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People always had the option to join the forum. Nobody hindered them for that. Merge was announced in news for almost a year as well together with references to the forum.
Its your responsibility to give feedback, not DFs. DFs responsibility is to collect.
Their performance is a diffferent debate but you cant collect non-written feedback.


Join forum, write feedback, then I and most people here care. Why is it that hard to join a forum now which only requires you to play the game two days a week? Im not epxecting that someone should consider my opinion if I dont express it.


The forum isnt a elite scam-club you need to pay for or sth.


The forum has always been a toxic cesspit that most normal players avoid. Just breathing a different opinion here might as well get you executed. It’s no wonder most players avoid it.

When the automatic response to any and all suggestions is “skill issue just get gud”, there’s a problem.


im curious, are you happy with the changes?

Play two games a week is truly elite.

People dont know the forum but know its toxic. Makese sense I guess. But you should know it better I guess
Yes, cope. Cope with the fact it’s a useless, unnecessary suggestion and that you got proven wrong :clown_face::skull:


Please check the game. Why can’t I enter the game at all? I can’t even enter the training ground.

the strongest point on this game
not the weapons.


Mixed, but campaigns are dead and will stay dead.


Then Im wondering why this game didnt die in CBT.


Well done, you can take an old message out of context. Not me poking fun at the average response around here or anything cos i guess sarcasm/fighting fire with fire is illegal now.

I never said anything about the two games a week thing either.

You’re literally proving what I said lol

literally look right below what I said though. There’s a FORUM MODERATOR doing the exact same thing… lmfao you can’t make this stuff up


Remind me to archive anything I post here.

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You mean making fun of gasto saying cope?
Really mature and not toxic.

I dont know what toxic has to do with requirements to join the forum either.
If you dont like people, you can mute them.


You’re literally proving my point though.

I said an opinion which differed to yours, and now you’re just trying to suppress it, pulling out all the stops to ‘disprove it’…

Honestly. Really is no wonder most people avoid this place.

You hunted through my message history to find something to use against me… That’s not normal behaviour.

This is exactly what I mean with “the forums are toxic”. Instead of just discussing the opinion/suggestion directly at face value, people do this kind of stuff. “oh but you said this before, oh but you’re just bad yadyada”.


I feel you but at the same time, Captain does have a valid point. Devs can’t know what people want if they don’t voice their opinions here. Toxicity is easy to ignore/poke fun of.

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are you willing to lmk what your pros and cons are? im curious what you opinion is considering you seem personally offended that people dont like the update after trying it themselves

cause is the only free game ww2 fps shooter :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Saying “no you are wrong because you do the same” is surpressing?

Because whenever someone complains about toxic, he also does it but thats always different.


Then its not really the maps because they suck.


Im just curious what people took nine months to join a forum and write feedback but I dont get any answers beyond toxicity which does not people stop now apparently.

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