⭐ Meet the new Enlisted!

Next time, read more cry less, Tier III is either going with I-II or IV-V, depends on which game will be found faster, go get Tier II and you will have what you wanted.

I think this silver system is great, I bought everything I wanted and still got 66k silver.

Tbh automatic and semi-auto weapons replaced bolt-action rifles at the end of WWII so its kinda accurate, I don’t feel like its CoD, I wouldn’t play this then.


You are right, that sucks, although you can enjoy the game after you finished the squads and tbh I haven’t bought premium and won’t until they are greedy af, but you can enjoy the game without it!

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Is it possible to receive some gold now and more gold + additional slots later in the week? Or is it the case that players are always refunded in 1 go?

Im just wondering if i should wait before buying more slots and if i have been fully refunded.

More gold yes, it’s possible, but you won’t get extra slots

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Thats fine thanks for the clarification.

Tbh, premium account is extremely cheap in this game. During sales it’s 2k golds for year. Definitely not greedy in this matter.
Slots on other hand is complete different story…

Premium is not expensive, doesn’t equal that they are not greedy, there was/will be a lot of examples about their greed dw

Enlisted scammed me. How to get a REFUND for $30 Stalingrad package?

I payed $30 to play Stalingrad with 7 Squads, 5 infantry + 2 vehicles, if I remember correctly.
This game feature has been deleted months after I payed for it. No recompensation. I can’t join this battle with exactly that army of 7 squads that i PAID for.
How can I get my money back? Sue Gaijin?

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Everyone can be considered greedy. That’s extremely subjective.

Stay tuned and you will see or just read the forum from previous updates and all

hi all,
The thing i don’t like in this update is that ypu can’t choose campaign anymore, please bring it back.


This is not entirely true, multiple players have been reporting get thrown in T5 games while playing T1&2

That’s not true at all…

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Welcome to the forums bud :+1: please feel free to share your thoughts qnd experiences of Enlisted here


I not give another warning keep the discussion on topic and civil

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How about making New Merge actually viable before pushing it out of the window? I can legit fight BR1 players with BR5 gears, unless is intended then good job Devs, you killed any potential to get new players in this game, aside from the dogwater economy and the extra time to grind even the first unlock

And by “stadistic” card, I hope you remember the day when they announced that plane nerf fiasco that got pulled out due community backlash, and the reason they made that shitty change is due “player stadistics” that they never even dare to reveal the source of that claim

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Wait a moment how is that not on topic?

Fighting br1 while having br5 is somewhat believable. If the br1 guy forgot to remove any tier 4 or 5 gear that is. Or wants to make things more difficult. If not, (like i had yesterday) it should not happen. But it still does for some reason

I can confirm, i figthed a pz4j in a BR2-BR3 battle

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It feels more like CoD now than any other time. Not because of historical accuracy horse shit or anything like that (who cares). But more because it’s turned into just run die, spawn, die, greyzone camper, die, spray and pray, die. Like it’s legitmatly boring. I’m taking a break personally to see if this bullshit passes after a week or two but the game play has suffered and if people are going to play like CoD at least just play CoD cause at least CoD’s gunplay is better polished, graphics are better, and doesn’t feel like such a clusterfuck 3/4 of the time.


Gratulation n1 Update, the Game is broken! lul.