⭐ Meet the new Enlisted!

found another squad that can have that tank

US and JP doesn’t have ARs so now what? Are you going to add new weapons for both nations or they will have “AR” which are smgs

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Been telling people that this game is walking the same path H&G went through… history reapeating itself lmao

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Dumbest reasoning I’ve ever heard

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oh yeah there is just one minor problem that you cant upgrade workshop levels and what previous level is it there isnt any levels before that DarkFlow fix pls

Still can’t roleplay as a Lend-Lease tank squad in Stalingrad without getting blasted by Tiger 2 (P) every time i spawn into my M3 Medium… What a waste of silver orders.


Probably weird protos they could also add to main tech tree at this point.

Not sure if it’s been listed already.

But research in the merge is Delayed. After getting out of the match, it shows the previous progress and won’t update until either you accept an item somehow (buying an item or from the battlepass/task/event).

Also, unsure if this is intended, but you can’t purchase researched weapons until researching EVERYTHING before it, not just the weapon before it. This is mostly relevant to people who played before the merge, but it will also be an issue in the FUTURE as more weapons may be added between existing ones.


There are differences between writing nothing at all and get ignored and writing something and get ignored.
Because first one did nothing and deserve nothing, the other one did something and deserve better treatment.

At least I can imagine a higher success in actually listening at written feedback than… not listening to not written feedback.

What are you talking about?
Support for merge was there or at least the people for the merge bothered to actually write on the forum. The details are the major issues which did not get resolved beyond moving away from map preference mm.
And all things considered, what were the options?
Dead-end campaigns or historical BR?


all right after playing a couple of matches I can say that…its like throwing a dice it can be either a great example of what the merge was supposed to be or the best example of every single terrible decision made by now but before I list my pros and cons I will say that if by now you didn’t know about the merge or didn’t expect it and you are mad about it, is not the developers fault but YOURS, you had a year, several devblogs, 4 test servers and a final notice that you couldn’t take the time to read any of that is your problem and the ‘I have a life’ is BS because I have one too and even I knew it…having said that lets start:


  • the idea itself, the idea itself is good to instead of separating everyone and having to give every “campaign” content, instead you have an unified tree where all the weapons are available to get whatever you want

  • the currency, while I will miss orders I feel like having an unified currency is better to avoid too much of something you don’t need

  • upgrading in general is cheaper which is nice

  • low BR weapons are rather cheap good for beginners or just if you want to go play BR1

  • the camo options for the different maps and conditions has a lot of potential for customization

  • matchmaking was long needed and finally is here which is great because that means beginners no longer have to be stomped by whales and high level players


  • the execution of the idea, is just bad honestly but at the same time I do get this was literally the least worst option for legacy players, it was either this or delete every single squad that wasn’t gonna be relevant anymore losing everything on them but at the same time they could have provided a better sorting system(even if this is only gonna affect legacy players)

  • silver gain is ridiculous, after literally carrying the team to victory and being on first place the reward for this is 1,200 silver coins, is just nonsense and a joke receiving that little for actually trying to win, and that was with a win, first place and 4k points plus battle hero…you can imagine the amount you get for losing (200 coins)

  • the 5 BR is probably not enough and is too cramped to accommodate so many vehicles and ends up leaving very thin lines between underpowered and overpowered, so probably a 6 BR system would be better suited which can help decompress BR 3 and 4 and leave room for more mid tier stuff and beginners before they start facing semi autos

  • matchmaking currently is pointless, the whole point of the merge was to protect the beginners from getting stomped first thing in the morning so why on earth BR1 can face BR3? who thought of that? who was this delusional? that defeats the whole dang purpose of the merge, it should have been BR1 only facing BR2!

  • After playing the Pacific I can say that is just trash honestly, british paras, crusaders, churchills, spitfires with cannons(BR2 BABEEEEE) maybe locking british tanks and aircraft to tunisia is better for now because is just awful, I don’t mind the regular shermans reallly I mean it was expected at one point(except jumbo)…but about paras IDK in general I always will defend that their inclusion in the game is the worst thing that could’ve happen so meh

  • no preferred maps button for those who didn’t want to go around on all maps, I personally don’t care but seeing the complains about this well maybe it should be considered

  • Japan is just screwed honestly, at this point the only hope is that some vehicles gtfo of the pacific where nothing can counter them but we will see

Honestly, was I dissapointed? perhaps but at the same time I kinda expected all of this to happen because it was too much work to do and it was better to just release it and then release constant updates to fix it, I will keep playing the game, but I look forward for the future fixes and stuff like that, BTW I didn’t mention more specific stuff like cosmetics or model bugs because I feel like the core gameplay is the most important part, so yeah good luck…such long comment


Tiger in Stalingrad. That wasn’t supposed to happen


So… Personally, I completely understand why the developers made this decision and merged the campaigns. I had no problem with it, and at this moment, I was even looking forward to it. On the other hand…

I must say that everything possible is as confusing as it can be… Navigating through all those squads, from all the campaigns, is truly hell… And finding specific equipment is an even bigger challenge…

The tech tree, in my opinion, is unnecessarily complex and unclear. Since the developers switched to War Thunder-style games, they could have made 1:1 tech trees, which would have been a good decision in this regard… And perhaps separating weapons from combat techniques would be divine…

And as for the gameplay itself… It’s really bad. Firstly, my favorite playing with Italian squads equipped solely with Italian weapons is completely messed up. The only paratroopers are at level 4. The range of weapons is BR 4 or 3, while Tunis is 1-2, and it’s the only possible map where I can play as Italy in Italian uniforms… Otherwise, it never put me into Tunisia even once. Instead, I play as “Germans” in battles where BT-7 and T-34-85 are next to each other. In the end, the only most historically accurate game remains with the Japanese, and it will probably be the only nation I play until the game gets sorted out, hopefully. Although, of course, that also has its flaws, like the British, who don’t quite fit next to the Americans and should probably be separated in the future.

Why not add ai in high level br ????? Have the production team themselves bothered to experience how strong the combat is now? We want to have a relaxing time after work, not another job, so that we will be more willing to charge money in this game because we get pleasure. The production team and the players should be a partnership, we benefit from each other instead of looking down on each other like enemies every day . Why don’t you try to communicate more with the players instead of just looking at various stats. I love this game and I hope the production team does too.

Use the filters in the top right hand corner. I have 100+ axis squads, and I just used the filters to get the setup I wanted.

I’m confused, you can’t bring snow camo to Tunisia or vice versa. It’ll switch to either the standard German uniform or the desert variant, depending on the squad type.

I spend 2 hours just to try to make one faction.
I understand why there is an event: to force the vet to play instead of optimizing stuff


Yes, without the option to choose the campaign I feel like someone just made a big hole in Enlisted. It Does not feel right. Every campaign had it’s own style of gameplay and I had my own optimal lineups of squads for each campaign, knowing that fighting in Stalingrad I will need more rapid-fire SMGs to clear out buildings and gave all soldiers TNTs to stick to tanks, whereas playing in Moscow I knew I want to use long-range snipers, strong semi-autos and infantry landmines, and explosion packs for tanks instead of sticky TNT. Now I feel I lost control. The gameplay is not satisfying at all. I loved the perspective of unlocking many different squads and optimizing them in each war theatre.
Not being able to choose the maps and being thrown to totally different places at random has always been demotivating me. And I loved playing on a good map twice in a row. Now it’s gone.


I agree with your statement because it is now impossible for me to play my soviets all I face are maxed german squads with flamers, FG 42, MG42, and tigers. It feels like I can not even play the game anymore as my soviets.


Yeah, bot teams were never something too bad for me. Just motivated me to drag my friend into the game because I understood that playing together we will have a much batter chance of winning, even if 60-70% of our team are bots. And If I played alone, ending up on the first place (because of so many bots on my side xD )and lost, I was still calm and satisfied because I knew I did all I could. also, nobody was stealing my kills :smiley:
Losing the ability to choose a campaign is much much worse for me than playing with bot teams. And I know it cannot be escaped, whereas before I just kept feeling that Enlisted will grow and eventually all the slots will be filled with real people. Frankly - this merge is a frantic move. The test sessions were too short, too little was fixed, too much was neglected and broken (Tunisian A-20 that I grinded for disappeared, my Calliope does no damage to Japanese huts with 114 mm rockets, the research tree was only available during those test sessions, soldiers nationalities are now meaningless because they are not tied with war theater, and we cannot even choose them, and when it comes to such a major overturn of the whole game system, announcing the date would be definitely a fair move in order not to completely destroy the plans for unlocking certain squads).


research are not updating after battle please fix it. keep having to restart every time to updated it getting annoying image


how can you say Berlin is more chill than Normandy after the merge ?
there is no Berlin nor Normandy anymore. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: