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I have boatloads of stuff I should sell but I think I’ll hold off for a bit and see what changes come in the next few weeks. MKb have no use as things stand today. Same for many weapons and vehicles I have… they’re just useless if BR3 can meet anyone. Like, VMP at BR4? I mean… I love it, but damn… there’s better options in BR4/5 for Germany so there go those 4 gold orders.


My opinion is that the matchmaker is REQUIRED for this game to do well. But the matchmaker must also be GOOD, too.

Before, we already had campaign that were totally one-sided in one way (and then would FLIP the other direction entirely!). A normal player has no way of knowing, until getting shitstomped, that they’re in the WRONG place.

As the devs add more things to tilt things this way and that, it’s vitally important that it can be controlled beyond slapping a level at the end of a campaign. That just stilts thing in a direction too much, see king tigers and various assault rifles.

We see part of the issue already, but it can be fixed. It NEEDS to be fixed, because this game is much more niche than war thunder, not to mention in a much bigger pond with much bigger fish!


VMP has BR4 while much better Suomi has BR3 for no reason and obviously it could go against BR1-2. Breda PG (CR) has BR of 5 (lol) it’s nowhere near as powerful as G43Kurz or AVT-40, Mondragon is BR4 while you will get matched against Fedorov/AS-44/PPSh-41/M2 Carbine/Tommy Drum spam, PPD-BraMit is BR4 even tho other drum smgs are at BR5 (someone at DF really likes that gun i guess)

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Now not only can I not choose the theater of operations but I continue to play against teams with 7 or 8 general marshals etc. What matchmaker did they arrange? I wonder

Lvls that I grinded but couldn’t claim cuz the lvl was paid.

Those guns didn’t make my initial cut for presets. Sad as they are really nice.

Maybe I’ll swap them in if I get bored. I think that BR +/- 1 would help a lot.

You mean that levels that you did earn (e.g. you could earn before and did earn and claim) are not available to you now without unlocking lower levels that were behind a paywall? Or you just hoped the locked levels (due to lack of purchasing pass) would become unlocked with no grind after merge?

Right. Because everybody definitely agreed it was terrible…

The drama today is just bonkers.

I do not where you are getting confused
I grinded the lvl but could not claim the lvl as it was paid and I did not have full access. Now the game wants me to grind that equipment again.

During the first test I had Mkb 42 AR available to me I Grinded the lvl but couldn’t claim it as it was a paid lvl.
But when I went to check Soviet P40e it’s not available to me

Where I’m getting confused is your unclear communication.

My understanding is that things that were locked before the merged will need grinding to unlock. If I understand your relatively unclear posts, then it sounds on point. You didn’t buy the Stalingrad pass so now you grind.

I’m not celebrating that. I was concerned that maybe ALL levels past the first paywall level were locked.

Not all lvls of Stalingrad were not locked

Not all were not locked = all were locked. Which is not true. So… I’m confused again and done trying to understand. Good luck.

For someone who was maxed out in every single campaign, the merge is working amazingly. It took me a while to get all my squads sorted out and set up properly for the unified 4 factions now but just one match and it’s already a major improvement, I get to play against real players but far more importantly, I’m actually guaranteed some real players on my side. I might actually get back to playing this more regularly.


The biggest issue I have now are the amount of premium squads I can use. Before the merge I was able to have a few premium squads per campaign with some regular squads Im leveling and another I enjoyed to play with. Now I cant use almost half my premium squads before my active squad list is full. The fact I am paying 30-60 bucks for one squad I feel now more than ever they should have their own slots. Its insane.

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I see nothing have changed with Berlin post merge


i would suggest if it could be possible to add 5 extra slots per side making the matches 15v15, but those slots reserved ONLY for bots, meaning 10+5 vs 10+5 fights.

i think it would bring back a less rushy-spammy-leany-leany-twitchy gameplay, adding to the mass of enemies without adding any more sweat to the matches, bringing more warm bodies into the objective since bots always rush the cap zone and hold if they can, which in turn would make a clearer front line, allowing for more clear and impactful flanking movements.

right now, with full player matches, flanking seems impossible, since players tend to spread to the flanks making the whole map the line of contact, spreading from grey zone to grey zone, which removes entirely the tactical gameplay in favor of rush-fire-die-repeat high octane NASCAR races where everyone just run as fast as possible to his death.

not sure if the engine could handle it, though.

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Jesus Christ , way to completely kill a game before it was even fully released.


I only quickly scrolled through 300+ posts.

Something that may or may be not have already been pointed out:

  • Reorganizing lineups is a royal pain. Everything, and everyone, must be manually searched for among the dozens of squads in the reserve, by bringing each one in the active list and checking individually. For each army. A quick button to RESET SQUADS TO DEFAULT (stripping off all equipment AND extra soldier) is a major QoL necessity that should have been here since the test servers, let alone be still missing on day 1 when it’s needed the most. Along with research filters for soldiers and weapons, besides squads.

  • Theater-specific customisation: it now became exponentially more expensive, since everything must be purchased separately for each theatre.
    In some cases, you are asked to buy a piece of outfit for one theatre, despite you already bought the exact same item for another theatre. This isn’t good.

  • Also, with some high tier premium/event squads you can buy cosmetics for a low tier theatre, except that squad will obviously NEVER POSSIBLY fight in that theatre. (Example: tier V premium squads with fixed weaponry can buy cosmetics for Moscow or Tunisia).

  • (Very minor) Some Italian gold order soldiers now display a German medal, while others still have their own original one, apparently at random.

Will post more later if something else comes to my mind.


Why would they have done this? I wonder if they didn’t resolve the matchup because they continue to play against teams with better ranks, which implies more battles, which implies better knowledge of the maps than in any battle, it’s all about knowing the terrain, in other words, nothing is rubbish, what Did they please go back to what was before and that the players can choose which theater of operations they want to play and be able to prepare the squads according to it.
Because the truth is that playing to always win and on top of that it’s boring because you appear on any map because if I don’t like playing in the Pacific they would force me to do it, it’s ridiculous.


only has tier 1 in the lineup
still gets in the same queu as mkb’s and stg’s
Amazing! Fighting a 76 sherman with only a panzerbusche. This merge still has huge flaws