Your feedback about last update

I only got a peek at the update before work this morning, but overall it seems like a good improvement for the game. One issue I would say I have is that the UI could use a little work, at least on consoles.


Let us add medics to all sqauds pls.


I have heard that “Call of Duty” is much simpler


4 test servers and the forum is still on fire

What i don’t like:
-countless feedback on how squad management is tiresome - all we get are some lousy filters, a drop in the bucket that has hole in it
-staying on topic of squad management - squad presets still work poorly, to use premium/event squads in different presets we still need to manually change their gear - make squad presets also save soldiers and their equipment in those squads
-premium squads got free perk reroll - but not normal ones, at this point it’s not even greed, you just don’t like people who play this game. It’s cheaper to buy new soldiers than to reset their perks. Also old broken promises of easier perk system (*easier but pay us), but who counts lies at this point
-reserve size is now smaller, problem that is bigger because of poor squad management UI

Not even gonna touch balance or map veto topic.
Those issues are just in menu - not even in proper game.


I already reminded them of this 2 weeks before the merge. It was ignored. Now we have to deal with this bs.

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What you like

  • Gee, it looks cleaner. Maybe. Reseach tree is nice.

Not sure, but I think I have been playing close to two years.
Made 4 Star General, before the update.

What you don’t like

  • Holy sheep dip, way to ruin an awesome game!!!
    How do I hate it, let me count the ways…

3 hours to rebuild my squads. Yeah. That sucked. Nice job guys.
Still don’t have all of them squared away, yet.

You took “one shot, one kill” way too far. Guess I don’t need all of those medical kits and tools kits now. Maybe it will make me lighter and therefore faster.

And, talk about fast! Wish I had that kind of target acquisition speed! AI turns on a dime, looks right at you, and boom! (See my previous comment).

Seriously, phenomenal shooting. All the way across the map, when I am hidden behind a building. Impressive. I guess the AI figured out x-ray vision over the weekend.
Oh, and that applies to tanks.
Only, it doesn’t apply to my squads. So, yeah, that sucks.

Definitely an uphill battle now. And, a steep one.
I really liked this game and I hope they make some changes very soon.
Definitely not fun today.

What is not too easy to understand
Why they screwed up an awesome game.

Holy sheep dip! Way to ruin an awesome game!!


A “clear all equipment on all squads” button would have been nice, although I doubt that’s gonna help newbies down the line. More of a QoL feature for those of us with a bunch of legacy squads.

I wouldn’t say the game is ruined though.


Maybe not ruined, but not sure they made it “better”.

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Don’t understand. Why totally change the game? It doesn’t even resemble Enlisted. You could have simply created this new game and kept the actual Enlisted instead of taking away all our hard work to advance and not giving us a choice of battles. I like Enlisted. I have no idea what this new game is trying to be.


The only thing I don’t like is Tier 3. If it goes down to Tier 1-2, it’s too strong, but when it goes to tier 4-5, it’s weak. I think tier 3 should have its own matchmaking


Nah, just need a straight up +/-1 br spread, if it even works, since it doesn’t appear to be reliably separating into the groups they said it should


The spread doesn’t work for BR4 russia, its so hilariously weak when matched against full on BR5 Germany
You get to haplessly plink away with your SVT-40 while getting mulched by FG42s, stgs and conders. It deals so hilariously little damage, even when upgraded I started double tapping everything as a rule (and its still sometimes not enough, not for the more egregious fomo squads). I have no idea why AVT/AVS is in BR5 instead of BR4. You have no usable SMG in BR4. The MG is mediocre at best. There literally arent any planes in BR4, ive resorted to using 1941 IL2, the P40 and La-5 (BR2 or BR3 at most)
I don’t think it’s great for US either.
Not that it matters anyway. Every single match we had was against full BR5 teams
BR5 is a massively oversized upgrade in power for Germany and its obnoxious that you get severely punished for daring to play anything but the max rank


I agree with all three of the above posts 100%

Top Tier is dominated by Axis, while Soviets and US dominate low-mid BR. Does DF even play their game? They even buffed Soviet smgs for not reason while Axis only has crappy FNAB or mediocre MP40 that gets obliterated by PPS-43 and especially PPSh-41 Box.

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Put Stalingrad to TIER I-II, and GIVE US BERLIN ON TIER V!!! Otherwise you will lose the majority of the player base!!!

To be more detailed about the patch:

  • I awaited this merge, I really love the way I don’t have to grind 2000hours to max out only 1 faction on only 1 campaign BUT THAT’S THE ONLY GOOD THING ABOUT MERGING!
  • The tech-tree for the first look was a lil confusing, but after 20mins I got used to it
  • Perk-tree IMO is not bad but, every soldier has random value on each tree, that is BS, make it so classes are equal to each other, I can give plus HP to 1 flamethrower guy but not the other?
  • Graphically looks good, but other games look better and better optimized.
  • BR make sense, what doesn’t make any sense to put Stalingrad to IV-V tiers while Berlin is I-II, are you insane, have you learnt anything about history at all while you were developing this game? This just doesn’t make any sense to put these maps this way, either make all maps available for every tier or switch those 2 for the love of history and player base!
  • The Squad management is still the same after 3 years? Is this a joke? It was out-dated and poorly made when since then, why the hell would you stick with it??? Can’t you make it better, then check out how other games do it and copy it, I don’t care, but this can’t stay like this forever!
  • I encountered more bugs today than throughout the 3 years! HOW? You did f*** up this merge with gameplay tweaks and that is so stupid, paratrooper flying on the ground endlessly, hands and legs are following me endlessly, engineer after building can’t stop hammering, nades has inconsistent range and the fast-building perks doesn’t even work!

You wasted A YEAR for this update the whole 2023 Roadmap is in the garbage, because you worked hard on this merge and you fucked it all up! This would have been the best update ever without these issues! Now, another year to resolve everything, I hope you don’t consider putting it on Steam, before fixing everything, because that’s gonna be your last nail in your coffin!


I can now only have have 4 squads without premium? i cant unlock additional slots without premium?

It was always like that.


What you like

  • Tech tree looks good, it might take some time to get used to it, but not that much

What you don’t like

  • USSR is still in great disadvantage compared to Germany. The example would be the AVS-36 and FG 42 II, the recoil is quite different in between them. I don’t mean that they should be the same, but AVS having twice of what FG has is just astonishing and unfair

  • Machineguns are unbalanced for Germany, MG 42 being hipfired and almost no recoil is just dumb. If you look at Soviet ones, their vertical recoil is somewhere around 40, while for most German ones it’s 20ish mostly all across. Good point for this would be this, everybody is saying, that Soviet have the best submachineguns, but what is better than those submachineguns? German machineguns with the same recoil, more mag capacity and higher damage, basically oneshot.

  • Soviets often get the same gun with no real upgrade (AVS-36 to AVT-40, the same; DP-27 to DPM, the same,

  • Tank imbalance with higher tiers between Soviets and Germans remains a problem. Soviets with T-34-85s can’t really pen Panthers unless left alone to aim at the smallest spots that give a mid chance to go through, while Panthers can pen you even if you angle and move around. I would recommend changing the Zis T-34 to some other with a better cannon.

What is not too easy to understand

  • Squad management is a mess, really confusing what is what.

  • Why is there still such difference between USSR and Germany, like the bias still continues together with every game for Soviets on high tier being shitty Staligrad maps.

Please just make it playable for everyone and let the skill determine the outcome of the match not the guns that the faction has.


Also, please fix the lighting so that you can see inside windows and buildings.