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BR5 Soviets are completely unplayable you get matched against 3 esport tryhard gamers + cheaters that kills you through the wall (ofc certain group of asian players that you can’t name also will be there for both groups), while your team is just running around and get gunned by them constantly without doing anything. Yeah that’s a desertion.

^ our tank just went on a trip around the map, while enemy tank keep protecting mid point yeah screw BR5 soviets, they would lose the war if they had so many idiots in their army.

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Anything at br 3-5for Soviet and likely most of the time yanks is unplayable

A huge problem with the merge is that it didn’t fix the clans stomping.
Whenever I get a match, the first thing I do is scan through the enemy players then allies for a clan, if there is one then the match won’t be fun at all.

Groups seriously need to start fighting each other.




Remember guys, referring to ‘cope’ is immature, unless you’re CaptainSebekel in which case it’s totally fine.

Remember guys, calling forum users bad is an awful thing to do, calling non-forum users bad is totally okay though.

It’s actually insane you can’t see the irony in what you are saying. Everything you’ve said, everything you’ve done, completely 100% proves everything I was saying about the chronically online forum users.


Lets call it “refering” because a lot of people use clown faces for refering.


I know, just refering. Completely normal.

How do you scan for a clan/stack? Other then guessing?

You do know… what clowns do right?

They do jokes and funny stuff…
and you know people say “i’m dead” when there’s jokes, i.e the skull…

thus it’s not out of place at all in a comment making fun of those who just reply ‘cope’…

Again, we just keep going around and around in a circle exactly summarising my points.

Instead of normal human behaviour, i.e discuss the root cause of issues, you’d rather just discredit the other person by talking about their emoji use…

again… do you really not see the irony in what you’re doing? because there’s no way…

What?! Another german main complaining when they have the best gear in game by a long shot


Since i dunno if you are collecting feedback in that thread i will post it there:

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Played with some friends tonight and they won’t bother to post this as they’re very casual players, but one of them (account name: jubjubman8) didn’t have his soldiers go to 5 stars, still stuck on what they were before. Screenshot from him here

Are you convinced now?

Bring back the Campaigns please.


that soldier is a tanker II : tell him to make sure he has leveled the red line of upgrades in the squad that has tanker II.
leveling the red upgrades open new empty stars (you have to fill em with combat experience afterwards)

They had like 6 times more idiots as cannon folders IRL though…

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Germans has all the disadvantages against Soviets in BR2, and getting clapped by KV1 if BR3 decided to drop in…

BR5 is not that much a safe heaven due the chance of getting the sweatiest match of your life, but you get to use its full potential thanks to the soviets abandoning Berlin before merge so anyone and their grandmother can get a Tiger II lmao

The funny BR thing only works for BR2, BR3(50/50) and BR5, in between you are pretty much fighting at disadvantages except soviets


The truth is they ruined the game with the merger of campaigns, which was the most striking thing (each squad in its historical action theater) but this… ruins the game. The rest is fine but merging campaigns is horrible!!


The merger of campaigns was definitely the worst idea.


I don’t understand the battlerating thing, in Normandy I saw a tiger and a British a13, how can I hurt it with an a13? The merger of campaigns is a SERIOUS MISTAKE