Your feedback about last update

I honestly haven’t noticed the AI acting any differently either, but I could be wrong. There’s also definitely more real life players in the games though, so each match is a little more intense than usual.

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What I like

The old Enlisted

What I dislike

The unbalanced matchmaking
The fact matchmaking is based off weapons not skill
Tier III is pointless since at least 50% of the time you’re facing people with much better equipment than you
The amount of squads per army is overwhelming
The amount of management required is overwhelming
The fact you have to create multiple sets of squad lineups for each army in order to be competitive
How one gun on one soldier can turn a Tier I squad into a Tier IV squad
The fact you guys didn’t tell us when it was coming
The fact I spent a shit ton of money on premium squads and battle passes only for you guys to change fundamental gameplay aspects.
NOT BEING ABLE TO PICK CAMPAIGNS This is the major reason why I started playing

What is not easy to understand

Why this update even happened


they said the merge happen to fix the “unlocking same weapon” problem altho i think that could just be added to old enlisted tbh

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Where have you been the last year?

The merge is the result of player demands and feed back.
Just read older posts


good technical work but please give the possibility that the maps can rotate veteran players only use the last unlocked weapons no one except new players use starting standard weapons we need more maps to fight on not just berlin and normandy make moscow playable and tunisia even for those with br 5 it is limiting to play only in 2 scenarios thanks👋

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Every single round in the Pacific is a total fustercluck.
Playing tier 3 is a crapshoot. You either get assigned up to a fun competitive round with players who are obviously experienced at the game (otherwise they wouldn’t be tiers 3/4/5) or you get assigned down with an ENTIRE SIDE full of people who have absolutely no clue.

Under the old matchmaking rules, there was a pretty good mixture of both. I feel like when I get assigned to a Pacific map, I have to be the one to set respawns, drop crates, lead assaults, and take points or everyone is just going to stand around with their thumbs up their butts and storm the predictable paths over and over again. That’s just not the way I like to play. I like to play support/sniper/pilot. NOBODY in the lowers knows how to mark targets for their air support!!


I took a photo of all the German campaigns and I put them all back thanks to the presets under the icon of the country Germany so I formed all the teams I had and I’m happy the only thing I don’t like is that the faction no longer fights in his specific theater

I’m pretty sure level 5 AI soldiers perform better than level 1s. Once i got my squadmates levelled up with decent gear they actually started getting a steady trickle of kills

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That could be. I’ve mostly been playing around levels 2-3

Simply perfect. Finally, Thank you.

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revert change that took away avt 40 from assaulters, no reason for this

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Playing as Americans after the last update makes no sense. The introduced combat ranking means that each time e.g. M4A2 or M4A3 goes to Panthers and Tigers. Premium troops also give the Germans a significant advantage. Additionally, the combat classification probably only assesses equipment and not the level of squad improvement. I also hope that someone checks the victory statistics and which nation wins most often. In the previous form, divided into campaigns, I liked the game more and the battles seemed more fair.


I think having certain maps accessible only to lower tier players ruins those maps. The Pacific maps are almost completely unplayable. Majority of the players seem to be tier 1 and they don’t know how to play the game. It absolutely ruins the experience to have ZERO Tier 4 and Tier 5 players.

They shouldn’t lock the Pacific maps to only be playable in lower queue. They should also be accessible to the higher queue.

My opinion of the changes are mixed.
•I like the changes to the Perk system.
•I like the changes to the weapon research system.
•I don’t like the elimination of campaigns.
•I don’t like seeing Marines in Europe and Army in the Pacific; it breaks immersion in a very, very stupid way
•I don’t like the matchmaking changes. Matches are much more skewed to one side or other than they were before.


Hello. I don’t speak English, so I’m using an automatic translator. I hope you understand.

What i like:
Japanese/US rebalancing (if any)

What i don’t like:

General concept

the abandonment of campaigns. That’s precisely what I liked about your game that stood out from the conccurence because of it. Today I feel like I’m playing a pale copy of a game that’s been around for longer. What worries me is that I may get tired of your game as I got tired of others.

  1. No ability to select campaigns, too many maps to lump into countries.
  2. Matching, you can have Tier 1 tanks up against Tier III and Tier III up against Tier V.
  3. Teams no longer match environment, snow troops in the desert and desert troops in snow environment. This makes any camouflage useless and harder to spot the enemy with random squads.
  4. Tier III should have its own slot rather than ‘spin the wheel of fortune.’
  5. Some games are so fast paced strategy goes out of the window and has become COD or Quake
  6. You have to change teams to play in different tiers/countries.
  7. Tech tree is better but you cannot move forward until you go back and research lower tier vehicles to move forward.
  8. This merge should have been phased, bring in Tech tree then if you had to merge then that should of been brought in next.
  9. I have never deserted so much if I don’t like a map, see tanks that mean we have little chance.

I cannot help but feel this whole ‘merge’ is for commercial in other words monetary reason. This may well lead to reputational damage and you loose more players than you gain. For many there is no point going Premium or buying teams as you have removed far too much choice and reasons to buy Premium or squads. With that it is a much less enjoyable experience.


What I like

  • absolutely NOTHING

What you don’t like


What is not too easy to understand

  • How you managed to totally screw this up so bad

After 888 hours played, 3131 battles and still 23 days left of my last Premioum Account - I am uninstalling the game. The insane time and effort needed to play this game is now a total turn off. I litterely cannot find AMYTHING good with this.

Well done


I’m right there with ya. The game was fucking fine, why ruin it like this? Just make a new game if you’re going to change it this much


What you like

  • Nothing. You have completely destroyed the concept of the game

What you don’t like

  • everything. The game lost any historic context, flow, accurancy and fun. Now its just another arcade with horrible graphics.

What is not too easy to understand

  • How can one so easily destroy a game… Its unimaginable…

Ok last update the ‘‘merge’’
Let’s see, what I like… well the Soldier Perks rehaul was good :+1:
The Idea of Mergin the Campaigns Tech Trees is a sound Idea, but your Tech Tree looks ugly, is confusing and generally makes no sense.
Why aren’t MGs one Tree, MPs one Tree, Tanks another so forth?
Your way of designing Tech Tree is bad
what else… More players on matches? haha :rofl: All matches I’ve played it’s 2-3 players both team, matches are stagnant and barely moving and it was actually better before! way better, matches was more alive

What I don’t like you say;
Yeah almost everything about it.
The removing of Campaigns and the whole sense of it, each campaign had it’s own Specific Squads, they were customized for that campaign, not having to do 5 different sets to be ready to time travel.
The Battle Rating which is a godawful system that completelty ruins the historical immersion of the game, the tech has no meaning no more.
You made customization for Soldiers all campaigns, but missed to have same system for Vehicles? retarded tbh. This type system we should ofc be able to customize our soldiers AND vehicles for the Maps we will get, just plain stupid and laziness of developers here.

What is not easy to understand is how you developers, and whatever in charge of game came to this usless idea to completely retwrite the game and turn it into a Arcade CoD Kids Game with WT Matchmaking, the worst of two worlds.
I quit WT because couldn’t stand the unhistorical disconnect of that game
I would play WT nonstop if had historical matchmaking, maps etc
Same Enlisted, hecne why I came here
Your loss, I don’t like this game anymore, you removed what was special from the game, and turned into same mess that is WT.
Your ruined all that was fun with the game and unqiue and all the immersion
The separate campaigns with their respective Squads and vehicles and weapons.
Instead you broke all that and made the game in copy of all the shit I hate about WT.
This update for me needs to be rolled back, old Enlisted restored or I ain’t gonna play this game anymore since you sadly turned it into trash


They do need to adjust the Silver gain per match and Battlepass. Right now it’s a joke. I mean, don’t need anything I got most of things I wanted pre-merge. But if you are a new player. Good luck. I don’t see new people sticking around.