All Clothing list ( Updated )

@ErikaKalkbrenner Did they permanently remove the version of the pea dot camo which they replaced with something else in Normandy? I couldn’t find it in the mods editor. Also thanks for compiling all the bugs regarding customization and passing in on to the devs. I saw your post in the support website. Appreciate it.


coming right up.

no. as specified in the bug report, they changed the camouflage ( yet again on accident i believe ).

resulting in a doubled version of the “stalingrad” pea.

under the name of planetree.


Oh. I see. Thanks.

Did DF even say anything about the German soldier cap using the same models as the tanker one? shouldn’t the visor be longer than the tankers but shorter than the tropical one?

nope. they did not.

as they did used the same cap


the m41 though ( the longer version ), should be available in different colors outside tunisia too.


Isn’t the visor too short though? i was aware that the M43 was supposed to be the same between most branches, but since the tanker one in game is so short i though that DF was using a very specific variation. The old model was the same as the field_cap_m43_01_ger_winter_item? or this one is an unused/scrapped one.

So that’s where our peadot tops went too. I bought quite a few of both, I wonder how they are going to fix that?


technically, it is.

both the infantry and tanker version.

they will prolly fix that, or adjust it down the line.

like they did for various items such as the zeltbahn.


here is the cylce as far as i can remember.

before the merge, only tunisia had the plane tree cosmetic.

during the merge, it got introduced to normandy, and issues started appearing. the plane tree became the stalingrad pea dot. and the stalingrad pea dot became the plane tree.

before last update, the planee tree was fixed to be a plane tree, but normandy and berlin pea became plane trees ones. and the stalingrad remaind untouched.

and now, the stalingrad pea as well as the normandy and berlin ones were fixed, but the planetree is still broken.

around of 5 months, people most likely bought a camouflage and kept sending reports of missing bought cosmetics.

it’s an endless fight of " i bought Z but it’s Y "

dunno what to think anymore.

but it just shows how carelessly the customization is being made.

just like the tank patches that are still broken since the test server of the merge.

Just realized we need theese too…


Hell yea

once again the list has been updated to include all the additional flash lights, or items that were missing.

interestingly, few new additions:

possibly april fool?

dunno, but it’s great to have ww1 assets.
the rest are just minor additions etc.


ww1 assets

:eyes: :eyes:

flash lights

There are flashlight models in the game?


but not functional.

just cosmetics.


but not functional.

not yet :slight_smile:

It should be possible to replace a melee weapons model with this and maybe attach a spot_light to the model? hmmm



you can theoretically add effect lights to weapons or cosmetics ( through decorators in the entities.blk ) .

problem is, if i recall correctly, the light will be a bit bouncy, and it goes through majority of rendinsts.


The WW1 Style helmet is for the upcoming event assault engineers I presume

dunno about that.

it could be.

( as… technically it’s still an m35 and not an actual stainhelm like the crsed one: )


due to the document being heavy and slow to load images, and i’m not willing to sacrifice the quality of images,

i decided to stream line the documents in order to take less time, and therefore, the following items of all factions:

will be separated from the main thread and added separately onto another document.

because some of those are not widely used and / or are shared across some factions anyway.

so you will find them in one place, plus a link will direct you there if you need them.

Now I remembered this great list by Erika and came to see it because I wanted to know about the US military outfits.
I looked at it carefully and noticed the fact that the amo pouches and clothing are separate parts. In the game you can only purchase these items as one piece, and I have always found it difficult to replicate the equipment of the 101st Airborne Division. (The jacket with lots of pouches is not the same color as their airborne pants.)
However, looking at the list, I realized that there seemed to be a non-zero chance that there would be a costume item in the future that would satisfy me. Or maybe a mod will be able to reproduce it first.
Anyway, it must have been very hard to mine so many equipment items and write an article about them. My thanks and respect to Miss Erika who has done a wonderful job. :saluting_face:

and we need that pattern on top reworked and brought back out