Your feedback about last update

Go outside and try to see through windows during daylight…it really depends where the sun is and how dark is inside…I don’t think it needs change

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Hey I’m a loyal Enlisted player who spent a lot of time and money on your game. I especially liked the historical accuracy which now seems to be completely lost. The second thing is I kinda lost a big part of my in-game progress and now I have to rearrange everything. For me it was the best thing to play a few rounds with my mates after a hard day at work. Maybe a little Normandy, maybe a little Moscow…we’ll see. But now it’s all gone. You changed a perfectly and really celebrated game to the worse. Please change it back.


If there are windows, sure you have reflection, but on certain maps and spots you only see black rectangle which is bullshit, you should at least sea silhouettes

General suggestion for updating Enlisted

Hello. I have been an Enlisted player for quite a few years, I am also socially active on various Discord servers, so I decided that I would also comment on the latest update.

What is good:

  • switching to faction trees and simplifying the currency is a good solution.
  • Overall graphics improvements
  • Sound effects improvement
  • Bug fixes
  • Soldier skill tree

What’s bad in my opinion:

  • Intuitiveness of the interface regarding the tier value of given units, soldiers, weapons, vehicles
  • No preview of silver soldiers, we don’t know how many points he will actually have to spend at maximum experience (5 stars)
  • There is no information on what specific equipment is needed to play a given campaign, which causes frustration for players who like specific maps and specific battlefronts.
  • Lack of authenticity, since the IS-2 can drive on Moscow, and historically this was not realistic


  • Adding a weapon template to play a specific old campaign
  • Adding a clear indicator of the tiering of given items, equipment and units
  • Limited equipment specific to specific campaigns for historicity purposes.
  • Re-adding information about the allocation of a given vehicle to a given campaign
  • Introduction of information before selecting the game about the tiers in which it will be played

Distant Suggestions:

  • Adding a realistic mode with specific equipment related to a given campaign, frendly fire, available for avid players

Please consider my opinion and comment on this matter.



I see the enemy silhouette when they stand near the window and I bet they see me as well, because I get shot, your first comment about this was total different and I think your PC is potato, if not, you need to change settings

No it was not… I did not have premium but i had extra slots unlocked, now i have to have premium to uhnlock extra slots

U have a private message. This update is really bad and a step backwards for all veterans.

I played the Game a long Time and i dont understand this Update. It is chaos sorry i found no other words for that.


Looks good so far.
This is a big jump from what we were used to so it’s natural that so many people feel uncomfortable and confused.
This will take some time to digest and alot of experiencing before any reasonable feedback can be elaborated.
So let’s take it slow, try some different situations so we then can have an educated opinion .

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What I liked was the game before update. The game is now just tanks and snipers pointless to have a zone when both teams are just sniping at each other.


Deleting unpopular posts does not change the situation at all :o)


Last update is so bad that no one even make a post on the updates section. Last post about jungle fire update, which shows how unprepared was everyone for this merge.


my feedback: why improve something that worked well? The whole update is rubbish, an Italian paratrooper in a summer uniform at stalingrad, really?


Why do I have to “research” classes that had previously unlocked. Seems ridiculous. WTF


Next try:

Imagine: the year wasted on this nonsense would have been used to develop new campaigns/maps/weapons - I think everyone would have freaked out for joy! That would have been the better place.

Instead, this waste was produced - in my company I would have fired all those responsible!

What will happen - unfortunately nothing, only that is trying to bring the dead horse back to life.
If you guess how much time and money has gone into the development of this “update”, the management has only one chance to save its ass - find everything great and continue to sell it to everyone like that, past most of the customers (my guess).

I’m afraid the 06th December 2023 was the beginning of the end of Enlisted - that’s really very, very pity.

A tip when it comes to profit - quote for a reasonable monthly amount the opportunity to play the old version. I think this is a good alternative for those who have lost a lot of bonuses and prefer to play the old version.
My tip - there will be more players than on the new version…


Like- the upgrade system the way it is with the new update

Dislikes- we do not like the matchmaking throwing any squades together and not picking where to go Pacific, normandy, etc we me and my friend faught 4 battles and each one was normandy going against tiger2s and it was just plain unfair lost each battle defending if its invasion of normandy the amercans should be attacking not defending. if u can make it to where we can pick where we battle that would be awsome like it was before

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The matchmaker needs to be tightened to +/-1
Not this -2 +2-3 horseshit it is now


If the AI regularly kills you then you just sucks at this game.

What I like
○ I definitely like being able to choose the weapon research target rather than there being an arbitrary list that requires me to gain “many” levels with weapons unlocks I will not use in order to gain access to the upgrades I will use

○ Tier 3 seems to contain a lot of useful weapons. I like that there are Tier III Tommy guns; I like that Sniper Garand is Tier III

○ I generally like the new soldier perk system

What I don’t like
○ The “Sniper Garand” is the M1C. It makes ZERO sense to have it available twice with two different names and two different tier ratings.

○ Squad management is even worse now that all of the squads from all theaters are managed together. Allow us to set two squad rosters so that if we want to go back and forth between(say) Tier 2 and Tier 3, we don’t have to do tedious squad gear overhauls each and every time we want to go up or down.

○ My soldiers where I had previously tinkered with perks resulted in them losing perk points. So now, those soldiers have no way of upgrading

○ I had unlocked Sniper II with the M1903A4, but Snipers seem to have been relocked. Although we were supposed to keep our upgrades, you locked me out of that one

○ I don’t like the unrealistic mess of having Army squads fighting in the Pacific and Marine squads fighting in Europe; it is really, really stupid

Man, thank you for such awesome feedback! Can’t wait to take that into my next game!!!
Yep, that has to be it! I suck! That’s definitely it. Not that they changed the AI or that the AI can shoot through not just walls, but bunkers.
Glad someone of your intellect is on the forums to depart such wisdom. Not sure what we would do with out you.
Have any more insight for the rest of us that “just suck”?
Any chance to get more phenomenal input from such an amazingly wise player!?!
Oh, maybe we can set up a custom one on one so you can impart even more guidance!?!

yea i think we need weapon random upgrade back like before you can buy weapon and have them upgrade to some lvl by luck and that was good since sometime it save money new version dont seem to have that