How long is it taking to shake out?

So I spent half-an- hour trying to get together a lineup last night, before giving up in confusion and pissed-off-edness.

How long is it taking other people to figure out how to work the system, if you aren’t already vaguely familiar with it from testing?

it took me about 1h to set up Allied BR 2 and german BR 1 setups with finding all my weapons etc

I already sent a reminder two weeks ago. They simply ignored it. Now we have this crap and have to scroll through 100 squads and customize every single one and every single soldier.


took me about 2.5 hours to make different presets ( but that’s more of a me thing ) of which 3 are top tier, and one literally tier one.

( that is, removing soldiers, and stripping them of their equipment )

cosmetic management, and trying to see where things are it does take somewhat of time on it’s own.

but, how would you improve it?

i personally don’t know.

edit, filters would be the way to go, and above all, buttons to strip everything would be very apreciated.

but as far as it goes for the UI

especially since almost no warnings and all of a sudden the update, it can be daunting for new folks ( and even veterans in some instances )

hate the fact that i have to hover the mouse on the squad name to see the br and everything.

how about just add a button to remove every soldier and all equipment to the shared inventory? How is it so hard? Why on earth do we need to keep soldiers in empty squads we don’t want to use?


so true.

what’s worse, is that even in the alpha we asked to remove the low numbers needed in a squad…

we still have this problem 3 years after :frowning: