Battlegroups for different tiers in an Army Management System (AMS) after merge

We have merged an extremely large number of combat units from all campaigns into one army after the merge. It’s easy to lose track of everything. It would therefore be nice to have an army management system in which you can filter.

But even better would be a system that allows you to create different active battle groups, which are then equipped differently for the different tier levels. This way it would be possible to quickly select a battle group and, for example, play with inferior tier 2 weapons and then one mouse click and the next game can take place in tier 5. The permanent and time-consuming search for correctly equipped units for the different tiers would then no longer be necessary. That would be brilliant and would give us all the opportunity to continue playing all maps.

And different cards can then be produced endlessly for the individual tier levels. Who wouldn’t want to storm Monte Casino?

What do you think?

Here is an example of what this could look like. Don’t worry about the weapon selection. I didn’t want to change it for this. The units appear first, which you can then click on to see and adjust the individual soldiers.


That looks really good! I like where this is going! Some more thought and T/D into this would make a very good idea! :+1:

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