⭐ Meet the new Enlisted!

Man i have 7573 battles and i can feel your pain. It realy hurts to see where we are going. The quality of the game is subterrainian.

  • We don’t have proper clothing that matches the equipment.
  • If you don’t adapt your soldiers / squads (battlegroups don’t exist yet) to the tier levels, you can’t play
    almost half of the maps. That gets really boring in the long run. Wtf.
  • We don’t have an army attachment system that allows us to preset entire battlegroups according to
    tier battles (1-5) from multiple squads. (Don’t give me that shitty preset crap for the squads).
  • We no longer have an overview of where our weapons are. You have to search up to 300 soldiers. Wtf.
  • Some weapon and vehicles tiers don’t fit into the tier groups at all.
  • Veterans farm newbies in tier1 -2 and in tier 5 you get a shitshow also.
  • And so on and so forth.

The whole merge is a pure catastrophe. You really can’t sugarcoat anything here, even if you wanted to.

With the speed with which improvements or updates have been implemented in the past, it will take at least 2 years before this can be published in a release. I dare to doubt that there will ever be a release. I’m still taking bets.


they can move, and attack without your input, don’t they? the intelligence and competence of these units are also comparable. so stop being ridiculous, i’m just using your own logic to see other games as they truly are, a bot farming game.

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ok i will not answer cause is offtopic :sweat_smile:
better to dedicate the thread to complain about the merge :wink: :innocent:

They’ve refund with 490+990+1490+1990 golds. Actually worth it.
Just no pre announcement of exact time of the end of effect of the FAP sucks.

I miss it so much. Perhaps in my ideal world not for battle rate but two presets per campaign, low tier and high tier.

What we have only concerns presets for squads. I would like to group several squads together in a “battlegroup”, e.g. to play tier 2 and send everyone into battle at the touch of a button. Without having to search for everything beforehand. It’s called “quality of life.”


Been giving all of this more thought and in my humble opinion there would be one (smart?) way forward that might be able to please those of us that love Enlisted:

  1. assign a CLEAR and EASY to see marking to all units, showing to which theatre of war they actually belong to

  2. make the selection of maps you play on connected to the units you field

Example One:
Slot A: US Tank Unit [Normandy]
Slot B: US Infantry Unit [Normandy]
Slot C: US Sharpshooter Unit [Normandy]
Slot D: US Engineer Unit [Normandy]

=> Would give you a 4x 25% chance to get the Normandy maps (i.e. you get 100% Normandy maps).

Example Two:
Slot A: US Tank Unit [Normandy]
Slot B: US Infantry Unit [Tunesia]
Slot C: US Sharpshooter Unit [Normandy]
Slot D: US Sharpshooter Unit [Pacific]

=> Would give you a completely random map (as you have units from all theatres of war + two of the same specialized Units) only dependend on the tier-matchmaking

So each selected “theatre of war” unit would mean a 25% chance (if we use a non-premium account as in the example,k with a premium accunt the % chances would be adjusted accordingly).

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bro please give us back old enlisted this merge is shit why we need to play only 4 teams of 40+ btw why we can play tunisia squad on normandy THIS UPDATE IS BULLSHIT please gajin we want old enlisted


Was excited for the merge. Log in, got complete own and loss in a full rank 5 match. Fine i suck, so i set an all rank III only team to try the lower level matches. Enter round, start round as russian against german, got dominated by STGs and rank 5 weapons. What the heck man…im the only dumb dumb in the round using rank III weapons against rank V. Think the matchmaking still needs lots of work.

Also i might be wrong here but items seem to be abit more pricey in terms of silver? Not sure about this, could be just me.

The matches are much more lively now, that the good side. But the bad side is rank 5 match feels like Call Of Duty deathmatch whereby it fully automatic weapons only. Using anything aside from automatic weapons will get you last place in rank 5 match.


Hi welcome to the community piroks, we really could have used your input before this happened. Tell your friends to get active on the forums too :smiley:


General suggestion for updating Enlisted

Hello. I have been an Enlisted player for quite a few years, I am also socially active on various Discord servers, so I decided that I would also comment on the latest update.

What is good:

  • switching to faction trees and simplifying the currency is a good solution.
  • Overall graphics improvements
  • Sound effects improvement
  • Bug fixes
  • Soldier skill tree

What’s bad in my opinion:

  • Intuitiveness of the interface regarding the tier value of given units, soldiers, weapons, vehicles
  • No preview of silver soldiers, we don’t know how many points he will actually have to spend at maximum experience (5 stars)
  • There is no information on what specific equipment is needed to play a given campaign, which causes frustration for players who like specific maps and specific battlefronts.
  • Lack of authenticity, since the IS-2 can drive on Moscow, and historically this was not realistic


  • Adding a weapon template to play a specific old campaign
  • Adding a clear indicator of the tiering of given items, equipment and units
  • Limited equipment specific to specific campaigns for historicity purposes.
  • Re-adding information about the allocation of a given vehicle to a given campaign
  • Introduction of information before selecting the game about the tiers in which it will be played

Distant Suggestions:

  • Adding a realistic mode with specific equipment related to a given campaign, frendly fire, available for avid players

Please consider my opinion and comment on this matter.



I wanted to extend my premium acc but I’m out of it with this update. How can you make a game so complicated? I don’t want to spend 4 hours putting my squads together, saving them, renaming them just so I can get to the right BG. WTF!


Next time, read more cry less, Tier III is either going with I-II or IV-V, depends on which game will be found faster, go get Tier II and you will have what you wanted.

I think this silver system is great, I bought everything I wanted and still got 66k silver.

Tbh automatic and semi-auto weapons replaced bolt-action rifles at the end of WWII so its kinda accurate, I don’t feel like its CoD, I wouldn’t play this then.


You are right, that sucks, although you can enjoy the game after you finished the squads and tbh I haven’t bought premium and won’t until they are greedy af, but you can enjoy the game without it!

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Is it possible to receive some gold now and more gold + additional slots later in the week? Or is it the case that players are always refunded in 1 go?

Im just wondering if i should wait before buying more slots and if i have been fully refunded.

More gold yes, it’s possible, but you won’t get extra slots

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Thats fine thanks for the clarification.

Tbh, premium account is extremely cheap in this game. During sales it’s 2k golds for year. Definitely not greedy in this matter.
Slots on other hand is complete different story…

Premium is not expensive, doesn’t equal that they are not greedy, there was/will be a lot of examples about their greed dw

Enlisted scammed me. How to get a REFUND for $30 Stalingrad package?

I payed $30 to play Stalingrad with 7 Squads, 5 infantry + 2 vehicles, if I remember correctly.
This game feature has been deleted months after I payed for it. No recompensation. I can’t join this battle with exactly that army of 7 squads that i PAID for.
How can I get my money back? Sue Gaijin?

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