greetings developers.
today i come with more suggestions that will help out creators like my self and aid for a better management, and refine management regarding custom buildings.
without further ado, here are my 4 requests:
- Color Node Appliable to items:
( it doesn’t necessarely have to be like the one in the picture. but the idea is, the more it has of controls, the better usually is )
what i mean by this, is that it would be cool to being able to add a color node applicable to rendinsts, vehicles, clothing etcetera.
so, essentially, the node will recognize the object, create various various parameters for each texture that the object it self uses, and allows modders to tweak the color parameters to adjust and change based on their liking.
similar to how edit_color_node works, except about colors and only for objects.
because currently, we do not have any way of changing rendinst color, or vehicle colors.
beside the RGB ( or whatever system you guys use: 0.968, 0.968, 0.968, 1.0
) this node would also need blend option, being able to outright reduce/replace a color within the panel or what not. up to developers possibilities
but with this hypothetical node, we would be able to create/make for example,
create greenscreens for content creator and Editor artists
which they can mask it for their thumbnails, use those picture, remove the greenscreen, and tweak artificially the lightnings, etc. -
change color of non weaponized vehicles
P.S: i’m well aware that you could theoretically change color of vehicles through, for example;
// from cuisine royale
value:p4=0.968, 0.968, 0.968, 1.0
problem are,
A. it’s cumber-stone and having to switch one and off each time just to check the color is less than ideal.
B. entities do not work online.
C. Does not work on all vehicles
so a dedicated node would solve a lot of issues, and above all, make it possible ( hopefully working online )
- Ability to get colors that normally aren’t present in the game.
so, for example, if i wanted to color a glass/tire/piece of clothing etc of pink, blue etc, with this system i’d be able to do just that.
but currently, we have no way of doing that.
- Spline Curve and cut on rendinsts
( i’m not entirely sure if it’s the correct name. )
in order to understand better this point, i want to cover our struggles when creating custom buildings.
majority of the time, when we want to create for example, a curved window, a curved streed and many other objects that lacks of cuves ( or straightness depending from objects ) this spline integrated in the rotation ( or would need it’s own keybind and separate tool option at the top left like any other ) would allow to have more manipulation over the object in order to be able to tweast it. ( if it’s even possible ).
Spline curves and cut on rendinst would allow to being able to manipulate an object in finer details.
or, for example, being able to use a square, resize it and then use the spline curve and cut on rendinst to cut it into a triangle if needed. ( whether it be because there are no other triangles using the same material / shape of the same kind and what not.
- Ability to change Textures and resize them
( this guy probably address it better than what i’m trying to convey )
Youtube link
this request links in and somewhat share the previous issues with the Spline curve and cut rendinst issue as well.
but it would be greatly appreciated being able to apply textures onto rendinsts and any other object to match other pieces to be visually appealing and not straight up look like a sore thumb.
because contless time i ( just as much as the next person ) have to resort to lego type of buildings:
where despite being only one building, it has 3 or more different colors.
outside rendinsts, it allows to change materials of objects and always give a fresh new look based on the modder preferences to eventually have infinite possibilities to create different looks and what not.
same would apply to vehicles, clothing, and generally being able to change things with others.
another important feature in order to prevent stretched textures, are the ability to resize them. so that we can fix and scale textures in order to look a bit more natural and fix various artifact that might have happened.
and should theorically work like the color node on items previously described. where this node will recognize the object, list all the textures being used, and this time around, instead of numbers to change the color, it will allow modders to change textures on the get go.
and to conclude, this function can either be integrated already in the information panel, or make it into a node so that modders can simply add it as postfix and tweak what they need.
last but not least for today suggestion which greatly ease out the process of replacing:
similar to another title;
- ability to browse textures
this would allow modders to scroll through a menu of where all the textures can be seen through folders of association and by right clicking on the textures, it will automatically save the texture name in the clipboard for easy copy and paste prcoess.
which then modders can use to quickly find textures in particular and then replace them using the previous suggestion node.
and that’s about it.
i’ll start by saying that i understand it’s quite alot of work. and most likely, not priority.
i am well aware.
but i’d argue those are features that are quite essentially to modders and should to the very least, be present in any editor. ( matter of fact, many editors of many others titles do ) but it’s not meant to be " ha ha enlisted bad!" not at all. just trying to improve it along side everyone else.
if any other modders have additional cents to improve and aid in this endevour, do not be afraid to speak up. i’ll might add them depending on the feedbacks received upon said ideas.
and if something wasn’t clear, let me know.