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The stupid endless grind most players hated!

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Well… Now you have to grind 20000 hours for one faction, it don’t know if the trade is worth

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Splitting players across 6 campaigns. That’s why. Unless you have fun playing BOT campaign?

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I think quite a lot of people loved bot farming. Tunisia and Pacific is a good example.

No it fning sucks. I don’t play online games to BOT farm. If that’s why everyone is upset, then please play something else. We don’t need that crap

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The merge was necessary to fix the matchmaking bot gameplay issues and to not grind the factions for every freaking campaigns, YES IT WAS WORTH IT IN THAT SENSE, what don’t you understand about that? Go and read more on the forums you will see!

Instead now the options are play Tier 5 and take part in the absolute sweat fest mosh pit it has become or try playing low tier and hopefully find a good game (even that doesn’t work all the time) but some players have already reported low pop Tier 1&2 and being thrown into Tier 5 games with Tier 1&2 presets so either way if you don’t enjoy playing like a try hard finding an enjoyable seems like it’s going to be pain going forward.

I don’t have a problem with harder gameplay on Tier V, It’s good, finally the bots and players on bot lvls won’t be part of my team, there are a tons of problems with this update but you have to pick the only thing that’s good in it…jeez

br3 dice roll is quite ridiculous for everyone but german and jap ngl

Japan suffers in every single category. At least Germany at br 5 l can destroy everything.

i mean sure but if there is more player in br4 then it a different story but then again i havent try br2 or 3 for them yet

4 vs 12 would mean sort of better.


I personally don’t enjoy that, I don’t consider what Tier 5 is as “good” for context I’m a German main with a fully researched tree so I’ve got the cream of crop of equipment to use.
Problem is as I see it from my ganeplay and from everything I’ve read and been told by others, there’s no longer any variety to the gameplay. Tier 5 as I mentioned is a sweatfest everyone armed woth fully automatics, powerful vehicles, veteran players.
Prior to the merge I enjoyed sometimes getting a game that was full of high level players and sometimes getting games with lower players I could changed up how I played depending on what I got into. Majority of my campaigns I brought some high level gear and some low level gear. For example in Normandy I brought my Tiger E in 1 squad as a competitive vehicle squad for the more experienced lobbies and Panzer IV H in another squad for the more chill lobbies.
Now this does not work following my example above running a Pz IV H (Tier 4) you’re just gonna end up in tier 5 games and be a disadvantage in a environment filled with experienced legacy players who will chew you up and spit you out if given the opportunity. This new system promotes using the most meta equipment possible or be purposefully at a disadvantage.

This would obviously be somewhat less of a major issue if players weren’t being put into Tier 4&5 games with Tier 1&2 presets. Hasn’t happened to me yet but I’ve seen a few people report it now. Unsure if this is simply a match maker error or if the game is possibly compensating for low pop in low tiers

He really is the worst

What? Where have you been the last year and a half?


Again, it’s been announced for A YEAR. We can’t help that you silent players didn’t say anything about it, gracious.


I’ve been saying Tiger 2s in Stalingrad idea is shit for the whole year.
“It’s fun haha super cool” were many of the replies.
What else could we have done?


Also, why tf am I prompted to buy Jumbo for 15k silver if I already had it before?

I don’t need that tanker 3 squad to use it if that’s the answer???

yea even i read forum sometime before i become a full forum lurker

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While I cannot speak for everyone. I’ve mentioned a few times that console players who do not own a PC were excluded from the process all together. I play on a Series X but couldn’t make any contributions and didn’t follow most of the feedback leading up to the update because essentially it would have been pointless because it would have been out of context with no first hand experience of my own to recount.
My point being it may not all be players who just sat around and didn’t say anything because not everyone had the chance to get involved to begin with


For the nth time, it unlocks a new squad when you “purchase” it