⭐ Meet the new Enlisted!

I’ve been scrolling through these relies and lol, some of these people are getting abit extreme, lmao.

And you started to discredit all the new voices finally sharing their opinion. Guess no one is innocent here then.

“Making fun of cope is still not really mature.”

Neither is telling people to cope. If they can’t handle such immaturity, maybe they shouldn’t practice it themselves.

And we once again come full circle. Instead of just admitting there’s a problem, twist it to discredit the other person! It’s insane. It just never stops lol

once again, when this is the response you get for posting opinions which differ:

is it really a surprise very few people want to deal with this on a regular basis? Is it really a surprise that when a good portion of forum users act like this, a lot of players just can’t be bothered? Not to pretty much everyone here it isn’t.


Anyone else hearing Michael from the office screaming “NOOOOO” right now?

They killed the game. Spent all day trying to find all my gold guns and stuff. The new system is a tragic failure that catered to the loud minority who just cried and whined. The game is dead… Thanks, Devs.

Well, hello “Hell Let Loose”! Loving the historical feel of that game.


Just kinda how Internet forums work. Most people don’t leave or respond to comments unless they have something negative to say. So naturally, with such a huge update, it’s going to attract all the naysayers.

The rest of the playerbase is actually playing the game.

as a Hell let loose player

Tiger and panter, stg44 in stalingrad its in HLL, its not different to enlisted


I said I dont care what they thought nine months ago because nine months ago I didnt know what they thought nine months ago.
And I dont expect that people care for me when they write and collect feedback when Im not writing it on my own.
Join forum and write feedback. Easy and everyone can do it unless there are technicall issues I am not aware of. There are bad persons around like me, but mute if you want, I dont care.

You are part of issues as I am.
But Im not using toxicity as excuse why people dont feel responsible to write feedback stand on morale high ground and say entie forum except me are bad people.

Ach, Parableb. I think whenever he writes comments on the forum, he starts by calling everyone a troll and DF-puppet because they dont agree with his shitty videos and comments. Doesnt even want to use forum but comes back anyways.
I feel really bad that I hurt this poor man.

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Your communication policy just sucks. A game-changing update is carried out virtually overnight. Why? Just because you can? I don’t know whether it is arrogance, indifference or incompetence that guides you in these things. But that’s fine with me.

That there were some bugs and that the players were simply left alone here - given and shit on, right?

I will first test the whole system on BR 1 and 2 at my leisure. So far the games have seemed really balanced. But there were still some bots as players in the matches (which is probably how it should be and is completely okay for me too.

What I’ve already noticed:

  1. Research points are sometimes credited late.
  2. Boosters that have already been consumed are shown as active.
  3. THIS really pisses me off!
    Why are some aircraft in the Techtree unlocked for me, but not picked up (i.e.: I should now buy them for Silver Coins!) I always picked up EVERY VEHICLE before the merge and wouldn’t have to buy them again now, would I?

All in all, I hope the update turns out to be a success. At the moment it seems like a lot of people here just think it’s a load of crap, but let’s wait and see.

But the whole thing has a taste:
You published it in a completely hasty manner. and now some (like me, for example) are somewhat satisfied and some are completely pissed off.

Have fun and success sweeping up the broken pieces and “capturing the community”. I really and sincerely wish that for you. :wink:


Because they include squads you didnt own before.


It’s been known for almost a year, dawg. Not to mention how they told us it was getting closer and closer during each test. Or the mtx update. The devs have never given exact dates for updates anyway.

Don’t see the problem with the several improvements in the game, and vehicles additions.
The perk tree looks really good.
Even the progression tree looks good at first, but yet have to see how it affects the gameplay, for good or ill.

The real problem that manifest here is the squads matchmaking. One of the main reasons that Enlisted differed from War thunder (besides the infantry) was the specific squads in the specific campaigns. Now one does not have garanteed that you will get the campaign that you want with previous squads, and also harder to tell which were from where.
Mixing the squads from different nations (US/GB, Ger/Ita) from different Campaigns does not sound really appealing compared to how the campaigns were working before.

Hopefully the matchmaking will change.


THX! That helps! So i will buy them. :slightly_smiling_face:

You are not thinking stright. What does that mean? I had 3 super assaulters Moscow, super maxed everything, 2x super assaulters stalingrad, 2x Berlin? 2x Normandy? I don’t even remeber becaus they destrotyed the WHOLE ARMY LAYOUT. So that’s nine Aussaulters squads minimum. I grinded years for that and payed a lot of money. And it’s just fucking gone. Gone meaning I can’t play them as they were set up. I have to DECIDE 2 out of the nine… W T F


You need to unlock their squad, you may have their legacy squad, but not their tech tree squads

8 months to release unbalanced, not fun to play, full of overwhelming squad micromanagement and broken merge, 8 more months to fix this mess or maybe more.

I hope you are proud of yourself DF you haven’t listened to the people in the last two tests, you just launched it as it was released during test 3 into live branch.

PS where is my free premium exclusive slot for each nation?


You just have to equip the right gear for the right battle. So far, all my British stuff is ending up in Tunisia where I want it. It’s not perfect but it’s alright.

Nope. They need to be separate factions. It’s honestly the most disappointing part of the update for me.

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They said it might not happen in the merge update.

I know what well. Maybe it is just a “personal opinion thing”. I dont like (or even hate!) this kind of behaviour. They just could have posted a message today like" : Hey - we are done! We are at the status of releasing the update on Thursday! That would have been 1. polite (call me old-fashioned^^) 2. professional ( Surprise motherf***er! is not my favourite. and 3. would have given some players a little bit more time to read more about this update (e.g. here ) oder do their last "buying). etc. This feeld totally hasted ( my impression)



And finally one thing i forgot to mention in my posting:

  1. “Leveling” the Beretta m38 (BR 1) with the German medic squad is not possible. The squad doesn’t get any XP and therefore no points to improve. Bug i guess?

Everything you just said there completely wraps up everything wrong with the forums, and perfectly summarises everything I’ve been saying.

Doesn’t care about other people
Doesn’t care about other opinions
Twists things to somehow make the other person the bad guy
“oh who cares if i’m being toxic, just block me lol” or you can just stop being toxic… that works too, in fact it works much, much better.

Again, there’s no way you’re actually surprised people don’t want to deal with this nonsense on a daily basis, right?

"Join forum and write feedback. Easy and everyone can do it "
Yes. That is the easy bit. The hard bit comes when 6 or 7 people come swarming on to the post and ‘cope’ ‘skill issue’ it in to oblivion. No sane human being wants to deal with that every single time they post on the forums. So what’s the logical solution? Don’t post on the forums…

Doesn’t help the forum moderators are more interested in censoring negative opinions about updates instead of enforcing the rules and stopping toxicity.

Anyways, good night. I’m sure I’ll log back in in the morning to see this still going


While this is what I would surely try, it is extremely inefficient:
Supposing I want to play with the Axis in Moscow (which was my most advanced campaign), I would have to look for the 4 right squads between MORE than 30 that I have available, and EVEN THEN the matchmaking could still send me to Stalingrad or Tunisia. Like I said before, it’s not appealing since I don’t want to fight in Tunisia with snow camos (just as an example), or fighting in Moscow/Stalingrad
with a desert squad or with a Italian Plane.