⭐ Meet the new Enlisted!

bots are a big issue for me
but at what cost ?

losing the control of the maps you want to play ?
i cant choose the mode ( which i hate them all except invasion)
now i cant choose the campaign. :expressionless:

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So, the matchmaker is just not working? Cuz I’m having to fight BR V german tryhards with my br II US lineup, and that’s not supposed to ever happen, right?


Yes, the testing was certainly done on a woefully limited scale. Just 24 hours for testing in one sessions was absolutely too short, and the intervals between the tests were also short. Not even long enough to get the general feel of the changed game - I could play less than 10 battles in total. I read about the third testing session just after it finished because there was just announced on forum, not in news on the Enlisted site. And announcements without real playtime were not enough, and could not be enough because it is different to read assuring news about the gameplay and to actually have the time to experience the real deal.

I’m glad the update is here so we can settle to the new norm. But there are too many Tiger tanks in the matchmaking what the fuck. My tanks can hardly do shit. Matchmaking really needs some tweaking, too many high 4/5 matches with mostly rating 3 and it’s insufferable.
Sound updates looked good in the changelog but def need some attention, broken sounds when reloading and volumes are weird.
Some of the weapons really shouldn’t be V rank, especially some of the SMGs.
Sharpness option in the settings is a godsend. Please let us go up to 200%, you can go higher in the config file and it works in-game. I found using 160-170 works good for my monitor and settings


I also have a few things I would like to see fixed.

  1. If the weapons are the same, please unify the BR. The tanks in the image have no difference in armament.

  2. If you own a charged squadron that was sold in the past, please make it appear in the progress tree for that user. (Chauchat, Lewis gun, etc.)



I don’t have the right amount of stuff

I’ll be honest, this is the worst thing I have ever seen in a game. Progression wasnt the best before but this is so much worse.

Cant choose campaigns
Layout looks awful and confusing
Battle ratings are the worst idea.

I would rather be a new player fighting tigers and stg 44s than have battle ratings because now you have all the try hards in 1 game. First game had 3 paratroopers jump on the objective right at the start. Thats what we have to deal with now? Just because I have a p47? Before it was bad when everyone on one team was max level and the other was mostly new but now it will just be sweaty constantly. The battle rankings are awful and quite frankly I wish I didnt get the year of premium a few days ago



I am a almost 20 year software developer. I can assure you, i have NEVER seen something even remotely similiar BAD as this. This is BEYOND Windows Vista!!!


Yet another clueless guy who’s lazy to read devblogs/news. And completely ignoring the fact he obtained few thousands golds just like that.


This went from a casual game where you could play against either 5 year olds or battle hardened vets, but it was random. Some times you win by a lot, other times you lose by a lot. Now everyone rank 4+ is just sweaty and I barely earn xp even with good matches

Still not enough gold to re-buy 10 slots for both nations

Since the camo system is being revamped and old camo are refunded, How does the new system work? Can anyone give a heads up? I don’t think I see that in the devblog. Now camos are tied to nations/or squads instead of vehicles?

So I finished up playing Enlisted for today. This was my first taste of the new update I only played a few games and honestly I’m not impressed.

I was always apprehensive about the idea of a merge and honestly this is what I was worried about. I think I get what the objective was behind the massive changes we’ve seen however this game now seems to be full of problems alot of which have already been pointed out by numerous people above. I just want to cover a couple things on the Tiers I picked up on there’s alot more I want to say but honestly I don’t even know where to begin there’s so much to unpack and I have no idea how to even begin articulating it

The tier system feels like a complete mess.

  • Tier 5 is a huge sweat fest nothing but fully automatics and uber powerful vehicles especially for the Germans, lots or King Tigers (I’m a Axis main and I can see it’s problematic)
  • Tier 4 seems oddly pointless. Majority of the equipment from T4 isn’t a powerful as what follows so it just seems like a niche selection of items in my opinion. For example my Panzer IV H T4? That vehicle isn’t comparable to Tigers or Panthers so unless I use up a squad slot or use up my gold from customization I won’t run it because I’ll get thrown into lobbies against better vehicles.
  • Tier 3 alot of people have already talked about this but like what was the dev team thinking? T3 either dominates T1 and T2 or gets mashed by T4 and T5. If you were gonna do a discount War Thunder tier and progression system it absolutely should have been a +1-1 system.
  • T1 and T2 aren’t too bad but as mentioned above T3 players can easily dominate the lobbies which is gonna make the experience for new and or returning players a pain to deal with while trying to get invested into the new version of the game.

As I mentioned there’s more I wanna get out there but at this time I don’t even know where to begin. I haven’t been as active on this game this year as I was in 2022 & 21 and honestly I don’t know how I feel about the game going forward which does suck I’ve put time and a decent bit of money into supporting it, but this isn’t the direction I personally would have preferred to go. Plus on top of not being able to contribute to the development of this massive overhaul at all as a Xbox Series X player I don’t see myself getting committed to Enlisted again anytime soon


The only thing that had to be done was to not have a team with 7 general marshals and another with all the sergeants, everything else was perfect but they didn’t have to ruin it.
Now today I played 7 battles, 5 in Stanlingrad, one with a train that has to stop but it won’t stop by putting a tank on the tracks because it is a magical train and another in Tunisia. The best thing I had was being able to choose the combat theaters but not outside with that.
It was re-friendly, everything related to the weapons, the improvements, the advantages, now it’s rubbish.
The squads did not have any problem, you choose which army to go up according to the theater of operations that you wanted to play and to be able to enjoy the environment, the snow, the rain, the jungle, the desert, but not now they are random maps where you play 3 battles in Stalingrad on Gogol Street. .
The weapons were perfect, you were gaining access as you went up, your army is now an incomprehensible vademecum of things all piled up that you don’t even want to start deciphering.
thanks for nothing.
One piece of advice, release this update. This is the path of decadence that World of Tanks took and became intolerable boredom.


When this “Matchmaker” was first suggested, within minutes people said it was terrible. Then it was tested and it was terrible. Then it was tested again and it was still terrible. Now it’s released and it’s terrible. Going through with it despite the evidence is pure idiocy.


Other than being overwhelmed with sorting through my squads and wanting not to just unequip all of them, here’s my main issue…

The preset system. Unless I misunderstand it, we really do need to fully equip many armies. I mean, we knew that’s how it was going to be but I hoped it would get fixed. If we want, for example, German presets at BR2, BR3 and BR5 (what’s the point of 1 and 4. I’m not even bothering with 3 at the moment) then we need a squad equipped for each of those BR levels. That means that for Germany, I’d be equipping 3 armies if I cared about BR3. 5 armies if I wanted one for each BR.

We need squad presets to also flip soldier presets.


Since I was not able to collect the paid lvls on Stalingrad pre Merge as I’m f2p I’m having to grind them again even tho I finished Stalingrad both sides.
Bruhhhhhhh the disappointment.

Do you have to grind them to get stuff you already had or just the get the stuff that you didn’t? If it’s stuff you already had then that sounds like a bug.

time to throw them into a trash where it belongs