Let’s begin right away:
Select new scene:
Give it a name and select the location you want to use
Press Create
You will be greeted with the squad selection screen
However you cannot spawn just yet. We will need to put down spawn points first.
Press F12 to get into editing mode:
The game will also warn you to add spawn points, let’s do that right now.
Press space to enable free camera and use WASD keys to move around. Find the place you want your soilders to spawn and
Press the Create Entity button:
Choose Mission respawn category:
and filter name for respTeam:
Use the versions with the respawn chooser.
Team 1 is in this case the Allied team and team 2 is the Axis team
Let’s add a spawn point for team1 first:
Now we have a respawn point for Team 1 but we want it to be inside the bunker. To move the spawn point to the right position use the move tool:
To select 1 or more entities hold and drag Left Mouse Button (LMB from now on):
You can also CTRL+LMB to select multiple entites
Use the arrows to move the point:
The red axis (X) (not the arrow but the line!) is where the soliders will look upon spawning. We want them to look at the door not the bunker wall. To rotate the entity use the rotation tool:
And rotate the entity:
If you want, you can do the rotation in 15 degree increments by holding ALT
Before moving on let’s talk about RespawnBaseGroup property of this entity. (To open properties tab press P)
And make copies in this room:
This will show up as ONE respawn point in-game. . Let’s add another:
I will simply copy one of the entites above to use as a template:
And place it just right there. Currently, in-game this respawn entity belongs to respawn point number one, and will not be visible in the spawn selection screen. To change this all we have to do is change RespawnBaseGroup from 1 to 2.
Now we can make copies of this to avoid clutter:
You can drop them to ground level if they are floating in the air by pressing the Drop button:
Now we have 2 spawn points, with each spawn point having 4 spawn entites.
Let’s test it in-game: (Press F12):
As you can see we spawned in the right place.
And our 2 spawn points are also present:
Now let’s add the same for the other team:
Choose respTeam2 this time:
and place down the spawn points as before
First spawn:
Second spawn:
Let’s test it out. To change teams press the wrench icon in the top right corner:
and change team to 2
and restart with saving changes:
Again everything works just fine:
Now to conquest zones:
There are two main types of zones: spherical and box shaped. We will use each type depending on what we need of course. Let’s add a spherical one first.
Create Entity:
Mission Objective zones:
And choose this one:
Place it down wherever you want:
I want the zone to contain the trenches too. Resize is needed. We can use the Scale tool:
And use the inner tetrahedron to resize the entity in all 3 dimension simultaneously
Now we have one zone, but it’s missing some information; Mainly the name and title of the zone.
Letter of the Zone. Can be 1 character long, longer text is not recommended
caption: Actual name of the zone: Let’s call this Windmill
As you can see, now we have got the A zone:
Other zones are created the same way; If you manage to deform a sherical or box zone you can reset their ratios by rotating them
My B zone:
When testing you will notice that upon capturing an objective, the enemy’s score is not going down. This is because by default the team_ entity’s values are set for invasion modes
These entities are created by default, and can be found by using this:
We need to edit 2 entites:
Let’s start with USA:
You will see a lot of things here: The entries we need to edit are:
Obviously you don’t want the scoreCap to be smaller than team_score. While it is not neccessary to change these values, it is important to mention these so that the next entry makes sense:
score_bleed_domBleed will determine how much score is deducted from the USA team when it is losing. Because our team_score was 2000, i say we set domBleed to 2. Setting this number too high will make the match short, low will make it too long.
Now our conquest map will function, but we are not done yet. Because this entity and it’s entries were „optimized” for invasion gamemodes, we need to change other values as well.
For USA team:
should be set to -1
should be set to 0
For German team:
to 2
to 0
to 1 (or to match USA value)
Should be equal to US team. In this case: 2000
Now we have a fully functional Conquest map: (Restart with changes saved if it doesn’t work)
Briefing texts:
This is obviously intended for Invasion gamemodes. You can change the text here:
in the team_ entites.
For example:
A restart with changes saved may be required for the text to update
You may also want the players to look at the area where the battle will commence, and not this:
To change the first spawn camera, you have to move static_cam in the editor. The blue line (Not the arrow!) is where the camera is looking:
Let’s move it to the right place:
Sometimes you need a restart to apply changes to the scene.
To get rid of navmesh errors, you can use mission_objective entites with the „without_navmesh” in it. The error will also disappear after placing down battle_areas
Creation of Battle Areas, Tank,plane, motorcycle spawns are explained in the offical guide here