Squad presets?

Need some advice here.

I have squads selected with weapons and vehicles for BR X, and saved the preset.
Then I used the same squads, but selected weapons and vehicles for BR Y, and saved the preset.

Now when I apply any preset, I still have to change some weapons and vehicles to get the BR that I want and that I saved.

Imho the idea of presets is that things are…you know, preset, so that I dont have to change anything.
Am I doing something wrong or just expecting too much?
Or presets dont work like this, I cant save the same squad in different BR in different presets?

Thanks in advance.

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Currently no. It’s stupid but it is what it is.

You can save squads A B C in preset 1 and squads D E F in preset 2, but you also can’t interchange soldiers between them or share weapons/grenades etc. which is again stupid.

Basically you need to either disarm and re-arm the whole BR, or have ~60 grenades at any time stored even though in any match you’ll only use ~20.

UPD: alternatively you can have squads A B C for preset 1 and 2, but then you also need to save each soldier’s individual preset to quickly assign low\high BR gear.


I see now there is a different preset for weapons.
That will also work for me I guess.

Edit: this wont work for me, way too much work to manually select a weapons preset for every soldier in every squad.


as veekay putted it,

you can use the same squad in different presets,

but you will have to adjust the weapon each time according to br.
( as… the squad presets only saves the squad position and what squad is being saved )

which it’s both a good and a bad thing.

good, if you are planning to reuse the same for different brs,

bad if you want to use the same for different brs and wanting different weapons.


Yep - just another result of pitiful testing of a major update

This preset for squads and soldiers is complete bullshit. We have more than enough units of each class to form complete battlegroups (with the appropriate squads) for different BRs. Even newcomers will have more than enough units due to the premium units they have bought and the units they have acquired from events. If you combine the squads under a battlegroup you can then select them with a single click and send them into battle without having to select who knows what else first. Something like that would be “Quality OF LIVE!” In any case, I will not delete a single unit that I have painstakingly acquired over the years! In any case, I will not delete a single unit that I have painstakingly acquired over the years! That’s 142 units on the German side alone.

And it feels like spaghetti code at this point, way too many clicks and sub-menus.

What we need is a general “warehouse” with all our weapons, vehicles and gear, and a presets system that simply remembers who should be given what (i.e. the links), so that you could switch between presets with one click and if you need one sniper in each preset you’d only need one sniper rifle per warehouse.

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