❓ Your questions about the mission editor and launching user missions in the game

dunno where to ask.

and sorry to bother you,


me and Euthymia07 ( mostly her if i’m being honest ) when trying to find the texture for:


it appears to be not an actual texture, but a color:

( and thanks to her, i found out that the base code of the piece of equipment is: )

of interest:

  paintColor:p4=0.3, 0.329, 0.329, 1.0

which, opens many possibilities to color codes and what not, but…

upon testing:

entity code:


  paintColor:p4=0.3, 0.329, 0.329, 1.0

Scene Code:

  transform:m=[[1, 0, 0] [0, 1, 0] [0, 0, 1] [569.06, 5.11665, 120.057]]
  paintColor:p4=0.3, 0.329, 0.329, 1.0

nothing really changes:

despite saving the P4/Color Data:

is there additional data that i’m missing?

it was designed for something else?

it simply does not work?

if not oh well. thanks anyway.

p.s. sorry if in advance if i’ll might replay late,

thanks. and sorry again.

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Seems it’s because of animchar and texture ger_soldier_overcoat_cmask_tex_d*

Adding texture to another equipment will not able to use paintColor:

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that’s a shame…

i don’t get why officials can do it, but we can’t in the editor.

i would have guessed the code would have worked.

but thanks for the explanation :+1:

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although, then beggs the question,

what can the p4 color data be used for?

effects ( such as coloring smokes perhaps? vehicles? )

maybe i’m using the tool in a wrong way?

Actually color data type is c.
I don’t know why paintColor uses p4 instead.

As I know… c are inside shaderVars, custom_marker and light entities. Also inside projectile/bullet code (In tracer).

Effects… Probably are in another file which I can’t find. So I can’t tell.

Well… I dunno. But not sure that color properties will fine works for other entities.

that makes 2 of us :joy:

mh… i suppose i wasn’t wrong after all:

so yeah… all we can do, is best to wait for an actual color node ( i think )

but… it still bogggles my mind.

→ we have the code
→ official code shows that to color things, we have to use the p4
→ still doesn’t work in the editor :frowning:

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Or ability to use our textures.

It actually works, but seems only for certain animchars.

would love that too.

but… it can become a double edge sword.


i will have to try that other than just clothings

update time.

i found out what i was doing wrong:

so, in order to color things, you don’t need to crank up the colors numbers ( at least, not above 10 )

because it does work while retaining most of the details

( opposed as replacing entirely the texture: )

With color:

By Texture:

i still wished for something more intuitive, but that will do for the moment :slight_smile:

additionally, for anyone else in the future:

the four parameters:

[0, 0, 0, 0]


first parameter is the red channel.

second parameter is the green,

third is the blue,

and fourth is the graduation / intensity of the color being applied
which if used only that last, will also make black:

unfortunately though… it will not work for like, 70% of the clothings.

hope that helps :slight_smile:

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probably optimization reasons. If we would have kroll, reichkanzlei, villa, embassy, bahnhof and reichstag + all the random city buildings in one place the game would definetly not handle it


I’m sorry if any of these have been asked but I’m brand new to the mission editor and have not found questions to any of these yet.

  1. How do I change bot squads or my own squads I can spawn into the mission editor?

  2. Is it possible to have weapons/ammo placed in the map respawn? After 1-3 times of picking them up they disappear. It would be nice to have them to spawn once per game and still be there every new game.

  3. Is there a way to change teams other than the squad.changeTeam console command that spawns you on Team2 but playing as a Team1 squad??

  4. How do I stop a victory message from appearing after the 1st zone is capped? I’m trying to make a simple Assault map, and once the first zone is captured, a victory message will appear, and if I ignore/cancel the restart, the next zone is enabled and I can capture it but the victory message will just stay on the screen the entire time. I’ve followed the basic instructions in the 2 google docs but I must be missing something.

Again apologies if any or all of these have been answered somewhere, I’m still navigating all the information around this map editor. Thank you!

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You can do it by editing custom_profile entity (custom_bot_profile for bots). More info you will able find there: Custom Profiles (Guide).

Sadly, but currently time here no easy ways to do it. I would say “not possible”, but we can override entity stats using entities.blk. I have some ideas. If I’m on right way then I’ll able to do item respawn in weekends and sent code.

You can set team in Sandbox Config.
If you want to change squad presets to another country then you can use squad.spawn console command, but there you will need to write correctly squadID name (for example ussr_berlin_rifle_1). This command don’t change team.

You probably missing part about team__score and team__capturePenalty. If you set any team__capturePenalty then team will lost X team__score after that enemy capture team zone.

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Hey guys, is there a way to make that the planes can capture sphere domination zones?

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Weird. Property capzone__canCaptureOnVehicle doesn’t work on aircraft :confused:
You can try to mix aircraft with vehicle using entities.blk, but currently time I can’t tell what exacly you can do it.


Excuse me, has anyone noticed some driving issues with Object-279? It seems that it can’t be driven normally.
Meanwhile, it seems that the lighting effects on the moon map will automatically disappear and other event profiles cannot be enabled


This error has been around for a long time, if memory serves, he needs to change net_phys.


Hi all!

I tried to create a stationary machinegun with a different look from what we already have
so I took a stationary mg42 and changed the “animchar_res” (my banana-brain tought this would be a smart move) like this :

but when I tried to use it… Well, I ended up like this:

not as I hoped…

But, Joking aside, does anyone know if it’s possible to change the look of a fixed mg and make it work?
if yes, how can I do it?

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Probably you can’t do it right now, because stationary weapon’s animchar contains different nodes that Breda mod 30 doesn’t have. I tried to replace all nodes from breda (eyeCam and stationary_gun_fulcrum_node), but it seems useless. Or maybe I missing something.

After all I changed camera (gun__cameraTemplate) to dev_tps_cam.

This is probably the maximum that you can to do without using entities.blk.

With entities.blk (basic info about it) you can attach animchar to your stationary weapon. And then maybe hide it or hide some parts.

There is code:




  gun_deviation__omegaRange:p2=30.0, 90.0
  gun_deviation__omegaDevInc:p2=0.07, 0.5
  gun_deviation__movementRange:p2=0.1, 4.0
  gun_deviation__movementDevInc:p2=14.0, 35.0





      relativeTm:m=[[-0.999961, 3.72529e-08, 1.51061e-06] [-1.09516e-06, -0.999961, -2.72546e-06] [1.89897e-06, -9.8662e-08, 0.999956] [-0.000361009, -0.776566, 7.61304e-05]]





I added overheat properties for create fake reloading. 20 shots and some cooldown. You can freely edit it. Properties deviation, spread and recoil i used from ingame breda mod 30. Also it seems that stationary mg42 don’t have properly shell ejection. You can remove it for disable.

UPD: Added disableDMParts inside breda_mod_30_animchar entity and hide bipods.


That’s awesome, thank u again! :slight_smile:

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Almost forgot to tell that _extends probably very soon will be replaced by _use. You can add in code both of them.

I mean it will be looks like it in code:


And after update you can remove _extends.

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