⭐ Meet the new Enlisted!

there is big difference when there is human player in squad of bots and when there is full squads of bots without human player.
most of the shit games people had is cause one team had more human players than other leading to one side completely dominating the other.

people were just making one side of campaign enjoyable for the price of making other side completely shit experience.


I still believe the ranking system is to blame for that. The thing literally encourages team wins over personal achievements, so it’s easier to flock to the team that wins more.

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ffs this wouldnt even be such a problem if they didnt completely butcher the merge. it wasnt anywhere near ready and they launched it despite feedback that MM completely sucks with only 2 queues (amongst many other problems).

a lot of things were promised and a lot of things werent delivered.

ranking has nothing to do with it. even before ranking you had big side disparity making e.g. normandy axis breeze to play when i did grind there while normandy allies was hell cause all of the veterans were on axis.

simply side disparity makes game shit.

Oh shit, after all this time you finally joined our side of the team? Hey, do you remember when I reminded you guys that the same dev team that couldn’t fix the AI or the Bipods probably aren’t going to release the merge without a multitude of problems. Then I was completely dismissed as if I said something stupid? Well, here we are.


Why do we have to pay silver for squads that we unlocked before the merge?!

well i said i was willing to give them benefit of the doubt till proven otherwise. i was proven otherwise. this could have gone much better if they had better communication and listened to feedback. forcing merge with negative feedback test version was utterly stupid.

anyways i put it all here.

The ability to select which map you want to play is though.

At least you have the guts to admit it, so I commend you for that. There are some people that I argued with months prior that are still hardline defending it, as if they’re getting paid to do so. I would have liked the comment, but my social credit score has expired for the day.

cause devs made a shitshow and didnt listen to feedback.

new tech tree squads are combination of different squads from different campaigns. so if you e.g. have p38 unlocked in normandy, you must unlock new fighter 3 squad cause there isnt fighter 3 squad in normandy. or e.g. default assaulter 2 squad and weapon you unlocked is from tunisia and you have assaulter 2 squad/weapon from moscow etc.


like i said i still believe in merge… if done correctly. this was anything but done correctly.

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It’s all but impossible, trust me, seen it. Battle of Normandy, we were attacking. Hell I killed one with my Tiger 2. If there’s a recording, feel free to watch.

I wasn’t opposed with the core concept of the merge either. It’s just when each announcement made everything worse and worse, alongside them ignoring all feedback that didn’t already correspond with what they actually planned on doing, wasn’t helping me be optimistic for a good outcome.

I mean, it’s most definitely a conspiracy, but I believe the 2nd test (which was their soft rule immersion test) was implemented so poorly intentionally so that they could completely disregard it.

They could have unified the tech tree, allowed shared inventory and/or allowed each squad to make a loadout (like the preset system combined with the outfit system) so you get that certain loadout whenever you load into the map, thus keeping immersion.

That wouldn’t solve the multiple other issues that people had with the merge though, like regarding map selection, which seems to be the most liked criticism throughout this thread.

I have just researched the tiger 2 and when I want to buy it this message pops up. Can someone tell me what is wrong? Thanks

I’ve tried for 2 days and I am exhausted and tired… Fck it. From the most beloved game during the last 2 years(alongside Planetside 2 several years ago) this new version of enlisted is a major upset… Won’t buy any Gold, won’t buy any premium (I have 1y upfront prepaid) and won’t recommend to anyone anymore… You’ve killed tha game guys. It’s simple as that…


Maybe they want to kill the game, there is something that we don’t know, there isn’t a proper Update post on the Major updates section. I wouldn’t be surprised if they want to quit on this game to move money to another franchise, at the end of the day we are a few players, they can lie with numbers made up about server connection but they can’t deny that the game is dying at fast pace and you can see it on the matches, now you are 85% of the time on a map you don’t want and a mode you don’t like, there is a bigger number of deserters as well, more bots at the end of the day.


Why am I being forced to “research” in order to unlock enlisting classes that I already had unlocked? This is absolutely ridiculous. How long does researching take?

Glad I held off on spending money on this game. Kind of figured the infamous “merge” update would not work out.


our squad of 6 people definitly did leave. there’s no point playing if it’s not fun. let’s just hope that they do something about it, it’s a shame to loose such a good game


Don’t worry, we know Devs can always makes things worse somehow lmao

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Instead of playing the game, I’m browsing the forum here. my first day without playing Enlisted after almost two years. I now lost the goal in this chaos. Where is the next level?


Update: I figured out the research thing. Because I only ever played Normandy pre-merge, I did not unlock the first squad in the AT lineage. Therefore, I was forced to “research” that squad to get access to purchasing an AT gunner, ever though I had unlocked a significant number of other squads in the AT gunner lineage. Additionally, once I did unlock the first squad, it was two matches before the system showed it as unlocked and allowed me to purchase the AT gunner. Kind of wonky. They should probably fix that. I was well in to the 20s on both Normandy Allies and Axis in the old “progress” format.