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i just qued as BR1 and loaded Moscow… with a single dude. Merge haven’t saved anything it only killed Moscow and Tunisia.


2nd BR1 game vs BR4 at Stalingrad

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As i see it, playing tier 1, 3 and 4 are now completely useless. Tier 1 is always downtiered, tier 3 has a 50/50 chance to get downtiered, same for tier 4. If you face tier 3 with tier 2 you atleast stand somewhat of a chance, because its only srmi auto.

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more like always Uptiered against BR2-3 and sometimes against 4-5

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That’s what i meant. Just woke up, it’s still early

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It’s complete bullshit playing high tier U.S. against germany now. Our “tier 5” is really tier 4 and all their tier 5 stuff is ridiculous in comparison.


The Thompson a1 box is tier 3 not 4. It’s working as intended

Huh, I wonder why you guys did this?
It’s not a problem that wasn’t announced before, but the problem is that this update has made the game system unpleasant. Management won’t understand that. It is angly all over the world. I won’t say anything bad. Realize the mistake you made and quickly back before.

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Nothing suggested this much change. I knew about the research tree as well as the implementation of new vehicles in each campaign. HOWEVER, I personally didn’t expect the merger of everything. It’s a real mess now, it looks like WoT: T34 vs Abraham. What does that mean? That those who hit Berlin first have the right to ravage all previous eras? Every time IS -1 IS-2 for a guy who is 3 years behind technologically speaking, it just makes you want to uninstall because it’s so frustrating, illogical and ugly in addition to seeing different uniforms, in an army: It’s clearly not precise: Historically speaking “That famous trademark.”

Now I understand that you support the idea if you are already max in your levels, it’s cool to feel at the top of the food chain :3

But really, it’s without merit.


People who want Enlisted to be a competitive sweatfest of leaning and spamming can enjoy the game now, how original!


what the hell then why other thompson is in BR4?

We have like 8 different versions of the Thompson, all with slight differences. One is BR 2, three are BR 3, two are BR 4, and two are BR 5

Ohhh boy we are done dirty. Can we please add their customization like in the test server. Desert uniform in Normandy and Pacific just outright ugly.

Please give em back “Onegaishimasu”

Test server

Live server (no customization in any fronts)

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Well i guess i search my Soldiers and Guns for the next days,
then i build playable things for another 4 days.
Maybe after that i can play few Matches to find out i can start new again…

unbelievable Devs… unbelievable… Gratulation
I hope after that, Devs you get the Shitstorm you desrerve…


To be fair we all had almost a year to prepare for the merge. Plenty of time to go and unequip everything from your troops etc. My biggest complaint is that it’s now a miserable experience playing end game U.S., our equipment doesn’t even come close to germany’s.

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Same goes for Japan with allied tanks and planes. Weapons are fine though because there is no M2 carbine.

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I believe it was the m1a1 Thompson Which has a br of 3 while it sits in tier 4.

Logic that you get torn apart by the Krauts, USA: Pacific - Tunisia - Normandy.

German: Moscow, Stalingrad, Normandy, Tunisia and the golden crown: Berlin and its end-of-war technologies…

Logic? I’m not even sure what you’re trying to say here. But…

This whole update was about balance. This isn’t balance.

most of if not all the tier 5 german equipment wasn’t in normandy in real life, nor in the game

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BR1 in Normandy but with a twist only against BR1 people. Pretty damn fun after boring Stalingrad matches