❓ Your questions about the mission editor and launching user missions in the game

i see.

well, just tested and if i put the kinectic damage in entities, it does what i want it to do :+1:
so as far as i’m concern, i’ll do just that.

perhaps it’s better and simpler. so i don’t have to unpack more shells and redirect entities to the base folder of each bullet :sweat_smile:

but thanks once again.

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Is there a way to edit specific parts of tank animchars (or just animchars in general)? For example, if I wanted to replace the 37mm cannon on a Stuart’s in-game model with a 76mm cannon by editing its animchar?

You can create another one scene. Or in userGameMods create another folder and put there scene.blk file (without any (2) and e.t.c.).

What is this pacific tree called? I am trying to make pacific map with more trees but i cannot find this type of tree in the rendinsts

How do i change the ammount of points capping a domination point removes from the enemy score in the sandbox?

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Hey, is it possible to auto-decap a point in domination after it being cap?

After that team leaves it? Try turn on capzone__autoDecap. Or exactly after capture?

Exactly after capture so the mod can work for singleplayer and don’t rely on a second player.

I’m not sure if this is possible. Decap only works if the team has not completely captured the point and dropped it.

How can we make sure that NPCs in some places do not run into crowds of walls? I made a point, but instead of going around it, they break into the walls and only occasionally climb up.

and further. I have 5 capture points and after capturing the last one, the game does not end, but two bars of the number of soldiers appear, where you just need to fight until one of the teams loses all reinforcements. How to make the game end when the last point is captured?

Need to create a battle area and rebuild NavMesh. Save the scene and then build ZIP. In sandbox protal you need to upload zip file.

It sounds like that you haven’t edited team__score or team__capturePenalty in team entities (you can find them in Find Entity). Team will lose if score becomes 0. Property team__capturePenalty removes X score if team loses sector/point.

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İts called tree_tropic_mobile_large_c

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Is there any possibility of making decorative corpses on the map or something similar to them? I saw pieces of simple skeletons, but this is a little different.

Try to create dead soldiers entities? Like dev_dead_soldier. Property bodyCleanupTime let you edit time when body will automatically disappears. You also can kill soldiers if set hitpoints__hp = hitpoints__deathHpThreshold. You can a bit rotate them before kill.

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thank you, it worked very well. One nuance: can he change the model, for example, to a model of the Soviet winter soldier?

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Try to edit human_equipment__initialEquip property before kill soldier.

Equipment will change after restarting/cloning. Here you can find all clothes: All Clothing list ( Updated )

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This might have been asked for many times but could someone tell me how to make the snow appear on the streets alongside with the sidewalks

Currently there is too little snow and i would like to have more

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Well… Currently time you can’t edit map textures.

However you can add snow using rendinsts or capture point decal entity.
You can find entity code for entities.blk here: Custom Entity Question

But… Capzone decal may slightly reduce the quality of the map detail.

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