Queue Filter Please

Queued 5 times and I got conquest once and confrontation 4 times in a row. Guess I’m not playing today if this is how it’s gonna go.

Not going to lie, I don’t understand suggestions asking for the ability to select specific gamemodes, maps etc.

That’s just going to make the playerbase even more split.

With the ability to select gamemode, you’ll find not only is the playerbase split in 3 by servers, then 6 by campaigns, than 2 by factions, but by a further 4 by gamemode.

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People like play only invasion is not a big deal, moreover it mean mode like assault are empty and People can play their pve

“People like play only invasion”

People who want the ability to pick exact gamemodes say “Why should I have to play something I don’t want to play?”. Interestingly, reverse that to be from the perspective of those forced out of the dead gamemodes and what do you get? “Why should I have to play something I don’t want to play?”.

It’s just pure hypocrisy: “Add matchmaking, I don’t want to play Conquest - I don’t care if that means Conquest lovers now need to play Invasion to do PvP”.

In fact, I personally prefer Conquest over Invasion because if your team is dogshit, the match is over faster.

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Is not Ipocrisy you can ask the forum if people can choose what game mode play, the other mod become empty

I dont care, remind only you are playing a pve in conquest with the absurd desertion rate that mode have, so it change nothing add a mod filter for make player avoid here

“I don’t want them to force us to play a gamemode I don’t want to play; and I’ll do that by forcing others to play gamemodes they don’t want to play.” Yup, that’s hypocrisy.

“I dont care”

Personally I don’t really care about those that don’t want to play certain gamemodes. They just need to suck it up, buttercup. Life isn’t fair, and you don’t always get what you want, a ‘bad’ gamemode in a videogame isn’t lifechanging.

" remind only you are playing a pve in conquest with the absurd desertion rate that mode have,"

So the solution to a split playerbase is to split them even further instead of trying to unite it? It just doesn’t make any sense at all.

“so it change nothing”

So it changes nothing? So there’s no point of the devs wasting time creating such a filter system (over focusing on more important stuff), because it changes nothing.

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Yes, cope. Cope with the fact it’s a useless, unnecessary suggestion and that you got proven wrong :clown_face::skull:

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Cope harder, you simply killed the suggestion because you dont want conquest be a desert, so i hope they add a filter one day like in in war thunder, so you end play conquist with only bot and realize there is no difference from before the filter got added because you always played only with bot

you say it like if it’s a bad thing :eyes:

beside, sorry bozo… he is right.

same works for desertion.

beggars can’t be choosers. remember that.
( although i have stopped caring for those who always ask for gamemodes or deserts. but those people should still know better )

p.s. jumping at someone else throat with insults it’s the last route you should take for a conversation…

unless it’s an insult contest. i’ll let you even go first :smirk:

Wy, because we dont like other mods than invasion, i think the problem is other mode are shit designed

  • Conquest is an andless run from A to B

  • Destruction if your enemy star spam granade on the radio you never win

  • Armored train win wo camp more

  • Confrontation is an endurance match

So no we dont we play those and waste our time, and if we can choose we gonna never see this mods again, and even desertion is halfed

Go to read his rant about how Conquest is better and we are ipocrite, not other answer than “cope” are better

Well I’m going to quit the shit game modes regardless. Why play a gamemode I don’t enjoy, doesn’t make much sense. Also, I doubt the devs care much about splitting the playerbase since they launched Pacific

Go to read his rant about how Conquest is better

tf? I never, literally never, said Conquest was better. I said I like Conquest for the fact that if you get a bad team, it’s over quicker. I never said it was the best, nor that others should have to play it. In fact, the exact quote was"I personally prefer". How on Earth you get “Conquest is better for everyone” from that I don’t know.

" and we are ipocrite"

I said the suggestion is hypocritical. Because it is. “I don’t want to play a certain gamemode so let’s implement a suggestion whereby others have to play gamemodes they don’t want to play”. It literally is a hypocritical suggestion.

Well I’m going to quit the shit game modes

That’s just an issue with the desertion system. I’m not advocating for preventing people from leaving or severely punishing them if they do; just saying it makes no sense people who leave a match get more XP (0.7x) than those who finish a custom match (0.2x). With stupid dev decisions like that, no wonder people leave matches.

" Why play a gamemode I don’t enjoy, doesn’t make much sense."

Okay so… if it doesn’t make much sense for you to have to play gamemodes you don’t enjoy, why is it then okay to ask for a suggestion which results in others having to play gamemodes they don’t enjoy? What makes you different?

“Also, I doubt the devs care much about splitting the playerbase since they launched Pacific”

Which is why it’s up to the playerbase not to put ideas in to dev’s heads which’ll only make it worse.

Well it comes down to what the majority of players want to play. If the vast majority want to play invasion or destruction rather than conquest, then why the fuck would you cave in for the minority? It literally makes no sense. I say just add the filter like people want and then the devs can see where the playerbase stands. Your argument goes against the common sense methods of running a game.

I do apologise for the very late reply on this, I took a break from the forums because browsing this place too long genuinely gives you aneurisms with some of the stupidity. Anyway, with that out of the way:

You are the majority? Majority of players aren’t even on the forums, how do you know what the majority want?

Never said you had to ‘cave in’ to the minority. Just not take the option away and hinder them.

" It literally makes no sense." It does though. Let’s say there is 500,000 players. 5% love Conquest. That’s still 25,000 players. If half of those players paid 5 euros each to DF each year, and they stop because Conquest is no longer playable, DF lose 62,500 euros/year minimum. All because /you/ want to play invasion more. That’s 10,000 more euros than the average US citizens’ yearly income btw.

“I say just add the filter like people want” Clearly by opposition, not all people want it.
“and then the devs can see where the playerbase stands” Even more divided than before, forcing them to remove it anyway, thus making it a waste of time to code.

“Your argument goes against the common sense methods of running a game.”
It actually doesn’t though. You can’t keep alienating minorities because eventually that minority will turn in to the majority, and before you know it no one is playing the game. Let’s run through an example, using the alphabet.

Persons A, B and C dislike Feature 1. They stop playing.
Persons D, E and F dislike Feature 2. They stop playing.
Persons G, H and I dislike Feature 3. They stop playing.
Persons J, K and L dislike Feature 4. They stop playing.
Persons M, N and O dislike Feature 5. They stop playing.

Before you know it, those minorities have over time built up in to a majority. In just 5 controversial added features, they’ve lost over half the number of people. Okay, you probably wouldn’t lose people that quick per se, but that’s not the point.

Combine this with the fact Enlisted has poor player retention anyway, after just a few “majority-backed” controversial features and all that’d be left is the super-elitist forum users, of which number barely enough to fill up a match.