⭐ Meet the new Enlisted!

I asked the question first though.

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i dont think they suck
they only need to remove gray area and make them bigger
i dont know
i played this game since the death of Heroes and Genrals. :cry:

I think it actually is a rather high ask. Most people who enjoy something don’t necessarily feel the need to get involved in the development process, regardless of the product. And just as the whole testing and release process shows, the devs are rather terrible at communicating even with this crowd here.

But anyway - there was also feedback to the contrary given. And it evidently made no difference, doubtful that a couple of profiles would have made any difference

There are also other ways. They could for instance poll players directly in the game. Never saw such a poll myself at least.


Except, as I explained, that’s not normal behaviour.

Instead of just discussing opinions/suggestions at face value, people do this kind of stuff. They do anything and everything they can to discredit the other, or put down their opinion/suggestion.

Which, by the way, is exactly what I was making fun of in my post, if you actually cared to read the whole thing and not snip it out of context. If you read the WHOLE thing, you’d know it was actually someone who is now a FORUM MODERATOR who first said “cope”, and I was twisting his words to make fun of it. But I guess that doesn’t fit the little pow-wow “ha gotcha” moment.

And we come full cycle back to here. Disagree with a forum user? He does everything in his power to discredit you, instead of just discussing like normal people, exactly as I was saying to begin with.


Well. You started to discredit the forum but now its unfair?

Making fun of cope is still not really mature.

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me too sir!!!

ive had a long day and im sure everyone else has too, i just want to know if you have any constructive criticism. your question is mostly a statement. it shouldnt be surprising that people use the forum to voice disappointment… many people like myself were originally excited about the update but later let down. That is self explanatory on why they would come here


Been warning people that the Economy is bad, and I posted my Match results, 24mins match, top 2, 5k score and I only get around 800 coins as F2P…

It is rather strange to me how there is any surprise about the level of backlash here, most of the people I associate with expected it. A great deal of players enjoyed this game for certain characteristics unique to it, this update took them away. I expect things to calm down rather quickly like in most other situations of this sort, but who knows with this lot lol.

All this dev time and effort could have been exerted on a better match maker, prioritizing skill, making the unified tech tree, loosening the campaign system, but keeping it in spirit.

I don’t know what those complaining after the fact expect though, I seriously doubt the devs will change much of anything at this point. Every time I see devs listen almost solely to youtubers and discord, this sort of thing happens.

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Why is it a statement to ask why people choose now to say they do not like the update? Maybe they are technical issues like consoles struggle with it idk.

And? So do I and others here.


There are like two YTers left I think.

How would that work?


Please let me know if you solve this problem, I have the same problem and checking file integrity doesn’t help, I hope to be able to play Enlistment faster

HOLLY SHIT! You actually didi it! You actually FUCKED UP THE GAME. My GOOOOODNESS, the balls of Gaijin. You destroyed 3 years of grinding, fitting out squads, ordering soldiers, deciding and MORE GRINDING for uniforms and do that for FIVE campaigns. How the FUCK am I supposed to select 2 vehicles from the 60 possibles that we had before and from the 10 that were active in my army? BUT I am not surprised… I have a question: How can I get a REFUND for my Stalingrad pack that is now D E L E T E D. I had 10ish squads , ready with a button press, to play Stalingrad. You took that away. Is there a refund contact? Thank you very much an ex customer!!!


are you having a stroke? youve just come here to argue havent you? be careful gamer, youre gonna give yourself a hernia.
I asked politely for your opinion on the update a couple times, instead all you do is bicker like a schoolboy. take your mouth breathing ahh elsewhere

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Oh my god, if you’re gonna uninstall the game, why don’t you just do it? Why do you have to announce it?

Stop fishing for validation.

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At least they hid your comment, they outright deleted mine without a single warning or notification… shill gonna be shill right?

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and dont misqoute out of context, that seems to be your go to. in my ive had a long day reply i also mention im sure everyone has as well

And I ask about it mostly politely the same time but nothing.

Could you guys also make presets not a worthless addition especially with new matchmaking?
It should save the gear and guns not just the squad lineup
Why would I take twenty minutes to kit ten squads and save it to make a new tier preset only to switch away and find all my guys stripped again on both of them?


already done.