Your feedback about last update

it feels like they changed the recoil and sight bounce when you fire feels too CoD now but otherwise, I guess I have no complaints with this patch.

I really feel like a lot of my Premium squads weren’t really worth it.
I feel like they all need some improving to justify the expense.

As examples I will highlight what I think is wrong with my Italian Premium Squads:

8th Bersagliere Regiment: (They need more accurate uniforms) Need to be able to quip weapons in the secondary weapons slot. Right now it is open, but no weapons are allowed to be put there. In particular would be nice to put a shotgun there. Also the squad needs a fifth member who is an engineer. Otherwise, this squad is pointless after you get access to the second assault squad.

3rd Battalion “Tobruk”: (Their uniforms need to be fixed) This squad also needs to be able to put weapons in the secondary slot. It can be limited to specific weapons such as the M1891 or the M1918/Mod30. Perhaps when the trombone gets introduced, that would be allowed as well. It just needs to be available. Also, one or two of them need to be turned into engineers. A premium squad without an engineer is a detriment to your team.

35th Infantry Regiment “Pistoia”: FIX THEIR UNIFORMS!!! This squad also needs access to the secondary weapons slot. Again it can be limited to bolt actions or whatever. they also need bayonets for their Baretta M31’s. Everyone else has bayonets on their rifles. Other than that, this squad is great. The engineer is nice. The semi-auto rifles are nice. I really enjoy artillery as well.

What you like

*less lag and rubberbanding

What you don’t like

  • super laggy even i have the best pc and ping that i can get

What is not too easy to understand

*i pay to play so i expecting it smooth and responsive.

What you like

dont care annymore, uninstalling

What you don’t like

  • that the game is so unbalanced and filled with cheaters

What is not too easy to understand

uninstalling, you patched the game and just hours after its overwhelming with cheaters.

but hey! good luck with the models and graphics and stuff.,…

Pacific is not bad. good in some points actually. but there are a few problems with it.

Pacific has a big-sized map. Wide open areas, and far away from each points. Here comes the problem. After the Bolt action Damage increase, Most of the players are camping and sniping far back, even as basic riflemen.

Decreasing the Bolt-Action damage per distance is needed. Bolt Action’s basic damage itself doesn’t matter, but its Damage by Distance should be nerfed. it would make users to camp and snipe less, and move more forward for the objective.

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-the at rifles are actually capable of dealing with tanks in pacific
-finally a new axis that is not germany (even tunisia has more germans than italians)
-swords and bayonet/sword charges
-bayonets on smgs

-costomization still costs too much of a extremely rare resource
-japanese smgs are way worse than american smgs, the have much less damage and fire way slower (except the mp 28, that one seems good due to the ammo capacity)

don’t understand
-how a bolt action is considered as powerful as a semi-auto (even though i like BA gunplay)
-how a sword is considered as good as a semi auto shotgun

More feedback:

Changed rearm points for low level planes on Pacific


Ka chi no mg for protection, no commander hatch

More to come later…

M13 is useless as an SPAA now thanks gaijin!

A LOT of operation timed out, impossible to connect to servers, conection refused, lagging and more error messages

For the Pacific Campaign and first hotfix:

What I like:
-For the first time, I can play this game simultaneously with my sister playing League of Legends TfT. In the past, the person who got on later would have such lag that the game would be unplayable or we would disconnect entirely. Overall, connection has been so much better!
-Pacific Theater: so often games emphasize Europe and neglect Tunisia and the Pacific. I love to see this theater as part of the game, it is a particularly interesting theater to me, hoping for China down the road.
-Landings that make sense! I like that in this game; seaplanes, land-based aircraft, and carrier aircraft are mechanically required to land on and take off from appropriate surfaces. It makes so much more sense than War Thunder. Unless I misunderstand.

What I don’t like:
-No F4F? I mean, technically F4P is part of the series (I think?), but no 6x .50 cals? I was looking forward to that. Not that I don’t understand or appreciate how absolutely devastating that could potentially be for balance, especially with tanks that have far less armor than Normandy. Still, I hope a proper F4F-3, if not F4F-4 is being considered.
-Katana as an event drop weapon only? You can’t be oblivious to the fact that it is one of the more exciting features players have been looking forward to. Not only is it only available to people that watch some Twitch stream (which not all of us are into, some of us would rather actually play), but if I understand correctly it is still random even for those that do enjoy it. That just seems plain rude. Almost as rude as charging for every single decal.
-LVT appears to have some terrain interaction bugs? This doubles as “not easy to understand” as I am not sure if the jittering is intended, but I doubt it. Certainly some of the areas I have become stuck make no logical sense.

What is not easy to understand:
-There are plenty of things I am still learning about the game in general not specific to this update, I will omit them due to relevance and eventually make a separate thread.
-Is charging bugged, or is there a specific way you have to hit the keys so your soldier actually charges instead of bugging out weirdly?
-LVT appears to have some terrain interaction bugs? This doubles as “dislike” as I am not sure if the jittering is intended, but I doubt it. Certainly some of the areas I have become stuck make no logical sense.

Some more feedback:

Mainly around premium Pacific:

Don’t like

Ka-Chi He and lack of mg, maneuverability is beyond awful, not sure what it was like in real life. (Might YouTube it), can you let it drop its pontoons maybe, for slight acceleration boost.

Both LVT and Ka Chi in water aiming reticle seems to bounce and that makes it hard to use either.

When mounting LMG in pill box thing on trenches, it deploys below eye line.

Some maps, can have enemy firing down with AA at such an angle they can spawncamp, not fun.

PTRS is only placeholder.what weapon will it be?

Cap times for US are a bit fast… I’m sure you’ll balance it out :wink:

Facts. And they just keep adding more Germans. It sucks.

On a related notes. When are you going to fix the inaccurate Italian uniforms? We’ve been reporting it for months and months and months.

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One dislike I forgot: carrier AA is pretty rough when it comes to air battles. Way too easy to just escape a battle that isn’t going your way, the other party has maybe a few seconds to shoot you down or you are home free. AA is also very strong, as advertised. I have been on the benefiting end but this is as a seaplane, I am really not looking forward to trying fighters.

obviously moving them back isn’t great either, as it feels like a fair bit of time is required already just to return. I would prefer an AA nerf to solve this.

I have not played River Crossing as yet, is it high up in rotation? Can’t feedback anything on it, except what I played myself in a custom game against AI.

Ha Go gunner / commander gun does not track with binoculars, as he is not commander technically…

feedback for pacific update.


we know the drill by now.

time to do what my tag stands for.

as usual, i’ll try to be objective as possible first, and leaving in each category something that i then find subjective towards the end.

What i like:

    ( love them all, but i find a bit… overtoned the effect of bullets impact metals of vehicles. the smoke coming out )

  • Pacific campaign
    feels a much needed breath of fresh air. maps are gorgeous and different

  • In the Pacific War and Battle for Stalingrad campaigns it is now possible to customize the clothing of premium squads.

  • Vehicle Decorations
    ( especially bushes locked to only 2 per vehicle. i’m very glad people expressed their concern, and devs acted on it ).

  • new berlin location
    ( even though defender bots get stucked on the first point upper in the bridge near ladders )

  • new actions on tanks
    after a long time, we can finally look with binocles, fire the weapon, use smokes and other things. although, requires a bit of refinement on the hotkeys as some of them conflict with each other

  • all the new UI changes and bug fixes
    there are quite many of them, which its very welcomed, and there aren’t ones that i dislike particularly. all solids.

  • banzai charge
    i really like this mechanic. i didn’t thought this was possible to do in enlisted, but i love those moments of surprise

  • new halftrucks
    as a huge fun of halftrucks, i really like them. can’t wait for other variants ( mainly apc ones ) and for other nations on other campaigns. i feel like the gunner is a bit exposed, but given the issue of hitboxes, i guess that’s understandable. one issue that i noticed though, if you are on foot, near the driver’s door, or co-driver door, you can stab them through the door. that’s… not really okay.

  • aiming mode for AA

  • ability to push boats

  • new editor fixes and changes:
    reindinst favorites section, categories for each reindinst, hit points, sorting modes;
    and all the other features of the editor. i really love them all. can’t wait for creating map from scratch with tools that will allow us to create roads, foliage/trees, and give a different texture to the terrain. but again, very solid and welcome from someone who spends alot of time on the editor like my self.

  • quick fixes after pacific has been released

What i don’t like:

  • MKHBS in moscow and HESCO barriers in the pacific…
    really? aren’t you the guys the same that:

    i know it’s like beating a dead horse, but … you are not helping with.
    ( btw, there are different ways of balancing campaigns. giving stuff that wasn’t there isn’t one of them ) but that’s not historical
    same for hesco barrication
    my attempt to replace them:
    No more HESCO Barriers! ( here is a solution + a "free" map for modders )

  • replay feature
    whether i’m actually very happy that has been introduced, currently, it’s… unusable to say the least.
    putting aside the fact that for some reason it’s on a site, it’s actually difficult to find the match where you were playing. let alone find it across different days. and last but not least, the inability to play back.
    that’s… unironically it’s a huge Drawback.

  • Decorations for tanks
    whether i actually love them, i don’t like them for a couple of things.
    first being, only 4 slots available which 2 for non premium. that is unbearable.
    i’m okey with the fact that you have to buy them ( the decorations). but i find it really bad that you need at least 1 day of premium just to get the ability to place 4 decorations despite the fact that you cannot unlock them. i wished for at least have 6 slots ( like war thunder. the system that has been ““taken”” from after all ) and REMOVE the premium locked thing. for decals it can remain, but not for decorations since, once again, you can’t unlock them and you have to pay them. i don’t see the reason why i should pay to get the ability to then pay and place stuff on my vehicle. last but not least issue that i have encountered, is the ability to place enemy decorations onto your facttion.

  • customization on the pacific
    as a huge sucker for customization, i really hope this is not the way others campaign will be implemented. the pacific’s customization is nothing like:

Soldier clothing customization is available in the Pacific War campaign, similar to the Battle for Stalingrad campaign.

i’ll start by saying that, the preselected outfits with pants, torso and pouches merged together CAN work and… it’s okey. but would work better if it’s ONLY applied onto gold order soldiers ( which would actually justify the price of a gold order soldier given the fact that does not come with max stats ). that SHOULD comes with already an unique appearance which you will later be able to change if wanted. you know, what the gold order soldiers were supposed to stands for:

that is everything BUT the customization available in stalingrad. which even worse, it’s all what people stands against and not what the actual community wants:

because not only you have less choices, but it’s actually more expensive than stalingrad and you get less.
let alone that what you buy can only be used by one soldier, and not in all campaign or to the very least, across the squad.

and it’s sad, because originally, what has been said about the customization was:

i know, and i’m sorry if i’m a bit harsh, but i do genually care about the product, the company, and the playerbase / customers. as i usually try to make reworks and suggestion favorable for both sides.

also i don’t understand why in both S and P the customization still does not allow all premium pieces despite having some within the selection.

anyway, all those issues are somewhat related
which brings me to the next point:

  • update has been rushed
    putting aside my feelings, if i have to look back and being objective about it, this update got way less content ( yet, still more than stalingrad at launch… kinda ironic ). which spawns are a mess, hitboxes on the vehicles a nightmare, and we have AIs clipping left and right in buildings. hasn’t been made better if we take into account only one level for others campaigns unlike for example, when berlin or tunisia were introduced. i guess we could consider premium squads content, but… for how many again?

  • quick fixes after pacific has been released
    making americans in the pacific having significantly lower time of interactions with objectives and gain massive reinforcements i don’t really know if that’s a good way of balancing. but what do i know right?

in conclusion:

for me, personally, it’s a 6.5/7 out of 10.

update good.
but a bit annoyed by the things i don’t like mentioned.

keep up the good work :slight_smile:


What I like:

Muzzle flash on A5M fighter, but also why does it have no bombs, Allies do?

New sounds are amazing, some planes a little tinny maybe, I am not an expert!

Pacific now mid level is fun on either side, nice balanced campaign, people just got to learn to adapt.

What I don’t understand:
LVT1 commander uses binocs, to snipe from water.
Ka Chi no commander hatch at all

Also why does jap fighter start nosediving at high speed if no combat flaps? Is this a feature or bug?

Going to play River Crossing tonight with my clan, so will feedback on that tonight.

What I don’t like:
When ordering AI into buildings, they all group up and don’t space out. Since a few updates now.

Please fix the Pacific Campaign is broken. The AI kills through structures and without line of sight. There is absolutely no balance to the battles as the Japanese lose majority of them. The AA wreak havoc as they are used as anti-personnel turrets throughout the map. There is horrible hit registration even with head shots and being killed by AI with a melee even when behind them is frustrating. This campaign is unplayable, and I cannot play it until there is some sort of balance and structure created for the battles. Nobody wants to play as the Japanese as it is practically a loss even before a match begins.

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What I like:

Played River crossing last night with clan, before issue below, love the map, that first point takes some thought to defend… tanks are helpful, but need people on point too, which means they need to be in cover, any new maps are welcomed (cough Stalingrad)

What I don’t like:

I have again lost my contacts again, people getting auto-rejects when inviting me. I am assuming part of DDOS?

A5M4 fighter seems to need flaps to even pull up from an attack run, this is not at top speed either (logged bug)

I.StG2 still has 2nd gunner removed from upgrades, I cannot use my FW189 as missing gunner

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forgot to mention:

end of the round theme for victory and defeat is a nice idea, although in my opinions feels a bit arcady the ones we got. but more of a matter of opinion.