⭐ Meet the new Enlisted!


I have to agree with this - the game was so fun to play, so good to have a choice between different places / different periods of the war. I was happy spending my time and money with it and now I feel like I am done with it. I am frustrated.
I really enjoyed those long lasting battles with accurate weapons for each army and war period - OK, I understand, that begginers were playing against “pros” and could be hard to win the game few times, but it was a challenge and honestly, it is normal in any kind of online games… - I started playing few months ago and I was also forced to try hard to kill players with more advanced gear and so on, and still I was there enjoying the game. Its not just about levels, its about logic of every your step, not just running around like crazy because you have strong weapons and shooting every moving thing no matter if its enemy or not, like I saw today. There was balance when “NEWBS” and “PROS” were playing together.
But now, what the hell happened, this should help the game for the more balanced experience?
Well it did not, because I am now playing for tier V - U.S. Army in Normandy and everything is so fast, which is frustrating, not able to build anything, germans running around all the map killing everything moving. As @_WARHEAD said, lost first control point in less than minute.
Feel like the good balance was there and now with the “New Enlisted” it disappeared.




And I am not complaining about “not knowing this was coming” - we all knew, but we didnt expect it will be like this.
OK - perk trees are good, maybe I like research idea, but the game experience is just worse now.
Sorry to say that.


I really hope DF won’t nerf Germany instead of fixing match making.


Enlisted becoming One Piece? :slight_smile:



Adolf’s wet dream


This is literally what they said about Tigers in the wrong maps :joy::joy::joy: at least we can obliterate KV1’s now, tables have turned :smirk:.


Well looks like Steiner’s counter attack worked.


Ok so now its look stupid… T26 in Berlin 45? IS2 (1944) in Stalingrad?

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I told y’all so, Darkflow.

One does not simply attract players for 3 years with ads of “historical campaigns” and “unique weapons and vehicles” and then put Tiger 2s in Stalingrad and Fireflies to Pacific.
That’s just an insane U-turn.
Are y’all gone mad there at Darkflow?

Alsodamn I actually thought this would be announced one last time, I didn’t yet buy the top tier vehicles/soldiers which were cheap and are now expensive…

Tiger in Stalingrad… GG no RE Darkflow, instantly leaving this kind of shitshow matches, and I don’t care about your penalties

They even litearlly went back on their original decisions and have allowed Premium squads to keep their looks in ALL theaters, like Moroccan Boys in Normandy…
Greed. Pure greed and no respect to WW2.


Yes yesterday I bomb germans with my A10 and La-7 :smiley: and it looks stupid… Next time in moscow maps i can use IS-2 (1944)? In 1941?

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You picked Tier III so you got Tier III roulette. Dunno why this is suprising.
Wheter its good or not is different manner.

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If they would just switch Berlin with Stalingrad, I think everyone would be happy, I hate the fact that I have my squads on TIER V and can’t play on Berlin! GIVE US BERLIN, F*** OFF STALINGRAD!

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I get Stalingrad with my Tiger way more often than a Berlin. What the hell?

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Also where is the “play ANYTHING” button with bonus XP as they promised?

I literally don’t care which faction/map/gamemode I play as long as it’s not some abnormal bullshit like Tiger 2 in Stalingrad.

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Lmao, punch straight from anime.


Also, do I understand it right, and please correct me if I’m wrong, because this sounds stupid AF, but:

If I want to have 1 sniper with 1 sniper kar98 in all of me 5 lineups for different BRs, I will need to buy FIVE sniper kar98s even though I’m only ever using one at a time?
Instead of just buying ONE sniper kar98?

Or I’ll have to re-assign that soldier every time to a new preset?

These presets are cofusing AF.

Can I not have 5 different lineup presets but using the same squads and soldiers, just different weapons?

  • I awaited this merge, I really love the way I don’t have to grind 2000hours to max out only 1 faction on only 1 campaign BUT THAT’S THE ONLY GOOD THING ABOUT MERGING!
  • The tech-tree for the first look was a lil confusing, but after 20mins I got used to it
  • Perk-tree IMO is not bad but, every soldier has random value on each tree, that is BS, make it so classes are equal to each other, I can give plus HP to 1 flamethrower guy but not the other?
  • Graphically looks good, but other games look better and better optimized.
  • BR make sense, what doesn’t make any sense to put Stalingrad to IV-V tiers while Berlin is I-II, are you insane, have you learnt anything about history at all while you were developing this game? This just doesn’t make any sense to put these maps this way, either make all maps available for every tier or switch those 2 for the love of history and player base!
  • The Squad management is still the same after 3 years? Is this a joke? It was out-dated and poorly made when since then, why the hell would you stick with it??? Can’t you make it better, then check out how other games do it and copy it, I don’t care, but this can’t stay like this forever!
  • I encountered more bugs today than throughout the 3 years! HOW? You did f*** up this merge with gameplay tweaks and that is so stupid, paratrooper flying on the ground endlessly, hands and legs are following me endlessly, engineer after building can’t stop hammering, nades has inconsistent range and the fast-building perks doesn’t even work!

You wasted A YEAR for this update the whole 2023 Roadmap is in the garbage, because you worked hard on this merge and you fucked it all up! This would have been the best update ever without these issues! Now, another year to resolve everything, I hope you don’t consider putting it on Steam, before fixing everything, because that’s gonna be your last nail in your coffin!


My, only goal is to find out what exactly possessed you to remove the campaigns.