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After spending a lot of time in Normandy, I wanted to go to the Pacific. As a result of your changes, the Pacific is inaccessible !
Moreover, having a Tiger II in Moscow is ludicrous !
You just broke a very good game !


There could be a 1/player limit on ultra rare weapons, and a limit of 3 or similar on rare weapons - so you still can use one Cönders or one Fedorov to show off (just because it feels good), but not building up a squad of 5 obscure weapons. (And you’re not allowed to pick them up.)

But only in historical mode - arcade is free for all.
And for that we’d need more players probably before splitting into these modes.

Also piling up toxic weapons should increase BR (so 1 impact nade or grenade launcher rifle could go BR2, 5 impact grenades per squad is BR4.)

(Please put it in the “ideas never implemented” basket as usual. :wink: )

Yep, I’m observing the same behaviors, from the moderators and from the devs, let’s just wait how long it takes.

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I guess Germany won the battle of Berlin in this alternate universe.:laughing:

We have an old saying here: “make peace when you come.” I’ve come to terms with it but it’s still hard.

I’ve played several games now, and at least for someone like me who is maxed out and Tier V for all factions(besides Japan which only goes up to TIV for now) the matchmaker is amazing, I finally get matched with and against players with similar gear, no more having to suffer through a shitty match or immediately leaving because all of my teammates are bots or console shitters.

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the new update is fucking shit


Then you are the only one. When i played tier 1 i was put against is-1’s and is-2’s. When i played tier 5 (tiger) i was put up against t-70’s and bt-7’s. Easy win. But whats the fun of that?

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It’s obvious you’re a nazi main. The end game is only fun if you play Germany now

ofc they did because Soviets have never attacked Berlin


I’ll give you the long version then…

The game was created with different campaigns at different times of the war, knowing that during the war nations were constantly innovating in terms of weaponry.

Your USA comes from 1942 Normandy landings to 1945 In the Pacific.

Berlin is the end, okay? So with the famous equipment known to everyone, the heavy tanks, the weapons which were at the cutting edge of technology at the time.

In 1942 the Americans had their tanks smashed by the Germans who had already released their Panzer IVs and their Panthers, it was only later that they adapted to the German arsenal.

In 1945, the Axis was no more, only Japan remained which continued the war against the USA. Only here, although the Americans are at the cutting edge of technology, the Japanese do not have much apart from their legendary Yamato, which does not last long, as well as their Zero, the famous fighters used as Kamikaze.
(I therefore suppose that it is for the sake of balancing that in the Pacific campaign, you don’t have much in arsenal.)

With the famous merger, all the eras in a single and magnificent campaign, what do you expect with your USA of 1942 and your USA (NERF) of 1945? Against a King Tiger? Or with your Thompsons, classified as submachine guns, against the very first assault rifles: The Stg44? The Bars with 20 ammo against the MG42 with drums as magazines and predecessors of the M160, which later gave the M259 SAW and more.

There you go ^^ Good luck.

I still cannot see why you cannot have some form of checkbox arrangement where you tick or untick the maps you want to play on. System then waits for games in just those maps better than the random jamboree followed by desertion in a map or game you don’t like. I have never deserted so much, would love to see the desertion stats and if they have shot up.

Too much choice has been taken away and with that enjoyment and playability, not withstanding the confusing perk and upgrade system. I would not want to pay for premium or any upgrades now TBH.


Right? That’s what I’m saying. The merge and battle ratings is bullshit and nothing close to magnificent. Tiger 1 in normandy? Fine. But all that other bullshit is not fun nor accurate, nor balanced. BTW, most of the “late war” weapons you’re talking about weren’t ever used in real life. It seems like you’re saying it’s all well and dandy because of historical accuracy when most of that shit wasn’t put into service


Yes, i think it too. Even if i play only Axis side, not that i am nazy but because i loves the weaponry.

Well there you go. As i keep saying, only german mains will enjoy the game now

True, it’s sad.

BTW, some of that shit go into service ^^

damn dude that hurt


WOW what a great merge

I selected some of my worst/weakest squads and gave it a try…just to see what happens…where will I go…who will I fight against…USA 4 x infantry BR II and 2 x plane BR III.
So I am send to normandy against only high ranks and we lose the first fucking point in 60 seconds!!!
Bye bye…

I have been playing for almost 2 years (two weeks to go).
Every day.
4438 battles.
Put time and money in it.
Having fun while doing it.
Became marshal every time since the ranks were implemented (3x).
Max level all campaigns for western allies (tunisia, normandy, pacific) and axis tunisia also.
Completed every event.
Never deserted a single fucking battle ever.

Since the SUPER GREAT BEST EVER merge I have deserted twice and finished no battle.
It’s horrible. Just horrible.
Many congratulations on completely ruining a fine game.


I am pretty much sure Devs will implement new things rather than fixing the existing bugs.