, but with no result. Probably “range of mortar” is controlled by other way.

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Ah. Sorry. Were a bit away. Well…

You did it again wrongly.
You can save edited properies after pickup only in customProps.
And there (in customProps) you need create initialComponents and set object.
After that add item__name property. And also mortar__distanceLimit if you want change it too.

“You can save edited properies after pickup” — I probably do not understand as I am not so skilled MODer.
Since now, I used/consumed only “working items as they are” - recently I learned how to insert working Names where are they missing, switch camo to the vehicles etc.

I need to prepaire this item on the MOD scenario, so if any gamer pick it up, it will be working as expected. Is this possible to do?

so this is wrong:

transform:m=[[0.997908, -0.0646474, 0.000630343] [5.82077e-11, -0.00975002, -0.999952] [0.0646504, 0.997861, -0.00972962] [-926.98, 26.3738, 4.69908]]
item__name:t=“8cm GrW34 Mortar”

item__name:t=“8cm GrW 34 Mortar”

item__name:t=“8cm GrW34 Mortar”
gun__locName:t=“8cm GrW34 Mortar”

(maybe it will be better to teach me/all others in syntax)

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In theory you do it… By can spawn base_fortification_build with postfix ammunition_box_a.
Then set team that should see icon. And after that turn off animchar_render__enable. And then edit collres__res just write there collres__res from any weapon.
Icon in hud_icon__image.

But I didn’t test it in multiplayer yet.

ok, tnx for clue, will try this option and do some testing in full game envioment

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Well… Or it’s maybe because my English kinda bad)
Anyways… I meant that customProps allows you to save information after pickup while if you edit properties then it will be reset to default.

Not really, but it will not works as you want.
Code should be like it:

transform:m=[[0.997908, -0.0646474, 0.000630343] [5.82077e-11, -0.00975002, -0.999952] [0.0646504, 0.997861, -0.00972962] [-926.98, 26.3738, 4.69908]]
item__name:t=“8cm GrW34 Mortar”

    item__name:t=“8cm GrW34 Mortar”

In editor:

Instead of all these ammo and animchar you just need write item__name.

Really? so easy, just creating Object in object and then set what is needed?

So stupid I am :wink: sorry to disturb you, you are extremely patent with me :wink:

Syntax gone in error in loading, but now i set same in Editor and testing this:

I see you use “owned by team” - that result in possibility of resupply such Item by engineer/Ammo box ?

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Not really, but it limit box that you can use. I mean limit is enemy/allies box.
If you didn’t set it then it will be automatically set depends on user team.
And as reuslt you will not able refill weapon on enemy engineer box.

For make weapon refillable you need set gun__reserveAmmoTemplate property.
If it didn’t set then it will be automatically set depends on soldier equipment… Which is weird.
Maybe I should create bug report about it.

In theory you can do it… By can spawn base_fortification_build with postfixs +medic_box_item+item_in_world .
Then set team that should see icon. And after that turn off model by editing animchar_render__enable . And then edit icon in hud_icon__image. Should work…

But need test it in multiplayer. Idk.

Just - it is a little bit different, but finally works:
you need both atributes to be set (usually with same name, here only to bet it better understand):

  transform:m=[[1, 0, 0] [0, 1, 0] [0, 0, 1] [-928.892, 26.849, 5.75029]]
  gun__locName:t="Granatwerfer 34"
  item__name:t="8cm GrW34 Heavy mortar"

      item__name:t="8cm GrW34 Mortarrr"

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Ok, now it works, 8cm GrW34 Mortar refillable by axis ammo boxis is “alive” and I have learned, how to do same for other types of handguns (you just have to know the ID of ammo of this weapon)

In syntax:

  transform:m=[[1, 0, 0] [0, 1, 0] [0, 0, 1] [-609.35, 4.65334, -90.1908]]
  item__name:t="8cm GrW34 Heavy mortar"

        item__name:t="8cm GrW34 Mortar"
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i am blind - just now have noticed that you sent the manual " Here not big info how customProps works."

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Probably the dumbest question

How do you build roads?


Not dumbest D:
Nobody still know these secrets.
In normal words… We still don’t have…
Um… Something like paint texture tool.

Well… I think you can make ugly roads by placing game_rendinst and use bridges/railways?


i have started using the promenade as the roads and their turning out fairly decent. Just gotta hide the sides of them


okay. so next question. how do i make it so i can select a spawn point. Like a rally point or my own spawn. I dont see an option for it anywhere

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apparently i cant edit my own post. but any time i try to make one it says respawnbase has group (componentspawnbaseGroup) but equal -1

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Oh. Create rally spawn point in editor…
Well… Currently time there is problem or bug that don’t allow create this entitiy in editor.
I tried currently time add respawn to map by editing map code (scene.blk), but even with it I can’t do it.
Entity just not appearing. Maybe because it have checks to another object.
And if this another object not in game then not appears.

Anyways you can try create rally point entity.

And seems it works. But yeah… It still prints errors about respawnBaseGroup.
You can change rendinst or edit tm in scene.blk:

  transform:m=[[0.982004, 0, -0.188859] [0, 1, 0] [0.188859, 0, 0.982004] [57.2073, 9.03904, 450.504]]

      tm:m=[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0] [0.0, 1.0, 0.0] [0.0, 0.0, 1.0] [0.0, 5.0, 0.0]]

Interesting. Seems we can make multiple items spawns when you build rallypoint.
Anyways… It maybe should spawn soldier in 5m higher then usually.
And it’s for 2 team (because of team:i=2).

Huh. It still plays sounds like enemy rally point. But you can see… It’s friendly!

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