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You can find all soviets in Stalingrad farming with pps42.
DF just managed to make Stalingrad even worse for Axis as it was.
The only way for Axis to win in Stalingrad is getting BRV guys with Königstiger and StG44.

Almost all of European Axis BRV matches I had were in Normandy, except for 1 in Stalingrad.
1 out 20 basically, it’s seriously broken.


All soviet mains are doing this because tier 5 germany is broken and no fun to play against. Even more so for u.s. mains like myself.

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I really want to play normandy and use all my cool equipment, but not with this BR crap. If I still play the game at all I’m going to do the same thing as the soviet mains and be as toxic as I possibly can in BR 2. Might actually have some fun again.


Pz IV J is BR3.
Always see it in Stalingrad with my Soviet BR2 lineup.
Needless to say, Pz IV J didn’t even exist when Stalingrad happened.


Bring back to the old system. This new one sucks.
The disparity of equipment has not changed, if anything it’s even more prevalent. Tiger IIs against M13s and other starter tanks, the ratio of good teams vs bad teams is now even worse.
Nah this isn’t a success…we can’t even pick our campaigns and we have to guess and mismatch equipments just to even get near the campaign we want.


I have said it before, this mixed up thing called “the merge” is unappealing for veterans and for new players as well, but if the supporters of the so called “update” have this kind of beahivour “there are a tons of problems with this update but you have to pick the only thing that’s good in it…” we are lost.

Another extremely disturbing thing is the silence of devs and com managers, since yesterday.


I’m not one to defend the merge, but how do you meet Tiger 2 (BR5) in M13 (BR1)?
That’s impossible now, unless there’s a bug or you forgot some BR3 weapon on someone.

Apparently it’s been happening, hasn’t happened to me but I’ve seen it here on the thread. Not sure if it’s a matchmaker error or matchmaker trying to fill lobbies

He likes to close everything slightly against DF.

I am a Germany main - I’ve finished Berlin and was close in Tunesia, but I doubt I’ll enjoy it now. 70 squads, lots of good weapons, that I physically can’t use at once, because I have 4 squads, and not 20. 5 kinds of basic rifles, lots of repeated squads, anything I use being a V tier. I liked Berlin, because I had overpowered weapons, but it was nice to play Normandy or Moscow sometimes, with only simple rifles and a few pistols. I also took parts in events and invested a lot in Tunesia (not real money, only event and golden order weapons) I had a strong army, which now is tier V. While it was very good in Tunesia, they are thrown in Berlin now, where they are not powerful at all


Okay I still don’t get the presets thing:

If I am playing Germany BR5 and then I want to play Germany BR2, I need to strip all my BR5 squads’ soldiers (let’s say paratroopers) off their grenades and mines and pistols and re-add them all to other squads and soldiers who will be BR2?

I can’t just click “change preset” and play BR2?

It actually looks like you need not 20, but 20x3 mines, pistols, medkits, etc. to be able to just switch squad presets… how stupid :man_facepalming:


I have finally set up my three tiers, why does a gun on crew affect my vehicle BR, my t34 was br4, changed weapons now BR3…

Also empty squads with filler Riflemen looking like BR1, in reality they are not, especially when talking about specialist squads…

As for perks, not sure how new system even works, assuming one day I’ll understand it! (If still playing)

BR3 against br5 unfun slaughters, no point playing BR3 imho, low Tier gun, high Tier team dependent.


Well Ican honestly say the Soviets and the allies made this hell with all of the infinite scaling of power creeping

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I knew this update would be absolute hot garbage


Did they add Gold to your game account?

It’s new and I still have to figure things out. It’s weird having 10000+ gold now in my account again.
Now I don’t know what to do with it (buy plants, tanks).

It’s not easy to set all the Battle Rating stuff up to actually get a match you would like to enjoy.
I don’t get how to apply a BR filter to see what fits what and what maps will be there.
This should be in the game somehow. Not just in the news articles.

It feels uncomfortable.

The game itself is still fine.

P.S. please add adjustable gunner sights.


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Also I wonder how are they going to repair weapon research for squads. As for now I have around 5 squads which can upgrade Kar98k from their tree. If you unlock it in one of them, it’s unlocked in all other, which means you can use it to your advantage and exp a weapon with engineers and not radiooperators e.g. but theese points, levels, and whole squad upgrade trees are now cursed

fair and balanced gameplay))))

Come on. All that i faced were bt-7’s, t-70’s and early t-34’s at best in my tiger. We just stomped the russians too easy like this. I know the update is f*cked, but this is just redicilious. Not even fun anymore


you certain those were the replies? cause i dont remember anyone saying that.
what people wanted was some balance and not pz2 vs t34 or stuart vs tiger which ironically we still got with new MM.

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I find the sorting of weapons, equipment and perks confusing and difficult to handle. I can’t cope with the new version at the moment.
Why do I need a minimum number of soldiers in a squad when I put them in reserve? Or for example, where has my good engineer gone, where are my good weapons? I always have to take squads out of the reserve, search them and put them back into the reserve.


Come on, you can’t honestly be blaming the players for the devs butchering this update. You say that as if the devs are listening to any of the heavily liked posts regarding campaign selection being returned.

Also, they clearly listened to you because of your bug report regarding customization being closed, right?

Not to mention, didn’t they also promise improvements to custom games months ago?

I mean, you over valued the merge at a 7.5/10 in your review, but the negatives over amount the positives by like over 4 times. Plus you note only one of the negatives were the reason for the deduction, not the multitude of other reasons.